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Virgilia Marie M. Soriano 230 Swigert St. Paranaque City, M.M. September 8, 2013 Mr. Reodel Ma ilungan !

ire"tor #nternational Center !e $a Salle %ni&er ity'Manila

!ear Mr. Ma ilungan (ir t and )oremo t, # would li*e to t+an* you )or t+e wonder)ul opportunity you +a&e gi&en me in nominating me a a delegate to t+e ,ema e*'-ational %ni&er ity o) Singapore $.aR- Programme. # in"erely appre"iate all o) t+e "on ideration you +a&e gi&en me a well a t+e "are t+at you +a&e +own in ta*ing me under your wing. #n t+e wee* leading up to today, # +a&e been ent+u ia ti"ally wor*ing toward t+e "ompletion o) my )inal requirement )or t+i programme. / part o) my preparation, # +ad been ad&i ed by my parent to undergo a general "+e"*'up to en ure t+at my +ealt+ would be in optimal "ondition )or t+e long trip abroad. %n)ortunately, my "+e"*'up re&ealed t+at my long'time i ue wit+ ,a"+y"ardia +a wor ened and # now +a&e an irregular +eart rate. # mu t now undergo a battery o) te t to determine t+e true "au e o) my "ondition and en ure t+at # will not be put in )urt+er danger be"au e o) my /nemia. # +ad "on ulted wit+ my parent , pe"i)i"ally wit+ my )at+er w+o i a Pediatri"ian, regarding any po ibility t+at # may till pro"eed wit+ t+e programme. ,+ey ad&i ed again t my departure but till le)t t+e ultimate de"i ion up to me. /)ter a long and arduou "ontemplation, # mu t re pe"t)ully wit+draw )rom t+e programme. /lt+oug+ # eagerly loo*ed )orward to taying in Singapore, meeting new )riend and gaining new e0perien"e , # would not want to in"on&enien"e my el), ,ema e* (oundation, -ational %ni&er ity o) Singapore, nor !$S%, +ould any untoward in"ident ta*e pla"e in relation to my "ondition. 1n"e again, # would li*e to t+an* your *ind o))i"e )or "on idering me. # al o would li*e to "on&ey my +eart)elt apologie )or any in"on&enien"e t+at my wit+drawal will "au e. Sin"erely, Virgilia Soriano

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