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Name Age Origin Position Education

: Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad : 69 Years : Egypt : Managing Director Faiza Ltd : Diploma in Tailoring

Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad is the owner of rice wholesalers Faiza company Ltd. In 1964, the Egyptian-born woman has been coming to Malaysia because following her husband. At the time, she was able to master the Malay language and Malay fluently after only three months in Malaysia because of her friendly and sociable with her neighbors. Despite the range of old 60s, she has seven children and a grandmother to 32 grandchildren still actively busy planning strategies to strengthen its position in various branches of business in this country. This mild-Woman was actually a firm woman. She wanted to ensure that the company should be established on the right track once recorded a profit every year. Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad which indeed born in the family who is also involved in the business. Been in the business since childhood, she was the cashier in her father's shop. The experience led her to be seriously involved in the business. After married and having the first son, she followed her husband to migrate to Malaysia. Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad find useful activities that could do to avoid free time alone. She started taking sewing embroidery with RM4 capital and sell a variety of groceries. She also purchase fabrics to make little kids neighbors dress shirts. Then she produced a set of pillowcases. The result is beautiful and neat seams sold to friends. Next, he was dealing encyclopedia set, followed crockery business. Through small scale business, he save money to make the next business capital. Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad not only to Managing Director Faiza Ltd, but also struggling to determine the company's operations run smoothly and to participate in company -owned plants Faiza projects worth RM14 million in Sri Gading, Batu Pahat. Her current success is not easily obtained, but after facing the challenges of a 43 -year career in the business world. She said all efforts is not to gather wealth otherwise to be Malaysia's largest tithe payer thereby helping more people in trouble.

BUSINESS THAT SHE CONDUCTED At the beginning, she was interested in producing curry powder. She bought a variety of spices such as coriander, cumin, fenugreek, dried chillies, cloves and many more for mixing the ingredients to produce fish and meat curry spices under the brand name Bunga Raya. Everything is done at home, from washing, drying and frying the spices. Then, he sends it to the store for blended and distributed. A few years later, she purchased a milling machine and open a retail shop with capital from selling curry spices. From there he found that many rice wholesalers that supplied by other races. She began to learn various types of rice. Then she apply for a license rice wholesalers and sell various types of rice including ponni, basmathi, fragrant rice and Siam rice after receiving positive feedback on his research effort going from one store to another store to get feedback about whether they will buy the rice if she sold it. Customers who subscribe her spices also buy rice from her. At the beginning, he was quite worried saw a trailer truck full of rice is placed in front of her house, but she was determined to try to wrap and use the brand Bunga Raya and send to stores around Johor. Next, her business received response from her customer eventhough received the quiete fierce competition. In the early 90s, the company took advantage of the sensitivity of the community at that time to the way manufacturing and food content. She began to introduce the kind of quality rice category from Kartanaka, India. This rice is a type of rice "ponni". Through quality and healthy products suitable for patients such as diabetics, Faiza Ltd introduce rice "ponni" to the whole Malaysia . His company is now known for its high quality products, made of one hundred percent Muslim and halal. He hoped that the involvement in the production it gives preference to Muslims to get a high quality product and without doubt doubting his legal status. Currently, Faiza Ltd distributes more than 21 brands of rice in the country including the best known, "Herba ponni Taj Mahal" and its subsidiaries, namely Faiza Marketing Sdn Bhd, involved in the manufacture of various types of spices including Rempah Raja Kari, Rempah Bukhari and latest, Rempah Rendang. Now, Faiza Ltd to move forward with diversifying its product range to other products such as spices, flour, mineral water, noodles, chili sauce, soy sauce and salt. Currently, the company has been marketing herbal porridge late last year and got good demand from

customers. For noodles products, the company has ordered a machine from China and the products are processed in a factory in Sri Gading. That factory is capable of producing as much as nine tons of noodles a day, but in the early stages only process five tons of noodles with a sales target of RM12 million for the first year. After more than 10 years of operation, more than 100 non rice products are produced. Earlier this year, the Company Faiza has introduced several new products such as tomyam noodles and soup and honey. To increase the range of products instead of rice output, Faiza company will launch several new products soon. Faiza also opened a retail store Faiza operating since 1972 until now, which is located in Batu Pahat, Johor to sell all products Faiza and several other companies products. In order to expand into the international market, the new products such as a paste of instant chicken curry, fish curry, rendang, beriani and sambal tumis and other products such as soy sauce, noodles, spices and instant ketupat are export to Paris. The main target of the new product is to explore the international market besides the local market. Besides, to expand the product market, the Company will also carry products Faiza non-rice products to Cairo in November, in collaboration with Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and the Johor state government. Furthermore, non-rice products also exported to New Zealand since 2009 and is currently in Sydney, Melbourne, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam through Parkson Supermarket and Saudi Arabia. While for the domestic market, the products can be found at the supermarket Tesco, Carrefour, Billion, Giant, Tunas Manja and Tiong Fat nationwide. In addition, the company also plans to bring products to the European market and the Middle East.


1) Effort Is The Ladder Of Success Sticking to the principle of effort is the ladder of success enabled Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad to success. Through small scale business, he save money to make the next business capital. At the beginning, she purchased a milling machine and open a retail shop with capital from selling curry spices. Now, Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad not only to Managing Director Faiza Ltd, but also struggling to determine the company's operations run smoothly and to participate in companyowned plants Faiza projects worth RM14 million in Sri Gading, Batu Pahat. From her effort, now Faiza has received numerous awards including the best wholesalers in 2000, operational excellence award Padiberas Nasional Berhad (Bernas) in 2001 and a gold award for rice and Taj Mahal by Reader's Digest Super Brand.

2) Where There Is A Will There Is A Way Sticking to the principle of where there is a will there is a way enabled Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad proud of her effort, she might get a biggest profit resulted from spices and rice business. Her current success is not easily obtained, but after facing the challenges of a 43 -year career in the business world. She began to learn various types of rice. Then she apply for a license rice wholesalers and sell various types of rice including ponni, basmathi, fragrant rice and Siam rice after receiving positive feedback on his research effort going from one store to another store to get feedback about whether they will buy the rice if she sold it. She want to be rice wholesalers, and with her effort, there is the way to achieve it.

3) All effort not only to get wealth, but the most important thing is for helping people. Sticking to the value of wealth is not everything, to take care social welfare is the most important duty as a entrepreneur. All effort made by Faiza is to ensure

that she will be the largest tithe payer in Malaysia. She feels that helping more people in trouble is the main objective rather than to get profit and wealth only. Although busy doing business, Faiza set aside some time to do charity work, including holding the position of President of the Malaysian Bumiputera Rice Wholesalers, Chairman of the Islamic Women's Welfare Organisation (Perkim) Batu Pahat. Umno division committee member Batu Pahat (Welfare Bureau chairman) and member Hospital visitors board of Batu Pahat and trustees of Batu Pahat orphans. She has also won numerous awards, including the Wanita Anggun 2005, Tokoh Ibu Mithali Perkim 2007, Wanita Nadi Negara peringkat Johor 2007, a special award Tokoh Guru in 2009 and Tokoh Maulidur Rasul peringkat kebangsaan tahun 2010.

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