Paper Family Planning " Contraceptive Injection "

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PAPER FAMILY PLANNING Contraceptive Injection

Presenteed by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Roudlatul Jannah Shelly Safitri Yasin Siti Munawaroh Suci Anggraini Sulton (130012119) (130012120) (130012121) (130012123) (130012124)

S1 Keperawatann Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan UNIVERSITAS NAHDLATUL ULAMA SURABAYA 2013


A. Definition A contraceptive injection is a shot you receive once every 11 weeks to prevent pregnancy. The injection supplies a cocktail of hormones that suppress ovulation and changes your cervical mucus such that it will resist the penetration of sperm. The contraceptive injection contains a hormone called progestogen and is a long-term method of contraception. It's injected into a muscle and the hormone is released very slowly into the body. There are two types of injection: 1. 2. Depo-Provera provides contraceptive protection for three months (12 weeks). Noristerate provides contraceptive protection for two months (eight weeks)

B. Strength Some advantages of using contraceptive methods include the following injectables. 1. No need to be done every time, only once in 3 months. 2. Injectables can protect women against endometrial cancer 3. It's highly effective. 4. It doesn't interfere with sex. 5. The injection provides some protection against both cancer of the womb and pelvic inflammatory disease. 6. It can be used by women who are breastfeeding. 7. You don't have to think about contraception for as long as it works.

C. Weeknesses Some of the symptoms experienced by injecting acceptors among others. 1. Menstrual irregularities or without menstruatio 2. Headache 3. Nervous 4. Depression 5. Dizziness 6. Acne 7. Changes in appetite 8. Weight gain 9. The growth of hair on the face and the body becomes more dense

10. Hair loss 11. Reduced bone mineral density

D. How To Use Contraceptive Injection 1. Delivery Time a. After childbirth : a day to 3-5 after saline and after breast milk production b. After miscarriage : immediately after curettage or 30 days after the miscarriage (maternal origin have not been pregnant again c. In menstrual period : The first day until day 5 menstrual periods 2. Injecting Lokasi a. Buttocks area / buttocks b. Upper arm muscle area How does the contraceptive injection work The progestogen is injected into a muscle and then is gradually released into the bloodstream. It works mainly by stopping the release of the egg from the ovary (ovulation). It also thickens the mucus made by the cervix which forms a mucus plug. This stops sperm getting through to the womb to fertilise an egg. It also makes the lining of the womb thinner. This makes it unlikely that a fertilised egg will be able to implant in the womb.

E. Picture

Buttocks area / buttocks

Buttocks area / buttocks

There are 2 types of injection

Every 12 weeks for Depo-Provera

Or every 8 weeks for Noristerat

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