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THE EXAMINATION (Describing Animal)

A. Name the animal body part

1. 2. 3.

B. Fill in the blank with the correct form of present tense OCTOPUS The Octopus 1. ________________(be) a sea animal with eight powerful feet which it 2. __________________(use) as hands. The octopus, the squid and the cuttle fish 3. ___________________(belong) to the same family. Their bodies 4. _________________(be) covered entirely with skin. This family

4. 5. 6.

5. _____________ (be) not having outside shells, therefore the body of octopus 6._______________(be) soft. Its weight 7. ________________(be) as much as 45 kg. Octopuses 8. ______________(be) living in the deep ocean. There 9. _____________(be) tentacles in its body. Besides using its tentacle

to 10.______________(catch) food, octopus also uses it to against its enemies.




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