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Lesson plan analysis and reflection Skill: grammar Teaching point: present perfect vs simple past Level: high-beginning

Number of students : 15 What orked ell in your original draft! Why! "n the original draft# the lesson plan has a clear and measurable ob$ective so hat the teacher ants the students to be able to accomplish after the lesson is clearly defined% The content of the lesson is structured follo ing the se&uence of form# meaning and communicative practice% "n this ay# students ould be able to gradually ac&uire the content starting from recogni'ing the form to eventually putting it in use in authentic language environment% (urthermore# " tried to incorporate interesting topics and use e)amples that are true and relevant to the students% (or e)ample# in order to e)plain the concept of * indo of opportunity+# " chose a sci-fi movie that as in the theatre at the time and another sci-fi movie came out in ,--.% /y using the movie posters and a simple sentence 011112 atch3 the movie avatar4 after earth!5# students ould understand the distinction &uickly because it is straightfor ard and a common topic in our everyday life% " believe communicative language teaching is also an essential part of a grammar lesson% 6ence# students need to have communicative e)ercise to prepare them to use the grammar structure correctly in real-life conte)t% What changes did you make as a result of your instructor+s feedback! What effect might these changes have on your lesson delivery and your students+ learning! 7s a result of the instructor+s feedback# " added vocabulary e)planation underneath the article% "f students need to find out the meaning of the ne ords they can look it up at the bottom of the page% Since the focus of the lesson is grammar instead of vocabulary# it could satisfy the students+ needs as ell as e)pedite lesson delivery% 8oreover# under the *formal e)planation+ section# " added an e)tra handout of *irregular past and past participle forms+% "n the original lesson plan# " overlooked the fact that students may not kno or familiar ith the irregular verb tense% 6ence# it should be taught e)plicitly and an irregular verb list should be provided for students+ learning% "n the same section# " incorporated the contraction form of *have+ and *has+ because they appeared in the article and are used in speaking% The instructor pointed out that the students might mi) up the contraction form of present perfect *has+ ith the contraction form of present progressive *is+% (or e)ample# *6e+s+ could be the contraction form of *6e has+ or *6e is+% "n order to help students distinguish the difference# an e)planation is added in the lesson plan and follo ed by oral elicitation from the students to reinforce learning% "n terms of coming up ith e)amples in the class# the instructor advised us to think beforehand instead of making them up on the spot% While the e)amples should be true and relevant to the students# e also ant to ma)imi'e the chance to elicit response from the students% (or e)ample# under the functional e)planation section# " asked students if they have been to any restaurants

recently% The chance of getting a positive response from the students is greatly increased because eating out is a more common and fre&uent activity e do in our daily life compared to other activities like traveling or going to a concert% /y using the appropriate e)amples# students have more opportunity to practice in class and use their personal e)perience to ans er the &uestions% Taking the instructor+s feedback into account# " have learned that an effective and successful lesson plan lies in the details% Whereas the overall structure and se&uence of a lesson plan are also of e&ual importance# the nuts and bolts therein could serve as a determining factor hen e $udge the &uality and effectiveness of a lesson plan%

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