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Name: Juliana Mabugat

Main Idea
Directions: Read each passage and ask yourself, What is the author doing in this paragraph? Write your ans er in the summary bo! and then think of an appropriate title for the passage based on the main idea of the passage" #" $ penny for your thoughts? %f it&s a #'() copper penny, it could be orth as much as fifty thousand dollars" %n #'(), most pennies ere made out of steel since copper as needed for World War %%, so the #'() copper penny is ultra*rare" $nother rarity is the #'++ double die penny" ,hese pennies ere mistakenly double stamped, so they ha-e o-erlapping dates and letters" %f it&s uncirculated, it&d easily fetch ./+,000 at an auction" No that&s a pretty penny" 1ummari2e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. Seven decades ago people made pennies out of steel and now these pennies are very expensive and rare.

$n appropriate title: Rare 3ennies /" 4efore you put on that Angry Birds costume and e!haust yourself ro-ing from door to door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on the tradition in hich you are taking part" 5allo een is belie-ed to ha-e come from an ancient 6eltic festi-al dating back some /,000 years" No-ember #st as the 6eltic Ne 7ear and marked the end of summer to the 6elts, so they celebrated on its e-e by earing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bon fires" 8-er the ne!t t o millennia, this primiti-e celebration gre to be candy fueled costume ball that e kno today" 1ummari2e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. Long, long decades ago alloween !egan from the ancient "eltic people to mar# that summer ends !ut now it is all a!out sharing candies and wearing uni$ue costumes.

$n appropriate title: ,he 5istory of 5allo een )" When one hears the term reality applied to a tele-ision sho , one might e!pect that the e-ents portrayed occurred naturally or, at the least, ere not scripted, but this is not al ays the case" Many reality sho s occur in unreal en-ironments, like rented mansions occupied by film cre s" 1uch li-ing en-ironments do not reflect hat most people understand to be reality" Worse, there ha-e been accusations that e-ents not captured on film ere later restaged by producers" Worse still, some in-ol-ed in the production of reality tele-ision claim that the participants ere urged to act out story lines premeditated by producers" With such accusations floating around, it&s no onder many people take reality ,9 to be about as real as the sitcom" 1ummari2e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. %eality shows are sometimes true and mostly they are fa#e so that people wonder if they

really show the life of the characters.

$n appropriate title: :ake Reality 1ho s

(" %t is estimated that o-er t enty million pounds of candy corn are sold in the ;1 each year" 4rach&s, the top manufacturer, sells enough candy corn to circle the earth ("/+ times if each piece ere laid end to end" ,hat&s a lot of candy corn, but that&s nothing compared to ,ootsie Roll production" 8-er <( million ,ootsie Rolls are produced e-ery day= 4ut e-en ,ootsie Rolls ha-e got nothing on the candy industry&s staple product, chocolate" 6onfectioners manufacture o-er t enty billion pounds of chocolate in the ;nited 1tates each year" No that&s a mouthful=

1ummari2e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. &ccording to the 'S people that manufacturing of candy is over twenty million which means that they produce a lot of candies each year.

$n appropriate title: ,he 6andy World

+" 1creech= When a dri-er pushes on the brake pedal, it initiates a process that causes the -ehicle to stop in motion" 7ou literally trust automoti-e braking systems ith your life e-ery time you get into a -ehicle or cross at a busy intersection, but ho does this process ork? %t begins hen the pedal is pushed" $t this moment brake fluid is released into the area here the braking mechanisms are" $s the fluid collects, this creates a le-erage, hich causes a friction to be applied" %f the braking system is functioning properly, this friction ill create a force that ill cause the heels to stop and allo you to reach your destination safely"

1ummari2e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. (he !ra#es of car would help you stop the car !y a friction that will cause the wheels to stop.

$n appropriate title: 4rakes of a 6ar

<" ,here are many types of lethal -enom in the animal kingdom, but perhaps no stranger carrier than the platypus" ,he platypus is one of fe -enomous mammals" Males carry a -enom cocktail in their ankle spurs that incapacitates -ictims ith e!cruciating pain" 1tranger still, the platypus is the only mammal that uses electroreception" What this means is that the platypus uses its bill to sense the electricity produced by the muscular mo-ements of its prey" ,he platypus neither sees, hears, nor smells its prey hile hunting but, rather, pursues it through electroreception" 3erhaps most odd, the platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs rather than gi-ing birth to li-e young" ,he platypus is an odd creature indeed"

1ummari2e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. & platypus is a uni$ue animal that is venomous, it has electroreception and it lays eggs.

$n appropriate title: ,he 3latypus

>" 7ello stone National 3ark is mainly located in Wyoming, although three percent is located in the state of Montana" ,he 6ontinental ?i-ide of North $merica runs diagonally through the south estern part of the park" ,he park sits on the 7ello stone 3lateau, hich is an a-erage ele-ation of @,000 feet abo-e sea le-el" ,his plateau is bounded on nearly all sides by mountain ranges" ,here are /'0 aterfalls that are at least fifteen feet in the park, the highest being the Ao er :alls of the 7ello stone Ri-er, hich falls )0@ feet"

1ummari2e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. 7ello stone National 3ark located in Wyoming and Montana has many aterfalls and it is near the mountains"

$n appropriate title: 7ello stone National 3ark

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