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A Frightening Prophecy – An Islam dominated World

After 9-11 I wrote an article in The Tribune that reminded of Mario Puzo’s prophecy of
destruction of New York in one of his lesser known novels The Fourth K, though with a lot of
differences, for one the perpetrators in Puzo’s novel are scientists and they use not hijacked
aircraft but home-assembled nuclear fission devices to bring about devastation of New York.
Novelists with deep insight into history, politics and keen sense of what psychological and social
upheavals around them are going to bring about often end up with creating such remarkable
divinations. Robert Ferrigno, who according to a NYT reviewer writes fiction that is “truer than
truth” and “will echo disturbingly through our minds and hearts long” is one such novelist. Out of
eleven crime novels he has written since 1990 the three that stood out and created a stir in
America are what is collectively known as “Assassin Trilogy” whose last part namely Heart of the
Assassin came out in August this year. The political thriller, like its two pre-sequels, is set in a
futuristic America that has lost the war on terror and fallen into bloody hands of terrorists – result
USS Ronald Reagan is renamed USS Osama bin Laden ! Barbie wears a burqa and the
cheerleaders are no longer short-skirted cuties but bearded warriors – welcome to Islamic States
of America, the dominating power of 2043 A.D. And it all begun in 2015 when anti-Zionism, the
favorite pastime of pro-Islamic leftism reached its climax and the American media finally
managed to blame the nuclear destruction of the major American cities on Mossad (Israeli
Intelligence) and as a protest many a leading personality of the day converted to Islam resulting
in political isolation of the remaining sane America into Christian Bible Belt. Mexico suddenly
becomes Mexican Empire and begins to aggressively reclaim the dominions it thinks it deserves.
Some states like Nevada and Utah split off as discrete territories. It is a country in which
university professors can lose their jobs for being “insufficiently Islamic”, cellphone cameras are
illegal, and men can only dream of loud music, cold beer, and coed beaches. Life is especially
hard for women, who may not leave their homes without written permission from a male relative,
and even then risk being whipped by the Black Robes – the Sharia-enforcing religious police – if
even a lock of hair slips out from beneath their head scarves, or in the case they neglect to keep
their ankles covered. Repression, of course, is at the heart of fundamentalist Islam. Millions are
unemployed, poor and uneducated living under a censored environ that forbids criticism of any
kind under the sway of an totally controlled Orwellian state – a far cry from the lavish liberty and
freedom of speech we enjoy in today’s America and American dominated world. Mohammed’s
dream is finally realized – minds controlled by the state, homosexuality and blasphemy are capital
offenses, and non-Muslims are second-class citizens at best.

In order to make the upcoming horrors more vivid the publishers even launched a pseudo
news website of future, complete with advertisements of “JihadCola”etc.
The newssite is jokingly “updated” on March 25, 2036 with details about the ISA ( Islamic States
of America ), the dim world it dominates, the morbid excuse for education in schools, sports
events programmed with prayer breaks and a ship of Jews (the last ones left) drifting helplessly
continent to continent begging for asylum (like the Sikhs once did aboard Koma Gata Maru, a
Japanese vessel ). The Jewish Holocaust has been removed from history books, not because the
new elite does not necessarily believe it happened but because “ we don’t care it happened,
since it happened to them”. Pupils are taught that the attack on WTC in 2001 was a “glorious
revolutionary activity” and anyone questioning the ‘fact’ in likely to be beaten up. There are news
about secret associations formed in order to watch movies ( an illegal activity now ). Confused
young people expressing surprise at seeing that how scantly people are clad and bathe together
in Jaws, and gather that that was why the old regime, which gave people too much freedom,
failed. The mount Rushmore has met the fate the Buddha statues in Afghanistan met under

In a nutshell the novel is based around a intensely painful question: What if the West really
does lose the war on terror? What if Islam, which is currently the world’s fastest growing religion,
achieves critical mass in the West? The Assassin novels are based on an unbelievable premise—
that millions of Americans convert to Islam, inspired by a whimsical Hollywood actress’s
revelation during her Oscar acceptance speech that she has become a believer ! The author has
spent two solid years researching Islam and it shows in the meticulous detail of Islamic mindset
throughout the novel. In one scene a taxi-driver calls in to “What Should I Do, Imam?” show and
asks the Imam if there is any music that a good muslim can listen to without going against the
Islamic law. “Good question, my daughter,” the imam answers. “The Holy Quran is quite clear that
music is forbidden. One of the messengers of Allah said, ‘There will be a nation who will make
music their lot, and one day, while enjoying their music and alcohol, they will awake with their
faces transformed into swine.’ In fact, this messenger said he was sent to destroy all music
instruments. . . . Instead of music, rather listen to the Holy Quran.” It is interesting to note that the
South African Mufti Ebrahim Desai is on record for giving the exact advice to a curious muslims a
few years back !

Can this really happen? Yes, Ferrigno told during an interview, mass religious conversions are
always the result of outside forces colliding with internal needs, recalling the historical fact that
the rapid swell of Islam during the eighth and ninth century offered racial and political unity among
tribes scattered across Arabia which in turn was the fountainhead of Islam’s phenomenal
imperialism. According to Ferrigno, one chief advantage the Islamists, who are of course careful
enough not to talk too candidly about their long term targets, have is the fact that elites in
academia, government, or the media generally do not like to talk about, for fear of being branded
racist or “Islamophobic” and thus indirectly help the cancerous spread of Islam in west. Another
thing he finds disturbing is the spiritual void at the centre of current Western society due to which
some people may actually find in Islam what mistakenly seems to be a comfort and reassurance
in its moral certainty and firm standards.

The great and generous freedom we enjoy today is the result of sacrifice and hard labour of
millennia by our forefathers who struggled against Titanic odds to build a better world for the
upcoming generation. The splendid glories of Western civilization, its superb arts, its
technological wonders like moon-landing and internet your are using now are all under the dark
shadow of Islamic imperialism disguised as a religion of peace. The need of the hour is to make
our governments aware of the clear and present danger looming right over our heads or our
grandchildren shall be actually drinking Jihad-Cola.


Jagmohan Singh Khurmi

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