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Mechanism of action

These bind with the discrete protein binding sites in

the nerve endings to activate the ligand gated ion channels.

GABAA-receptor chloride channels : they facilitate

GABA mediated increase in Cl- conductance , thus causes hyperpolarisation and inhibits neuronal membrane activity .

Inhaled Gas a. Nitrous oxide Volatile liquids @ HE SIDE a. H-Halothane b. E-Ether c. S-Sevoflurane d. I-Isoflurane e. D-Desflurane f. E-Enflurane

Intravenous Inducing agents a. Thiopentone sod. b. Methohexitone sod. c. Propofol d. Etomidate Slow acting a. Benzodiazepines i. Diazepam ii. Lorazepam iii. midolazem

a. Dissociative anesthesia i.


b. opoid anaelgesic i. fentanyl

Write the pharmacological basis for the use of ketamine in short surgical procedure??
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthesia which produces

amnesia and analgesia with or without the loss of consciousness. It acts within one minute of administration And its anesthetic action lasts for only 10 to 15 mins Although the amnesia may last for 1-2 hrs. Thus ketamine is used in short surgical procedures

Adverse effects of halothane

Cardiac : bradycardia

arrythymia decreased cardiac output Malignant hyperthermia Hepatotoxicity in some cases Decreased urine formation

Advantages and disadvantages of N2O as adjuvant anesthetic?


It enhances the uptake of other inhalational anesthetic when given together. Eg . With halothane It adds to the analgesic property of other anesthetics


iii. It produces sedative effects


It is a less potent anesthetic


It produces postoperative nausea and vomiting

iii. It inactivates methionine synthase if used for a long

time and thus causes inhibition of DNA and protein synthesis resulting in anemia.

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