Persuasive Speech Outline

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Brittney Bazuin COM225, 21789 20 November 2013 Persuasive S ee!" #$ #ntro%u!tion &$ '#n 2010, !

onsumers s ent (25$1 bi))ion on vi%eo *ames, "ar%+are an% a!!essories, -+++$vi%eo*amevoters$or*.$ B$ /amin* is a rob)em t"at is too !ommon to%ay$
1. '72 er!ent o0 &meri!an "ouse"o)%s )ay !om uter or vi%eo *ames,

-+++$vi%eo*amevoters$or*.$ 2$ 1+o t"in*s "e) e% ins ire me to +rite about t"is$ C$ Peo )e2s )ives are +astin* a+ay in 0ront o0 a s!reen an% t"ere nee%s to be a !"an*e$ 3$ 1"ere is a )a!4 o0 in0ormation on *amin* a%%i!tion an% a0ter to%ay # "o e you a)) t"in4 t"e ne5t time you )ay or en0or!e better ru)es +it" your o+n !"i)%ren$ 6$ So to%ay # +i)) s"are +it" you +"at vi%eo *ame a%%i!tion is, +"y it is an a%%i!tion an% "ea)t" an% so!ia) issues t"at !ome +it" *amin* a%%i!tion$ 7$ # use% 3 sour!es +"i)e +ritin* my s ee!"8 +++$vi%eo*amevoters$or*, +++$vi%eo9 *ame9a%%i!tion$or*, an% +++$te!"a%%i!tion$!a$ ##$ :"at is vi%eo *ame a%%i!tion;

&$ /ame a%%i!tion "as t"e same e00e!t on t"e brain as a)!o"o) an% *amb)in* 1$ 3o amine )eve)s in t"e brain in!rease %urin* *ame )ay$
2. '<a stu%y in 2005 +"i!" 0oun% t"at %o amine )eve)s in )ayers2 brains %oub)e%

+"i)e t"ey +ere )ayin*$ 3o amine is a moo%9re*u)atin* "ormone asso!iate% +it" 0ee)in*s o0 )easure, -+++$vi%eo9*ame9a%%i!tion$or*.$ B$ /amin* be!omes an a%%i!tion +"en it inter0eres +it" t"e *amers so!ia) )i0e8 0rien%s, s!"oo), 0ami)y, et!$ C$ 1"ese eo )e aban%on everyt"in* t"ey "ave 0or =ust a 0e+ more se!on%s o0 *ame time$ ###$ :"y are vi%eo *ames so a%%i!tive;
A. '#t2s not t"at t"e *ames are ba%<#t2s not t"at t"e *ames are a%%i!tive$ #t is t"at some

4i%s use t"em in a +ay t"at is out o0 ba)an!e an% "arms various ot"er areas o0 t"eir )ives, -+++$vi%eo9*ame9voters$or*.$ B$ 1"e *ames are use% as an es!a e 0rom rea)ity$ 1$ 1"ey 0ee) better +"en t"ey are )ayin*, more in !ontro)$ Peo )e !an be!ome someone e)se, ta4e !ontro) t"at t"ey +ou)% not norma))y "ave, an% be a !om )ete)y %i00erent erson$ 2$ 1"is !auses %o amine )eve)s to rise$ C$ '<vi%eo *ames are %esi*ne% to be a%%i!tive$ Not 'a%%i!tive, in t"e !)ini!a) sense o0 t"e +or%, but *ame %esi*ners are a)+ays )oo4in* 0or +ays to ma4e t"eir *ames more

interestin* an% in!rease t"e amount o0 time eo )e +i)) s en% )ayin* t"em, -+++$vi%eo9*ame9a%%i!tion$or*.$ 1$ &s 0oun% on >i%eo9/ame9&%%i!tion$Or* t"ere are 5 "oo4s t"at *ame %esi*ners ut in t"eir *ames to 4ee t"e )ayin* non9sto $ a$ 1"e ?i*" S!ore@ tryin* to beat yours, or someone e)se2s "i*" s!ore$ b$ Beatin* t"e *ame@ !reates t"e %esire to beat t"e *ame or )eve) u $ !$ Ao)e P)ayin*@ bein* someone e)se, t"e +ay to es!a e$ %$ 3is!overy@ Most)y in MMOAP/2s -massive mu)ti9on)ine ro)e9 )ayin* *ames., e5 )orin* an% %is!overin* ne+ t"in*s, no rea) en% to t"e *ame$ e$ Ae)ations"i s@ Meet ot"er eo )e, !reate re)ations"i s +it" ot"er )ayers$ #>$ Menta) ?ea)t" #ssues &$ :it" a)) o0 t"is *ame )ay t"ere are some menta) issues t"at +i)) ne*ative)y e00e!t eo )e$
B. Peo )e +"o a)rea%y "ave "i*" )eve)s o0 an5iety, a**ressive be"avior, an% neuroti!ism

are at a "i*"er ris4 0or a%%i!tion but +i)) a)so +orsen$ -+++$te!"a%%i!tion$!a. C$ '>i%eo *ame a%%i!tion +as a)so 0oun% to be !orre)ate% +it" a "i*"er robabi)ity o0 %e ression, an5iety an% oorer s!"oo) *ra%es, -+++$te!"a%%i!tion$!a.$ 1$ ?o+ t"ese e00e!t every%ay )i0e, an5iety an% %e ression$

D. '<usin* t"e *ames to es!a e t"eir rob)ems to be!omin* rest)ess or irritab)e +"en

t"ey sto

)ayin*, -+++$vi%eo9*ame9a%%i!tion$or*.$

6$ Bi4e eo )e +"o smo4e an% %rin4, +"en *amers are a+ay 0rom t"eir !om uter t"ey be!ome irritab)e, an5ious, an% nervous$ 7$ Peo )e +"o "ave a *amin* a%%i!tion a)so be*in to )ie more$ 1$ :"y t"ey +i)) not *o out, su00erin* s!"oo)C+or4, )yin* about *ame )ayin*$ >$ Bi4e menta) "ea)t" issues t"ere are a)so ba% "ysi!a) "ea)t" issues$ &$ Bon* "ours o0 *ame )ay "ave a very ba% e00e!t on t"e bo%y$ 1$ Car a) 1unne) Syn%rome a$ Cause% +"en t"e main nerve bet+een t"e 0orearm an% "an% is sDueeze% or resse%$ 2$ Mi*raines a$ 1y i!a))y start in one area o0 t"e brain an% s rea%s$ Cause% by intense !on!entration 0or *amin* an% strains on t"e eyes$ 3$ S)ee 3isturban!es an% many s)ee re)ate% %isor%ers !ause% by over9stimu)ation o0 t"e brain a$ ?ay%en E$ Ba!4a!"es 5$ 6atin* #rre*u)arities

F$ Poor ersona) "y*iene a$ S"o+erin* )ess, not brus"in* teet", eatin* un"ea)t"y, or not eatin* at a))$ >#$ So!ia) ConseDuen!es &$ P"ysi!a) !an )ea% to so!ia) issues$ 1$ ?y*iene, +ei*"t B$ /amers s en% so mu!" time on t"e !om uter t"at t"ey aban%on t"eir so!ia) )ives$ C$ On!e a*ain, use *ames as an es!a e 0rom t"e rea) +or)% 1$ Goun*er 4i%s2 so!ia) s4i))s !an be a00e!te% 0or t"e rest o0 t"eir )ives$ 3$ Not =ust ne*)e!t, some ta)4 about *amin* too mu!"$ 1$ :i)) not en*a*e in so!ia) !onversations$ 2$ Ot"er eo )e aban%on t"em instea%$ >##$ Con!)usion

&$ /amin* "as very ba% !onseDuen!es$ 1$ Menta) "ea)t" 2$ P"ysi!a) "ea)t" 3$ So!ia) )i0e B$ :"en you are )ayin* *ames, set yourse)0 time )imits$

1$ Mo%eration is 4ey$ C$ :"i)e t"ere are treatments, t"ere are =ust some t"in*s t"at treatments +i)) not "e) $ 3$ Parents nee% better ru)es an% restri!tions$H 6$ /amin* a%%i!tion is somet"in* t"at no one +ants to %ea) +it" an% +i)) *reat)y a00e!t t"e rest o0 your )i0e$

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