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Asthenosphere Basalt Continental Crust Convection Current Convergent boundary Crust Density Direct evidence Divergent boundary Elements in the crust Elements in the inner core Elements in the Mantle Elements in the outer core Faults granite How does earths magnetic field influence us Indirect evidence Inner Core Lithosphere Mantle

The lower soft layer of the mantle where convection currents take place. dark rock with a fine texture. Thickest crust it is the continents. The circular movement or rotation braught on by changes in the density. The place where two plates come together. Solid outer most layer of Earth. the amount something ways. from rock samples. The place where two plates move apart. Aluminun, Silicon, and Oxygen


Plate Tectonics Plates pressure Rift valley Shape of earths magnetic field Siesmic Waves Temperature and density trends in Earth Transform Boundary

the slow constant movement of the plates powered by convection currents in the mantl. sections of the lithosphere. result of a fource pushing on an area. When a divergent boundary occurs on land. like ears starting at one pole and curving to the other.

16. 9. 8.

21. 15. 18. 24.


3. 23. 13. 11.


Waves caused by earth quakes used to study Earth's inner layers. the hot temperature heats the magma and the closer it gets to the crust the more it cools thus making its density rise makeing it sink back to the core making the less dense magma rise. A place where two plates slip past eachother moving opposite directions.





mainly iron Silicon, Oxygen, and Iron Iron, and Nickle breaks in Earths crust where rock has slipt past eachother. usually is a light color and has a coarse texture. by protecting us from space weather and teaching us that magnets can atract and repell. from seismic waves. Innermost solid iron layer of Earth. Upper solid layer of mantle and bottom of the crust. Second layer into Earth it is the largest and part solid, part liquid layer of Earth. solid solid liquidy solid liquid The smallest crust located under the ocean . Second layer from the middle liquid metal layer.






14. 1. 6.


29. 32.

Matter of the Crust Matter of the inner core Matter of the mantle Matter of the outer core Oceanic Crust Outer Core





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