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EE 499: Wireless & Mobile Communications (082)

Dr. Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud

Lecture8:FrequencyReuseConcepts TrunkingandGradeofService(GoS)
Trunkingistheconceptthatallowslargenumberofuserstouseasmallernumberofchannels (orphonelines,customerservicerepresentatives,parkingspots,publicbathrooms,)as efficientlyaspossible. ItisclearthatTrunkingisbasedonstatistics. Thenumberofavailablechannelsinatrunkedsystemisdirectlyrelatedtotheprobabilityofcall blockingduringpeaktime Insomesystems,becauseofhighsystemdemand,callsthatcannotbeinitiatedare o Blocked(callerwillhavetomakethecalllaterwithnotpriorityatall).Suchsystemsare sometimescalledBlockedCallsClearedsystems. o Queued(callisplacedinaqueueforseveralsecondsuntilafreechannelbecomes available).SuchsystemsaresometimescalledBlockedCallsQueuedsystems. TrunkingandQueuingtheorieswerefirststudiedbyamathematiciancalledErlang

What is an Erlang
OneErlangisdefinedastheamountoftrafficintensitycarrierbyachannelthatiscompletelyoccupied Therefore, Achannelthatcarries2callsofduration5minuteseachperhourcarries(2*5min/60min=1/6Erlangs) 1Erlang=1callwithadurationof1houroverachanneleveryhour =2callswithadurationof0.5hoursoverthechanneleveryhour =30callswithadurationof4minutesoverthechannelevery2hours(120minutes)

Grade of Service (GOS)

Thegradeofservice(GOS)isrelatedtotheabilityofamobilephonetoaccessthetrunkedmobile phonesystemduringthebusiesthour. To meet a specific GOS, the maximum required capacity of the system must be estimated and thepropernumberofchannelsmustbeallocatedforthesystem GOS is a measure of the congestion of the system which is specified as the probability of a call being blocked (Erlang B system) or the probability of a call being delayed beyond a certain amountoftime(ErlangCsystem). 1

EE 499: Wireless & Mobile Communications (082)

Dr. Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud


Traffic Intensity
EachuserinatrunkedsystemgeneratesaTrafficIntensityperUserof AU Erlangsgivenby

AU = H

where =averagenumberofcallrequestperunittime(RequestRate),and Forasystemwith U users,totalofferedtrafficintensity A is(OfferedTrafficIntensity)

H =averagedurationofacall(HoldingTime).

A = U AU = U H

Inatrunkedsystemwith C channelswithtrafficthatisequallydistributedamongthem,Traffic IntensityperChannel AC isgivenby

AC =

U AU U H = C C

Whenofferedtrafficintensity( A )>Maximumcapacityofsystemcarriertrafficbecomeslimited duetolimitedcapacityofthesystem. Tostudythetrafficcapacityofatrunkedsystem,wewillassumethefollowingthreeassumptions: A) Therearememorylessarrivalsofcallrequests:allusersincludinguserswhohadblockedcalled mayrequestachannelatanytime.Also,becauseauserhasjusthadacallblocked,doesnot affecthisdecisioninmakinganothercallorthetimetomakethatothercall. B) Theprobabilityofauseroccupyingachannelisexponentiallydistributed.So,longercallshave lowerprobability.

EE 499: Wireless & Mobile Communications (082) C) Thereareafinitenumberofchannelsavailableinfortrunking.

Dr. Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud


Basedontheseassumptions,itisfoundthattheprobabilityofacallgettingblockedinanErlangB systemis

AC Pr [ Blocking ] = C ! k = GOS (Erlang B) C A k =0 k !


Pr [ Delay > 0] =

k A C 1 A A + C !1 C k =0 k ! C

Theprobabilityofacallgettingdelayedforaperiodoftimegreaterthansome T is

Pr [ Delay > T ] = Pr [ Delay > 0] e


T ( C A ) H

= GOS (Erlang C for a delay of length T or longer)

DAvg = Pr [ Delay > 0]


Thefollowingplotsarefor Pr [ Blocking ] inanErlangBsystemandthe Pr [ Delay > 0] inanErlangC systemfordifferentnumberoftrunkedchannels(C).Thesefigurescanbeusedtosimplifythe computationsinmanyproblemsrelatedtosystemcapacityandGOS. 3

EE 499: Wireless & Mobile Communications (082)

Dr. Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud


Probabiltity of Blocking 10 10 10 Traffic Intensity in Erlangs 10 10
1 2 -1 0








1 2 3 Number of Trunked Channels (C) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100

EE 499: Wireless & Mobile Communications (082)

Dr. Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud


Probability of Delay > 0 10 10 10 Traffic Intensity in Erlangs 10 10
1 2 -1 0








1 2 3 4 Number of Trunked Channels (C) 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90100

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