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H.No.-35, Triveni Appts., A-6 Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063 Tel !"1-#3$6"%0#"# &mail 'D- simranma(aan6%)*

CAREER OBJECTIVE To +tili,e m* -nowle(.e, s-ills an( attit+(e towar(s .rowth o/ the or.ani,ation.

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION 10th passe( /rom 0t 1ar-s 0r 0ec 0chool /rom 2.3.0.&. 14th passe( /rom 0t 1ar-s 0r 0ec 0chool /rom 2.3.0.&. P+rs+in. 33A /rom 5'10.

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION 4 months 6+ali/ication in 7+n(amental o/ 1icroso/t 8or( /rom N''T. P+rs+in. 292!! /rom Aplom: ;<ovt.,e(>

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 8or-e( in a 1ar-3 2ompan* ;1ar-et =esearch 2ompan*> as a Tele 2aller /or 4 1onths. COMPUTER AWARENESS <oo( ?nowle(.e o/ 10 @//ice 1icroso/t 8in(ows 'nternet eAplorer

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Participate( in colle.e activities, eAtempore, (e:ate, case st+(ies etc. Participate( in man* sports activities at colle.e level. Participate( in 2+lt+ral activities at colle.e level. 8or-e( as &vent 2o-coor(inator /or vario+s events in colle.e.

=ewar(e( as a Veet 1o(el in 7resher H+nt in 2olle.e.

PERSONAL INFORMATION:7atherBs Name Date o/ 3irth Nationalit* 0eA -nown Ho::ies 2ore 2ompetencies 0h. Prem 1a(aan 04-14-1""4 'n(ian 7emale &n.lish, Hin(i 0ociali,in., Dancin. D Travelin. Pro:lem 0olvin. techni6+e, Cea(ership 0-ills, Pleasin. Personalit*, &nth+siastic, Har( wor-in.. Declarati !: ' here:* (eclare that all the in/ormation /+rnishe( a:ove are complete an( correct to the :est -nowle(.e an( :elie/.

Date": Place: #SIMRAN MADAAN$

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