Industrial Safety

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Industrial safety Definition: Industrial safety is primarily a management activity which is concerned with reducing, controlling and eliminating

hazards from the industries or industrial units. Importance of industrial safety The danger of life of human being is increasing with advancement of scientific development in different fields. The importance of industrial safety was realized because every millions of industrial accidents occur which result in either death or in temporary disablement or permanent disablement of employees and involve large amount of losses resulting from danger to property, wasted man hours and wasted hours. More ever, from managerial perspective the importance of industrial safety in any organization may be concluded by following facilitation: 1. Treatment: industrial safety management provides treatment for in uries and illness at the wor! place. ". Medical #$amination: it carries out medical e$amination of staff oining the organization or returning to wor! after sic!ness or accident. %. &azards identification. '. (rovision of protective devices. ). *onsultancy: it provides medical advised on other condition potentially affecting health e.g. wor!s canteen etc. +. #ducation: it provides safety and health training. Objectives of industrial safety: ,. to prevent accidents in the plant by reducing the hazard to minimum. -. to eliminate accident caused wor! stoppage and lost production. .. to achieve lower wor!men/s compensation, insurance rates and reduce all other direct and indirect costs of accidents. 10. to prevent loss of life, permanent disability and the loss of income of wor!er by eliminating causes of accidents. 11. to evaluate employee/s morale by promoting safe wor! place and good wor!ing condition. 1". to educate all members of the organization in continuous state of safety mindness and to ma!e supervision competent and intensely safety ninded. 1 safety programmed includes mainly following four #/s. #ngineering: i.e safety at the design, e2uipment installation stage. #ducation: i.e. education of employees in safe practices. #nlistment: it concerns the attitude of the employees and management to wards the programmed and its purpose. Ti is necessary to arouse the interest of employees in accident prevention and safety consciousness. #ncouragement: i.e. to enforce adherence to safe rules and practices.

Safety Organization: Definition: safety organization may be defined as organization ta!ing in the wor! of accident prevention. It means that it has to remove unsafe physical conditions and substitute safety practices in the place of unsafe practices. Essential Elements: the basic elements regarding the safety organization are as under3 1%. management leadership 1'. assignment of responsibility 1). maintenance of safe wor!ing conditions 1+. establishment of safety training 1,. an accident record system 1-. medical and first aid system. 1.. acceptance of personal responsibilities by employees. Management attitude: Top management attitude to wards accident prevention is reflected in the attitude of the supervisory force. 4imilarly the wor!ers attitude is dependent on the supervisor. Therefore, the success of a program for prevention of accidents will mainly rest on the interest ta!en by the top management. Assignment of responsibility: It is of a paramount importance that assignment of full responsibility should be given to some one for safety activities. It is usual to entrust this function to general manager, wor!ers manager or personnel manager but if there is full time safety officer then this function is entrusted to him and he is usually answerable to a top ran!ing officer such as Director or 5eneral manager. Supervisor: The supervisor is the !ey person in any safety program. To the wor!er, he is the management. It is again the supervisor who has intimated !nowledge of the temperament, attitude, sense of responsibility, physical characteristics, s!ill, training, etc of the wor!ers. In other words he has immediate control over them. Therefore, the supervisor is indispensable 6 that is not be set aside 7 in any safety scheme and wor!ers success would depend upon the interest and participation of the supervisor. To achieve the results, management should adopt the method of policy of associating safety as part of good production methods and to ma!e it !nown that bad safety record or poor safety procedure by itself will be as a bad performance by management.

Principles to prevent accident 1ccident prevention is highly essential in an industry, in order to "0. prevent in ury to and premature death of employees. "1. 8educe operation and production costs. "". &ave good employee employer relations. "%. &igh up the morale of employees. "'. above all the prevention of accidents is a true humanitarian concern. "). 1ccident prevention does not occur by itself3 there should be consistent of "+. safety measures and safety programmers emphasizing the need for ",. safe wor!place layout and wor!ing condition "-. safe material handling. ".. (ersonal protective devices. %0. 4afety activities in organization. There are following accident preventations: LE AL: In the industrially developed countries, there e$ist very well defined and highly stringent punitive codes and statutes, which are designe to maintain and improve safety, health and welfare of employed persons. #ven the developing countries have such laws, albeit still in a some what elementary form which ma!e them anachronistic with the re2uirements of modern technology and the hazards generated as a conse2uences there of. These laws at their best only impose a minimum standard of conduct defining them to be the absolute duty of the employer. Traditionally, the safety specialists have been using this legal argument for accident prevention on the basis that by being conscious about the safety or the employees, the employer can avoid attracting prosecution. The economic argument also becomes relevant at this point because of the fines that has been imposed as the result of statutory breaches, or because of the production loss, which may result due to the closure of the enterprise ordered as a punishment for the breach of these statutes. In the same conte$t, employers feel threatened about the image of the company being tarnished and the effect of the adverse publicity received as a conse2uence of prosecution and subse2uent punishment under the safety laws. This indirectly could also impact adversely in the revenues and hence the profits of the company. In the civilized societies it must be remembered, that one of the prime social ob ectives of any company is to gerarate a safe plan of wor! for its employees. !"MA#I$A%IA#: The humanitarian argument derives its strength from a universally accepted ethical and moral a$iom that it is the duty of every man to ensure the physical well being of his fellow man. This automatically holds the employer responsible, in the eyes of every member of the society to provide a safe and healthy wor!ing environment

for this employees. The safety specialist can therefore appeal to the conceive of the management by emphasizing upon them that is immoral for the employer not to give due consideration to the safety and well being of the employees by ta!ing measures which could protect them against pain and suffering as a conse2uence of unsafe practices and procedures allowed in their enterprise. E&O#OMI&: The economic argument very simply, is based on accident costing the company money. It must however be appreciated that in order that this argument may have an effective impact on the management. It is imperative that the costs of the accidents occurring to the company must be accurately 2uantified. If this is done, accident prevention is then seen by the senior management as good business, which motivate the management to strive more and more to ameliorate their safety system in the interest of ma$imization of the profit. The safety specialists thus, use the economic argument as the most powerful tool for ensuring a very elaborate and sophisticated accident prevention and safety program. This is the foundation stone upon which the concepts or theories of ris! management9accidents prevention are based. These concepts unfortunately are hardly !nown in our country. It is high time that these most powerful tools may be introduced in our country, both for ma!ing its industrial enterprises safer for the wor!ers and for ma!ing their operations more cost effective.

SA'E$( I#SPE&$IO# P%O&E)"%ES Introduction: 1cross the industry and commerce there are a multiplicity of safety inspection procedures, each developed to identify the and hazard within a particular business. &owever they do fall into a number of broad categories. :ollowing are various procedures for the safety Safety audit 1 safety audit sub ects each area of a company/s activity to a systematic critical e$amination with the ob ect of minimizing loss. #very component of the total system is included. 'or e*ample management policy, attitudes training, features of the process and of the design, layout and construction of the plant, operating procedures, emergency plans, personal protection standards, accident record etc. Safety survey 1 safety survey is a detailed e$amination in depth of a narrower field of activity. 'or e*ample ma or !ey areas revealed by safety audits, individual plans and procedures, or specific problems common to a wor!s as a whole. These surveys are

followed by formal report, action plan and subse2uent monitoring. Safety inspection 1 routine scheduled inspection of a unit or department, which may be carried out by someone 6 may be a safety representative 7 from within the unit, possibly accompanied by the safety advisor. The inspection would chec! maintenance standards, imployee involvement, wor!ing practices, fire precaution, use of guards and adherence to safe wor!ing procedures etc, and be more immediate than the wide;reaching or in;depth approach ta!en by audits and surveys. Safety tours 1 safety inspection around a predetermined route or area of the wor! place carried our by any one;of a range of personnel from wor!s directors to safety representatives to ensure that for e*ample standards of house!eeping are at an acceptable level, or that obvious hazards are removed or to ensure that generally safety standards are observed. Typically tours last only fifteen minutes and are conducted at wee!ly intervals. Safety sampling 1 particular application of a safety inspection or tour designe to chec! on one specific pre;selected safety aspect only, within the wor!place or an agreed part of it. This focuses attention on the particular safety matter and highlights the observation of possible hazards. The safety sample chosen can be concerned with plant, e2uipment, guarding, methods of operation, lac! of adherence to safe systems of wor!, non use of permit to wor! system, for!lift truc! driving and training or any other. 4afety samples should be carried out regularly but with a random selection of the sub ect each time. !azard and operability study The application of a formal critical e$amination to the process and engineering intentions of now facilities to assess the hazard potential from mal operation or multifunction of individual items of e2uipment and the conse2uential effects on the facility as a whole. 8emedial action cam then be planned at a very early stage of the pro ect with ma$imum effectiveness and at minimum cost. The techni2ues can also be applied to e$isting plants and processes. <hilst unsuspected hazards may be revealed by any of the above techni2ues, the use of a formal chec!list in pro ect engineering design helps to ensure that the plant complies with statutory re2uirement, and that account is ta!en of the best current safety techni2ues and practices. &earth and safety re2uirement should also be incorporated at the design stage rather than ta!en on as an afterthought once the plant or process is in full operation. The safety adviser has a contribution to ma!e and should be a member of both the design and hazard and operability teams.


:ire li!e industrial accident is rarely e$perienced by most individuals on the other hand fire is li!ely to affect directly large no: of people. The main causes of fire in industries are %1. #lectrical e2uipment. %". 4mo!ing. %%. 5as e2uipments. %'. 5as cutting and welding. %). =il and petrol e2uipments. %+. 8ubbish burning. %,. 4pontaneous combustion. 1s per report of fire prevention association 6:(17 T&# 0."+> of total accidents was caused by the fire. 'ire Prevention and &ontrol: To prevent and control the accidents, it is necessary to act upon the following guidelines. %-. Management must accept that a fire prevention policy must be set up and regularly revised. %.. 1n estimate should be made of possible effects of fire in loosing buildings, plant wor! in progress, wor!ers, customers, plans and records. '0. Identifying the fire ris!s, considering sources of ignition, combustion material and means where by fire could spread. '1. #stimate the magnitudes of the ris!s to establish priorities. '". #stablish dear lines of responsibilities for fire prevention. '%. 1ppoint a fire officer responsible to the board. ''. set up a fire protection drill for each development '). 4et up a program which will be maintained at appropriate intervals. &ommon Precautions :ollowing are the common precautions '+. Daily at the start of the business the doors which may be used for escape purposes be unloc!ed and escape roots unobstructed. ',. Daily at closing, down fire doors and fire shutters should be closed. '-. 1ll out side doors, windows and other means of access secured against intruders and replaced if bro!en. '.. &eating apparatus and main switches turned off daily at close down. )0. :urnaces and boilers safety out daily at close down. )1. Inspection of whole premises, especially store rooms and other parts rarely visited daily at closedown. )". 4mo!ing only is permitted where ade2uate no: of ash trays available and no smo!ing during last half hour of wor!ing day. )%. ?a!ed lights prohibited daily at closedown. )'. *ombustible materials !ept well clear from heaters and other burning parts.

)). 5luecattles pressing and soldering and similar appliances clear off vombustible material and with non combustible stand holders. )+. :lame able li2uids containers be closed and !ept away from sources of ignitions. ),. <aste bins ash trays and waste paper bas!ets emptied at regular intervals and always at end of wor!ing days. )-. Drip trays implied daily at close down. ).. <or!men/s clothes and over alls !ept in special place. +0. #lectric motors !ept clear of all accumulations of material daily. +1. 5angways !ept un obstinate daily. +". 4pecial care with cutting and welding e2uipment used by maintenance men or contractors daily. +%. :ire appliances li!e fire buc!ets be filled wee!ly. +'. :ire instructions, fire e$it and no smo!ing notices clearly be displayed wee!ly. +). *ods on the factory floor be clearly stored so as not to impede fire at different intervals. ++. Inspection of fire e$tinguishers periodically as re2uired. +,. *hec! of lighting conductors as re2uired. +-. Machinery and plant maintenance as re2uired. +.. Maintenance of special e$tinguishing system e.g. dry powders *=" daily.

Electrocution and its precautions The term electrocution is used when wor!er come into electrical shoc!. The three electrical factors which are come in the categories of the electrocution. i.e. 8esistance, *urrent, @oltage. #lectric resistance is opposition to the flow of current and measured in ohms. There is wide degree of variation in body resistance. 1 shoc! may fatal to any person may only discomfort to an other. @oltage is the pressure that causes the flow of electric current in a circuit3 its unit is v. generally above %0 v is considered dangerous. #lectric current I is the rate of flow of electrons in a circuit and its unit is amperes 617. :ollowing precaution must be observed while wor!ing on electrical wor!s to protect against shoc!s. ,0. Aefore wor!ing on the main lines first switch off the supply of electricity. ,1. If it is not possible to switch off the main see that your hands and feet are not wet. ,". If a person gets an electric shoc! rescue him with the help of insulator. If the insulator is not available use your feet not hands to rescue him. ,%. <hile wor!ing on high voltage, stand on bad conducting material. ,'. if any person who is shoc!ed by the electricity is in contact with the electrical machine or an apparatus then one person for saving him should stand on a dry wooden chair while removing the victim other wise pull him with the help of a dry coat , dry rope etc. ,). Don/t close any switch unless you are familiar with the circuit that it controls and !now the reason for its being open. ,+. 1void touching any or wor!ing on live circuits as much as possible. ,,. Beep material or e2uipment at least 10 feet away from high voltage overhead power lines. ,-. Don/t reach into energized e2uipment while it is being operated. This is particularly important in high voltage circuits. ,.. when installing new machinery, ensure that all metal frame wor! is efficiently and permanently founded.

)uties of t+e employer ,$raining and Education:or a safe and smooth running system an employer may give trainings and education to the wor!er to wor! safe and accordingly. :ollowing are the duties on employer: -0. (rovide and maintain plant and system of wor! that are safe and without ris!s to health. (lant covers any machinery e2uipment or appliances including portable power tools and hand tools -1. insure that the use, handling, storage and transport articles and substances is safe and with out ris! -". (rovide such information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that employees can carry out their obs safety. -%. #nsure that any wor! shop under his control is safe and healthy and that proper means of access and egress are maintained. (articularly in respect of high standards of house !eeping, cleanliness, disposal of rubbish and the stac!ing of goods in the proper place. -'. Beep the wor! place environment safe and healthy so that the atmosphere is such as not to give rise to poisoning, gassing or the encourage met of the development of diseases. 1de2uate welfare facilities should be providing. -). To prepare and !eep up to date a written safety policy supported by information on the organization and arrangements for carrying out the policy. The safety policy has to be brought to the notice of employees. -+. To consult with any safety representatives appointed by recognized trade unions to enlist their cooperation in establishing and maintaining high standards of safety. -,. To establish a safety committee if re2uired by two or more safety representatives. Safety e.uipment There are following e2uipment are use in the industries for the safety purpose. --. 5oggles -.. 5lasses .0. &and gloves .1. 1pron .". 4afety shoes .%. 1nti fire gas cylinders

Millions of industrial accidents occur every year. In these accidents, lacs of wor!ers loss their lives every year in the world. 1ccidents may cause in ury, which

sometimes result in death or permanent total displacement. 4eriousness of this problem can be udged by the following figures. In (a!istan, casualties per industrial accidents at any yearly average are nearly )0 to +0 thousands, out which nearly +00 causes death, while in CB the average casualties per year nearly ".) lacs out which nearly %000 causes death. The figure is ma$imum in C41 where average casualties are nearly "0 lac!s out which nearly 1),000 causes death. 4tatistics shows that .-> accidents can be avoided3 only "> accidents cannot be prevented. 6Ind: =rg: D #ngg: #co7 .'. /+at is an Accidents: ,definitions1n accident may be defined as an unplanned event or happening. This is, an accident is something une$pected, not predictable, foreseen or intended. 1n e$tension of this theme is that an accident is an outcome of an event that is not desired. 1ccidents do not ust EhappenE they are caused. 1n unsafe act and 9 or unsafe condition cause the accident event3 resulting in interruption to wor! activities, damage to property or in ury to a person. #very accident has one or more identifiable causes. The employer is responsible for ensuring a safe system of wor! is in place and therefore must ta!e action to prevent accidents from occurring or recurring. :or some, this concept still causes difficulty. The term EaccidentE suggests that an event occurred itself, with some degree of chance and it implies no blame or responsibility. 4ome people associate or e2uate an accident 1n industrial accident may be defined as an event, detrimental 6harmful7 to the health of man, suddenly occurring and originating from e$ternal sources, and which is associated with the performance of a paid ob, accompanied by an in ury, followed by disability or even death. 6=.(.Bhana7 =8 1n event that ta!es place all of a sudden une$pectedly resulting in some thing bad is called an accident. :or e$ample a plant catches fire or a person receiving an electric current or any labor cuts his finger in a machine or some bad incidents, which can be called as accidents. 6((*7. =8 E1ny occurrence that interferes with the orderly progress of activityE 6Industrial =rganization7

Fuestion ?o: 1 )iscuss t+e events leading up to an accident by considering domino se.uence t+eory 0 multiple causation t+eory1

SE2"E#&E O' E3E#$S4 )OMI#O $!EO%(

The domino theory attributed to &einrich is based on the theory that: "A chain or sequence of events can be listed in chronological order to show the events leading up to an accident" Event A 44445 Event 6 44445 Event & 44445 Accident 44445Effect #ach event may have more than one cause i.e. be multicausal. &einrich states that: "The occurrence of an injury accident invariably results from a completed sequence of factors culminating-in the accident itself &e postulates five factors or stages in the accident se2uence, with the in ury invariably caused by the accident and the accident in turn the result of the factors that immediately precedes it. The five factors or stages in the se2uence of events are: o 1ncestry and social environment, leading to noble o :ault of person, constituting the pro$imate reason for o 1n unsafe act and9or mechanical hazard, which results in o The accident, which leads to o The in ury. &einrich li!ens these five stages to five dominoes standing on edge in a line ne$t to each other, so that when the first domino falls it automatically !noc!s down its neighbor which in turn !noc!s down its neighbor and so on. 8emoval of any one of the first four will brea! the se2uence and so prevent the in ury. In fact, &einrich suggested that accident prevention should aim to remove or eliminate the middle or third domino, representing the unsafe act, mechanical or physical hazard, thus preventing the accident. During accident investigation, in addition to as!ing `what action has been taken to prevent recurrence ! the investigator needs to be aware of the chain of events leading up to the accident, and tracing it bac!. 4imilarly, on safety audits and inspections, when the ris! of an accident has been identified, possible event chain should be investigated and action ta!en to remove potential cause

A# "P)A$E) )OMI#O SE2"E#&E: 6ird and loftus have e$tended this theory to reflect the influence of

management in the cause and effect of all accidents that result in a wastage of the companyGs assets. The modified se2uence of events becomes: .). Hac! of control by management, permitting .+. Aasic causes 6personal and ob factors7, that lead to .,. Immediate causes 6substandard practices9conditions9errors7, which are the pro$imate causes of .-. The accident, which results in ... The loss 6minor, serious or catastrophic7. This modified se2uence can be applied to all accidents, and is fundamental to loss control management. M"L$IPLE &A"SA$IO# $!EO%(: Multicausality refers to the fact that there may be more than one cause to any accident. Hi!e cause A can lead to accident, cause 6 can lead to same accident and in this way &ause & can lead to the same accident. #ach of these multicauses is e2uivalent to the third domino in the "einrich theory and can represent an unsafe act or condition or situation. #ach of these can itself have multicauses and the process during accident investigation of following each branch bac! to its root is !nown as `fault tree analysis"# The theory of multicausation is that: "The contributing causes combine together in a random fashion to result in an accident# " During accident investigation, there is a need to identify as many of these causes as possible. In reality, the accident model is a combination of both the domino and multicausality theories. (eterson has compared and contrasted both theories and gives an e$ample which illustrates the comparative narrowness of the domino theory in relation to the multicausality theory and concludes that this has severely limited the identification and control of the underlying causes of accident. The theory of multicausality has its basis in epidemiology. 5ordon points out that accidental in ury could be considered with epidemiological techni2ues. &e believes that if the characteristics of the Ihost/6accident victim7, of the agent 6the in ury deliverer7 and of supporting environment) could be described in details, more understanding of accident causes could be achieved than by following the Domino Techni2ue of loo!ing for a single cause only. #ssentially, 5ordon/s theory is that the accident is the result of a comple$ and random interaction between the host, the agent and the environment, and can not be e$plained by consideration only one of the three.

&auses of accidents: 6=(B&1?17

1s we !now that an accident is an unplanned incident and for each such incident there is usually a specific cause or causes if one could but discover them Mec+anical 'actors 1ccidents may be caused due to3 1. Technical causes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;Cnsafe conditions;;;; Environmental 'actors1

". &uman causes;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Cnsafe acts;;;;;;;;;;(ersonal factors. 71 $ec+nical &auses: Technical causes reflect deficiencies in plant, e2uipment, tools, materials, handling system, general wor! environment, etc. ,a- Mec+anical &auses or factors: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Cnsafe mechanical design or construction &azardous arrangement 6pilling, over;loading, etc7 Improper machine guarding. Cnsafe apparel Defective devices Improper material handling

100. Hea!ing acid valve 101. Cntested boilers or pressure vessels

81 !uman causes: 1ny unsafe act by the person concerned are due to his ignorance or forgetfulness, carelessness, day;dreaming, etc ,a- Personal 'actors: 10". 1ge 10%. &ealth 10'. Hac! of !nowledge and s!ill 10). Improper attatitude towards wor! 10+. :atigue 10,. *arelessness and rec!lessness 10-. #motional instability e.g. ealousy, 10.. Motional instability e.g. ealousy, 110. Mental worries 111. ?on;use of safety devices 11". <or!ing at unsafe speeds 11%. Improper use of tools. Means of preventing accidents: 1s we !now that an accident is an unplanned incident but it doesnGt means that we should not prepare our self in advance or ta!e any preventive measures to safe guard both machine and man of any industry. Thus, to overcome the accidents generally the following measures are adopted3 11'. 4afe wor! place layout 11). 8eform of the wor!ing condition 11+. (rovision in right wor! methods 11,. Training in right methods. 11-. Means of removing fatigue 11.. (roper speed of wor! 1"0. =rganization of safety committee 1"1. 4afety campaigns and posters 1"". (ay attention to individual differences 1"%. &abit of safety 1"'. Motivating safety 1"). 4afe material handling 1"+. Cse of personal protective devices

Safe 9or:place layout: 1lthough most of the accidents ta!e place because of unsafe act of the employees, the role of the wor!place layout cannot be ignored in determining the cause of accident. :or preventing accident the layout should be such that3 1",. #very employee has enough space to move and operate. 1"-. (assageways between wor!ing places, roads, trac!s and alleys 6narrow passage way7, etc must never be obstructed. 1".. :ire hazards can be reduced by utilizing firewalls to separate manufacturing area into several compartments. 1%0. <or!er operating on the machine should have easy access to the safety switches provided on the machine9near wor!place. 1%1. <indows should be of ade2uate dimensions in order to ma!e full use of natural daylight. %eforms of t+e 9or:ing conditions: If accidents are to be prevented then the conditions of wor! should be improved. The temperature, air purity, humidity of air in the wor!ing premises should not be so such that it may lead to discomfort because it has a direct affect on the wor!ers health as well as to some machines also. ?ot only in enclosed rooms, even otherwise proper ventilation is a must if the manufacturing processes give rise to dust, smo!e, fumes, etc. The illumination provided should be installed at correct angle and should be sufficient in amount whether it is natural or artificial3 also it should be free from glare. 1 high level of noise at the wor!place impair 6damage or wea!en7 men at wor! and may endanger them therefore proper measures should be ta!en to reduce noise level by using silencers to minimize the hissing sounds, etc. Provision of safety met+ods: 4uitable provisions of safety should be made in designing the machines so that minimum accidents will occur. Moreover wor!ers should be trained and encouraged to use these devices. Pay attention to individual differences: It is desirable that before allocating a particular tas! to a particular wor!er, information about his age, e$perience, mental health, se$, intelligence, physical 2ualities, etc should be collected and then depending on these facts wor! should be allocated so that right man should be placed at the right ob. $raining in rig+t 9or: met+ods: Many accidents occur because the operators using machines have not been trained in the correct use of them. It is always better, therefore to have trained a person in the use of a machine, in its maintenance, before allowing him to handle them.

Means of removing fatigue: It has been established that one important cause of accident is fatigue. &ence one important measure of avoiding accidents is to remove fatigue as much as possible. 1nd one of the best ways of eliminating fatigue is to provide properly timed rest intervals at fre2uent intervals so that the wor!er can regain his energy and avoid reaching a stage of complete e$haustion. Aesides these proper hours of wor!ing and by creating atmosphere of cooperation and happiness, fatigue can be reduced. Proper speed of 9or:: 1ccidents fre2uently occur when the wor! is performed at a speed much greater than that, which is desirable. Therefore the speed of the wor!er in an office or factory should be controlled. <or!ers should be encouraged to wor! at such a speed that they can maintain their efficiency and wor! throughout the day without unnecessary fatigue. Organization of safety committee: 1nother measure for preventing accidents suggested by psychologist is the formation of safety committee. 4uch committees help to train the wor!er, ma!e him more safety conscious and also help to develop or invent new safety techni2ues. Safety campaigns and posters: 4afety can also be promoted by organizing a safety campaign in factory and office. (osters and slogans can also be used in such a campaign. These will help the wor!er to control his actions. !abits of safety: Despite all the satiety measures adopted, by far the best and the most successful method is the creation of habits of safety. 4uch habits can be developed through training and other similar methods. Motivating Safety: <or!ers should be motivated to wor! cautiously. =ne way of doing it is to increase the salary of those wor!ers who follow the safety regulations. Safe Material !andling: The employer should provide mechanical means of conveyance to ensure the safety of the wor!ers engaged in material handling. The transport wor!ers should not be as!ed to lift more than the permissible load. (roper material handling e2uipments must be used and should be according to nature of the goods. "se of personal protective devices: :or any type of industrial wor!er it is always advisable to use personal protective devices such as safety hard hats, ear protector, face mas!, welding helmets, goggles gas mas!, gloves, safety body belt, apron etc. 1ll and other more safety devices

ultimately help the wor!er to safe guard himself from any sudden mishap. Effects Of an accident: There are three types of effects of any accident3 I. (ersonal #ffects. ". 4ocial #ffects. %. =ther #ffects. 71 Personal Effects: They include3 a death, b disability, c physical suffering, d. (sychological suffering e. Hoss of ability for efficient wor!ing f. Hoss of earning capability. 81 Social Effects: They include3 a. 1n asset in the form of earning hand becomes a liability b. 4ocial status may get lost. c. :amily humiliation of disability is prolonged or permanent. ;1 Ot+er Effects: a. Hoss of man hours. b. Hoss of machine hours. c. Hoss of material d. Damaged machinery e. Damaged property f. Hoss of capital g Hoss of capital h. *ompensation cost. These include3

$ypes of Accidents:
These are classified as follows3 Lost time accident: In this type of accident compensation is paid by the employer to the wor!er, because the severity of the accident. !ome cases: ?o compensation is paid, only rest and medical treatment is provided by the employer. 'irst aid cases: In this case, The effect is minor so that the wor!er can resume duty after getting necessary first aid at the factory dispensary. $raffic accidents: They include3 6a7 *ollision between moving vehicles 6b7 *ollision with fi$ed ob ects. Mac+ine Accidents: These accidents may happen due to3 6a7 Area!ing of a steel rape 6b7 Area!ing of fast moving blade 6c7 Moving or sliding part of machine 6d7 Hoose garments dragging the part of the body of the wor!er. #on4Mac+ine Accidents: These include, 6a7 :all of heavy article from higher level 6b7 *ollapse of roof, wall or shed 6c7 #lectric shoc! 6d7 *hemical reaction #ature of injury: They include, 6a7 :atal. 6b7Aurns 6c7 :ractures 6d7 *uts 6e7 4prain 6sudden pull of wrist causing pain but not dislocation7

&ategories of accidents
There are mainly five different categories of accidents3 1. Minor accidents. ". 8eportable accidents. %. :atal accidents '. Dangerous occurrences. ). 1ccidents or in uries caused as a result of poising. 71 Minor Accidents: 1s it is clear from the word EMI?=8E that this category of accident includes only those accidents that are less harmful in nature to wor!ers and thus preventing the employee from wor!ing for the period less than '- hours from the time of the accident. Jt also means that these accidents are not reported to the higher management and thus are easily controlled by the foremen and supervisor. 81 %eportable Accidents: in this category the nature of accident is little bit complicated then the minor accidents. &ere in uries caused to the wor!er prevent him from wor!ing for the period of '- hours or more. Thus, it is the duty of supervisor to report to the higher management to temporary arrange an other wor!er so that the production could not be affected. ;1 'atal Accidents: This category includes the highly complicated accidents that could result in the death of the in ured wor!er. The death could occur on the spot of the accident or due to unbearable in uries causes to the wor!er means when wor!er could not sustain those in uries. <1 )angerous Occurrences: ,a- Aursting of vessel for containing steam under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. ,b- *ollapse or failure of cran! or other appliances. ,c- #$plosion or fire causing damage to any room or place where persons are employed or fire in the room of cotton pressing factories when a cotton opener is in use. ,d- #$plosion of receiver or container used for storage at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure of any gas or any li2uid including air. ,e- *ollapse or subsidence of any floor, glary, roof. Aridge, tunnel or chimney, wall or building.

=1 Accidents or injuries caused as a result of poising or occupational disease 6Te$tile, *ement, 4tone crushing, flourmills, *oalmines, *himneys, etc7 causing disease as 1sthma, TA, &eart attac!, etc7. 1%". 1. ". %. '. ). Increasing %ate Of Accidents &reates: 4ense of insecurity. :ear among wor!ers. Deterioration in their overall performance. ?o substitute if wor!er disable or losses his life. Host of goodwill of wor!ers.

&ost of Accidents >, 9rite more detail71 Injured person: 6i7 4uffering and pain 6ii7 <orry 6iii7 1bsence of recreation 6iv7 Hoss of wages 6v7 Medical e$penses 6vi7 Hoss of limb of life

8? Supervisor: Ki7 <orry 6ii7 Hoss of prestige 6iii7 4electing a training substitute 6iv7 More supervision re2uired for new man 6v7 Hoss of output 6vi7 Hoss of Moral9confidence. ;1 Management: ,a- )irect: 617 *ompensation 6ii7 (ayments 6iii7 Medical e$penses. ,b- Indirect: 6i7 Hast of time of in ured person. 6ii7 Host time of other employees KiiiL Host time of foremen, supervisor or other e$ecutives 6iv7 *ost of time spend by first aid attendant 6v7 *ost due to damage to machines, tools, and other properties due to spoilage of material 6vi7 Incidental cost due to interference with production 6whole assembly line could be stoppedM7 6vii7 *ost under employee welfare and benefits schemes. 6*ompany will pay them. 6viii7 *ost due to continuous of wages of in ured wor!er in full for specified period. 6i$7 *ost due to less of profit on the in ured wor!er...

6$7 6$i7 1%%.

=verhead cost per in ured wor!er. Miscellaneous e$penses such as for hiring and training new employees, over time wages, renting e2uipments, etc Total society is bearing the cost of accidents.

Accident Investigation:
1s we !now that we have three different types of accidents and according to these the investigation procedure varies. The three types are3 I. Minor 1ccidents. ". 8eportable 1ccidents %. :atal D (oisons 1ccidents. I1 Minor Accidents: 1s it is clear from the word EM1?=8E that this category of accident includes only those accidents that are less harmful in nature to wor!ers and thus preventing the employee from wor!ing for the period less than '- hours from the time of the accident. The procedure for investigating such type of accidents is as soon as an accident occurs3 first aid shall be administered to the in ured. These accidents are not reported to the higher management and they are easily controlled by the foremen and supervisor. 81 %eportable Accidents: In this category the nature of accident is little bit complicated then the minor accidents. &ere in uries caused to the wor!er prevent him from wor!ing for the period of '- hours or more. Procedure: In this type of accident head of the department choose a senior person for in2uiry after receiving report of supervisor. 1lso it is the duty of supervisor to report to the higher management to temporary arrange an other wor!er so that the production could not be affected ;1 'atal Accidents: This category includes the highly complicated accidents that could result in the death of the in ured wor!er. The death could occur on the spot of the accident or due to unbearable in uries causes to the wor!er means when wor!er could not sustain those in uries. Procedure: In case of fatal accident the following officers shall be intimated through messenger3 a. 4afety officer b. <or!ers manager c. Habor officer factory

The labor officer on receiving intimation shall immediately inform by telephone the authorized listed below3 a. Inspector of factory b. ?earest police station c. District Magistrate d. 8elatives of the wor!er.

'urt+er Investigation: The en2uiry committee while investigating the accidents will carry out the following3 1%'. 1scertain the facts that lead to the 1ccident by ta!ing statements of witnesses 1%). Ay e$amining the wor! spot and machinery 1%+. Ay ta!ing e$pert advice in the matter 1%,. 1nalyses the causes of the accident in detail. 1%-. *ontact to the in ured person on the spot or in the hospital with the permission of the doctor. 1%.. 8ecommend corrective action for preventing similar accidents in future. Aspects of accident prevention: ,/rite )etail-

!A@A%)O"S I)E#$I'I&A$IO#? E3OL"$IO# A#) &O#$%OL The prime ob ective in accident prevention is to control hazards at wor!, so as to reduce or eliminate accidents. It can be said that accidents result from the inade2uate hazard management. The term hazard is defined as, NThe result of a departure from the normal situation, which has the potential of cause injury, damage or loss #ssentially, there are three steps in the management of hazards identification o #valuation or 1ssessment o *ontrol 6#limination or 8eduction7 <ithin the wor!place operational management at all levels has a responsibility to identify, evaluate and control hazards that are li!ely to result in in ury, damage or loss. (art of these responsibilities should be to underta!e regular safety audits of areas under their control. They should also e$amine on a regular basis, ob methods and procedures to ensure that safe systems of wor! are followed !azard Identification <ithin an organization, there are several ways by which hazards may be identified. These include: 1'0. <or!place inspections 1'1. Management9 wor!ers discussions 1'". Independent audits. 1'%. Oob safety analysis. 1''. &azard and operability studies. /or:place Inspection <or!place inspections are underta!en with the aim of identifying hazards and promoting remedial action. Many different individuals and groups within an organization will at some time be involved in a wor!place inspections3 directors, line

managers, safety advisers, supervisors and safety representatives. The !ey aspect is that results of all such inspections should be coordinated by one person within the factory, whose responsibility should include3 P Monitoring action ta!en once the hazard has been notified P Informing those persons who reported the hazard as to what action has been taken# <or!place inspections tend to follow the same format but are given many different names including: safety sampling, safety audits, safety inspections, hazard surveys, etc but all have the same aim that is "Hazard Identification" and same format to follow as discussed below3

ManagementA /or:er )iscussions Management9wor!er discussion can also be useful in the identification of hazards. :ormal discussions ta!e place during meetings of the safety committee with informal discussions occurring during on;the; ob contact or in conversations between supervisor and wor!er. The concept of "incident recall" is an e$ample of management9wor!er discussion. In all cases, however, the feedbac! element is important from a motivational viewpoint. The hazard spatter must he !ept fully informed of any action ta!en to prevent in ury, damage or lass arising from the hazard he has noted. Independent Audit Independent audit can also be used to identity hazards. The term independent here refers to those who are not employed of the organization, but who from time to time underta!e either general or specific wor!place audit or inspection. 4uch independent persons may include P #ngineer surveyors P #mployersG liability surveyors P *laims investigators P Insurance bro!ers personnel P =utside consultants P &ealth and safety e$ecutive P Oob 4afety 1nalysis It is also another method of hazard identification. !azard and Operability Study It is a techni2ue of hazard identification 6and evaluation7 that has been developed in the chemical and process industries. The techni2ue essentially involves a multidisciplinary team of chemists engineer, safety advisors, production management, designers etc, critically e$amine each aspect of a process at the design stage, in order to eliminate hazards from the process

at that early stage, rather than to find them later and have to modify the plant to eliminate them. !azard Assessment And Evaluation =nce a list of hazard within a company has been developed, each hazard on the list should be evaluated in order to assess what its impact on the company would be if control action were not ta!en. This assessment should ta!e account of legal, humanitarian and economic considerations in addition to the fre2uency 6number of times spotted7, the potential severity 6number of persons at ris!7 and the ma$imum or worst possible in ury, damage or loss that might occur. *onsideration should also be given to the probability that the hazard will result in loss. :rom these assessments a list of priorities for hazard control can be established and used as the basis of control action.

4imple hazard assessment formula involving the fre2uency, severity and ma$imum possible loss 6M.(.H,7 could be: &azard rating Q fre2uency R 6severity S M.(.H. S probability7 ?umerical scales for assessing severity, M.(. H and probability will be needed to wor! out the hazard rating. This then enables priorities to be set, and corrective action to be planned.

!A@A%) &O#$%OL
The control either elimination or reduction of the hazards within an organization re2uires careful planning and its achievement will involve both short term i.e. temporary and long term i.e. permanent measures. 1'). #liminate hazard at source. 1'+. 8educe hazard at source. 1',. 8emove employee from hazard. 1'-. *ontain hazard by enclosure. 1'.. 8educe employeeGs e$posure to hazard. 1)0. Ctilize protective e2uipment. The long;term aim must always be to eliminate the hazard at source, but whilst attempting to achieve this aim, other short term actions e.g3 Ctilization of the protective e2uipment will be necessary. This list indicates an Gorder;of priority for remedial measures for any hazard situation. @arious techni2ues are available to control hazards within the wor!place. Mechanical hazards may be engineered out of the process, or effectively enclosed by means of fi$ed guarding. 1lternative forms of guarding involve the use of interloc!ed guards, light;sensitive barriers or pressure;sensitive mats. Trip devices and other form of emergency stops may also be incorporated. Hazard from the working environment may be controlled by effective ventilation system, ade2uate heating and lighting, and general provision of good wor!ing conditions. &+emical +azards may also be controlled by effective ventilation, regular

monitoring, substitution of material, change of process, purchasing controls and the use of protective e2uipment. 1 necessary corollary of hazard assessment is the establishment of safe system of wor! and training for the wor! force to ma!e them aware of the hazards in their wor! areas, and of the methods for the control of such hazards.

Accident Proneness
Introduction: #$amination of safety records often show that out of all the wor!ers doing the same ob and being sub ected to the same physical environments, only few have substantially more accidents than the rest. 4uch few wor!ers, who are found consistently to e$perience more accidents than the other wor!ers, are classified as 1**ID#?T (8=?# wor!ers or employees. )efinition 1ccident proneness is defined as Ethe continuing tendency of a person to have more accidents as a result of his persisting characteristicsE. In the above definition of accident proneness, the emphasis is on the word EtendencyE because of peculiar psychological and physiological ma!e up of certain person. La9s Accident Proneness: (sychologist has made a study of accidents in order to discover the laws governing accident proneness, which are as follows3 71 &e accidents are accidental then some people are only rarely involved in them, while some are involved very fre2uently, while the ma ority of the people are at a stage somewhere between the two e$tremes. It means that there are some people who has high tendency to do accidents. 81 If the accidents are due to circumstances then it will be seen that people who suffer from many accidents in a particular period will be comparatively free of accidents in the following period. ;1 If accident proneness increase because of accidents, then the particular individuals found involved in accidents in particular test will also be found to be involved in accidents at any later test <1 If the accidents are due to some particular 2ualities of the individuals then

people obtaining a particular grade in a particular accident will obtain the same grade in future accidents. (sychologist has been able to come to same conclusion about the causes of accidents. Most studies have indicated that some individuals are so contracted that they are involved in more accidents then other and are also the causes of involving other people in accidents Individuals of this !ind are called accident;prone3 normally there is always some scope for more or less accident proneness in every sphere where human beings wor!.

&auses of Accident Proneness:

:ollowing are the causes of accident proneness3 ,IInattentiveness and day dreaming: It means that the wor!er is not paying proper attention towards his wor! due to various causes from home to ob satisfaction. =r he may be habitual of pleasant thoughts that distract his attention from present situation. ,83isual defects and +earing problems: It means that the wor!er might be suffering from any eye disease 6color blindness7 due which he cannot see his ob properly and that could be resulted in a fatal accident. This type of causes is not only harmful for the wor!er himself but It could create problems for other wor!ers. =n the other hand if the wor!er is unable to hear correctly due hearing problem, this could also lead to a ma or accident. :or e$ample in case of emergency, his supervisor as!s him to cut the power of the machine and if he could not hear it properly and thus did not cut the power, it will ultimately end with an accident. ,;Lac: of stamina Or lo9 degree of muscular condition4 This is also ma or causes of accident proneness because if the wor!er is not healthy enough or the management have not given him the wor! according to his physical condition then the chances of accident are high. Thus the wor!er would not be able to perform his ab well and thus losses his stamina 2uic!ly. ,<Improper 9or:ing conditions: It means that if the wor!er is not provided with the suitable wor!ing condition, it could be resulted in accident. Aecause poor wor!ing condition can causes fatigue, mental stress, deterioration of health, etc to the wor!er thus he could not be able to given his ma$imum performance. :or e$ample the temperature of the wor!place should be maintained to the re2uired temperature the body needs, proper lightning should be there so that wor!er could easily see his ob, etc. ,=)istaste of t+e job: This factor very much influences the ratio of accident proneness. Aecause if the wor!er is not happy with the ab offered to him, the study

shows that he will not perform well and causes more accidents. Thus it is very important to give the wor!er the ob he is interested to do, this will reduce his proneness to accidents and helps the organization to increase its productivity. ,BLac: of training? proficiency and s:ill to do 9or:: It means that the wor!er after appointed for any ob should be trained properly because research shows that people who are not clearly aware of their ab causes more accidents then those who are fully trained in their ob means that they should be proficient in their wor!. It is also necessary to verify the s!ills of the wor!er and then accordingly place him to his proper ob. :or e$ample a wor!er who is s!illed in doing welding then he should be appointed in the welding shop not in paint shop. ,C"nsafe be+avior of 9or:er: This is another cause that leads us to accident proneness. Aecause some time wor!ers intentionally do not use safety devices because of there over confidence that not only cost them their life but also put other wor!ers and management in great trouble.

,DInsufficient intelligence: It is a natural phenomenon that any technical wor! needs some degree of intelligence and this degree vary from ob to ob. Thus if the wor!er is not enough intelligent to perform his ob, he should be moved to the ob according to his level of intelligence so to reduce the accident proneness. ,EImmature age: This cause indicates that while appointing the wor!er for any ob, the age factor should be !ept in mind. Aecause as!ing a teenage boy to perform the wor!er of some mature man or vice versa, finally results in accident proneness. Thus, it is very important to specify the age re2uirement of each ob to avoid accidents. ,7FSe*: 4e$ is another important cause of accident proneness. 1s we all !now that there are some wor!ing categories means there are some obs that are only for men and other only for women. 4o to avoid accident proneness it is important to distribute the obs according to gender ,77Ot+er &auses> The other causes are, 1)1. The other causes are, 1)". Hac! of proper intervals of rest. 1)%. Hac! of maintenance 1)'. 1bsence of appropriate mood. 1)). *haracteristics of accident proneness:

*haracteristics of accident proneness

(&T4I*1H 6@I4IAH#7 (4T*&=H=5I*1H

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