Writing Revision Letter Updated

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Learning how to be a good writer...

How parents can help:

Dear Parents, The most benecial situation for young writers is to have opportunities to conference with experienced writers. Unfortunately, it is difcult to nd class time to conference individually with all students. For this reason, the students will be asking an experienced writer in their lives, a parent, relative, older sibling, to help in their second last stage of the writing process, editing and revision. They are asked to use a color coding system of editing and revising so that they receive credit for their work. Here is an outline of the procedure for your information: 1.) Students write their rst draft in pencil and double space. 2.) Students will revise by adding details and or explanations, removing unnecessary words, and adding more descriptive words, or transition words. This will be done in blue pen. 3.) Students edit spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraphing in red pen. 4.) Students will ask an experienced writer to edit and revise in a third color. The student must sit with the person so that a conversation around the changes can take place. Students must write your name and color on the top right hand of the front page of their work so that your work is credited to you. Your child and I thank you for your assistance. This is an invaluable experience for them! Sincerely,

Ms. Gallays

Writing and Revising

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