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Observation Report

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Name of Observer_Wang Zhao____

Observation -nvironment

Observation # __2_
Class )eacher 7evel#Number Beg.#8nt.#!dv.& Beg. (oung learners& #

(include URL if the class was online)

Class ,*ill#Content

9#:;#: https/##www.(outub %arts of speech ; v<Ou1=cff>?@w Focus on relevant areas from the What Can Be Observed handout. Notice how the teacher handles these areas during the class. O
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Familiarize students with the correct usage of different parts of speech !d".# N.# $.# !dv.# %rep. %hrase& 'eview and introduce vocabular( associated with the class topic rain forest animals& Notes while observing: )eacher starts the lesson with a song to review the previous lesson. !s*s ss to stand up+ teacher and ss together use bod( language to act out the words li*e evaporation precipitation water c(cle etc. )hen sing the song together with the same gestures. )eacher reminds ss the differences between ,panish sentence and -nglish sentences. .int/ $erbs and ad"ectives in different orders ) points out there are long and strong sentences in -nglish )eacher has a list of vocabular( for each parts of speech !d".# N.# $. #!dv.# %rep. %hrase& on the board+ hand0written on a big piece of (ellow paper ) as* ss to give several ad" to describe "aguar#mon*e(# insects ) as*s more 1uestions based on ss2 answers+ blends in new vocabular( and e3tends the topic. ) calls on a 1uiet student to answer the 1uestion+ she gives a long pause to wait for the student to answer before letting other students to answer instead. ,he as*s the student 4o (ou want an assistant5 !fter !d".+ ) briefl( mentions action verbs )hen she as*s ss the 1uestion / What2s a prep phrase5 ,he has a sample sentence on the board and as*s the ss to read it out loud three times. %oisonous red sna*es eat 1uic*l( on the ground )hen she as*s ss to sing the sentence with the tone of london bridge !fter singing+ she as*s What does the sentence mean5 !s*s ss to use their bod( language to indicate the action verb eat !s*s ss do (ou *now the word 6poisonous in ,panish5. ,everal ss volunteer answer

Observation Report
Forms for inclusion in the Observation Notebook must be typed !s*s ss to point to the color redin the room !s*s ss to act eat 1uic*l( !s*s ss to act on the ground )hen the whole class sing the song again ) as*s ss to create their own sentence )hen she calls on a 1uiet student to sa( a sentence ) writes it on the board with different color to indicate different parts of speech+ she also stresses capital and period ,he repeats the process of as*ing ss to act out the sentence+ for e3ample+ as*s ss to show madl(+ fighting+ or point to (ellow in the room. )hen the entire class sing the sentence. !s*s ss to volunteer their sentence again One s answers small poisonous mon*e(s scratch 1uic*l( in the canop( ) writes down the sentence on the board. ) as*s ss to show where is the canop(5 )here is a tree drawing in the classroom& ) guides the ss b( as*ing 1uestions li*e what2s special about a canop(5 What is it li*e5 ) returns to the sentence on the board and as*s ss 4id 8 forget something in m( sentence5 One s answers big letter+ ) stresses the word capital again. !gain ) as*s the ss to act out the sentence and sing the sentence together ) as*s ss a 1uestion wh( 8 said it is a fiction sentence5 One s answer mon*e(s are not poisonous. )hen t as*s ss what are poisonous in the forest5 ,s answer flowers+ frogs+ etc. )he class moves on to the ne3t activit( of writing sentences. ) as*s ss what does a sentence have5 ) as* ss to write three sentences+ illustrate at least one sentence. !s* ss what is illustrate5 to draw a picture *eep (our english hats on remind ss to spea* onl( in english Aive ss their learning log+ as* ss to write their sentences on the page in there. ) circulates amongst students to answer 1uestions and guide ss to write the sentences.

Observation Report
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(continue on back) What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson? Consider your observation focus, and the theory you have studied in your TESOL classes.

8 have never had the chance to observe or teach a class of (oung learners. 8t is 1uite interesting to see the wa(s the teacher used to engage her students. First of all+ the activities should be fun and en"o(able. )he topic of this particular class is rain forest animals+ it suits the students2 interest well so it motivates them to tal* about the topic and answer the teacher2s 1uestions. Furthermore+ the lesson should involve some action or doing the tas*s. )he teacher constantl( as*s the students to act out the sentence and sing the sentence together. 8t is a great wa( to catch the students attention and chec* for comprehension. !dditionall(+ the teacher uses a lot of realia that are alread( in the classroom. ,tudents can easil( point to those ob"ects during the class. -ver( time when teacher assigns a new activit(+ the direction should be reall( clear and eas( to understand in order to let the children *now what the( are e3pected to do. !lthough -nglish should be the medium of instruction and used mainl( b( the students during class+ teacher should also tolerate or even encourage the occasional use of learners2 native

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language to achieve better comprehension of the content of the class.

What activities/techni ues from this class do you !ant to remember for your o!n teaching "ractice? Consider s"ecific !ays in !hich you could a""ly the techni ues and methods you sa!. Consider your future teaching environment and your students# needs and goals.

8 thin* the activities and techni1ues from this class are not onl( applicable for (oung learners but also for adults. ! language lesson should never be boring or arduous for the learners. )eacher should create a fun and rela3ed classroom environment to engage and motivate students to use the target language. 8n order to achieve this goal+ teachers should use topics and activities that create a need or desire to communicate. )he tas*s could be slightl( challenging but not too demanding. )eachers can alwa(s move from guided to less guided practice along the process. 8n a multilevel classroom+ sometimes it is necessar( to assign different level of tas*s to different students in order to help them improve or engage them in

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class. )eachers should alwa(s encourage students to use chun*s of language. .ence+ it is important to enrich students2 vocabular( and their *nowledge of grammar should also not be overloo*ed.

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