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Title Publisher %dition

Ford, Richard, 1944A multitude of sins : stories / Richard Ford. New York : Vintage ooks, !""#, c!""1$ 1st Vintage &onte'(oraries ed$

The first paragraph needs to include the author's name, name of the story, and a very brief synopsis (in your own words) of the story, which covers only the main points. Avoid any direct quotes from the story in your synopsis. The last sentence of the first paragraph will be a statement of the story's central idea . A statement of central idea is an interpretation of the meaning of the story. In apers !"#, the statement of central idea will serve as a thesis for your paper and will be supported by your analysis of the various elements of short narrative fiction. $ou will notice that the statement of central idea is in the form of a generali%ation, so there should be no references to specific characters. Instead, you should refer to people generally.

The second paragraph of your paper needs to justify the central idea (your interpretation) of the story. &egin the paragraph by e'plaining in a general sense what you mean by your statement of central idea. Then briefly show how your central idea statement applies to what happens in the story. The paper must be typed and have an original title. The paper must be in ()A format. *or ()A formatting conventions, refer to a handboo+. ,o not include a separate cover sheet. rovide parenthetical page number citations when quoting or paraphrasing. Include a wor+s cited page. -evise and proofread for all grammatical and mechanical error

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