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Name:_____________________________________________ Date:_______________

AP European History
Summer Reading Study Guide

Directions: Students need to be prepared on the following topics.

1. What did Augustine reject, and on whose authority did he reject it?
2. What form of government did the Industrial Revolution create?
3. How did John Locke influence medicine?
4. What would a Romantic blame for the Cholera epidemics?
5. What did Darwin study in school?
6. How did Malthus influence Darwin?
7. What is Social Darwinism?
8. How did Electricity affect the Newtonian universe?
9. What is Relativism?
10. Translate the following two phrases- ‘credo ut intelligum’ & ‘intelligo ut credum’
11. Who was in control of running the first University?
12. Translate ‘cogito, ero sum.’
13. What was Descartes expressing with his famous dictum “I think; therefore, I am?
14. What country was most advanced in terms of medicine?
15. How is Kant related to the Romantic Movement?
16. Who invented athletics?
17. Why were athletics invented?
18. How did doctors become endowed with such authority?
19. What was Lyell’s work on?
20. What do science and religion have in common?

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