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Music My Parents Like

Just as you have a favorite song or group, your parents had one when they were young as well. They were part of a community that listened to music and enjoyed hearing the latest hits . !ou are to spend time talking with them a"out the music they listened to when they were your age. #$ind out what some of their favorite songs were and who their favorite "and was. #$ind out if the songs have a special meaning for them and what it is. #%sk them what they felt when they listened to their favorite song and if they feel differently a"out those songs today. #%sk them if their favorite group is still together and if they are still creating music, touring or recording. %fter you find out the needed information, write a few paragraphs a"out what they have said. &nclude all of the information from the 'uestions a"ove and any e(tra tid"its of information that you find interesting or fun. &f you)d like, include a picture of the performers or al"um cover and may"e even a picture of your parents at a concert. %lso include a reflection a"out how you feel a"out the music that your parents listened to and what they might think a"out the music you listen to. %sk yourself if the music they listen to has affected the music you listen to. The paragraphs and information that you collect will "e written in a *+,- document, then transferred to your P.,/+0%L -,+P1+2 account so & can view it. +nce this is done, you may upload to your +0L&0. P+,T$+L&+ "y creating a page titled Music My Parents Like , and copying the information into your page. &n addition to writing a"out the music they liked and why they liked it, upload a piece of music from your parents favorite group, or a favorite song. Put this as an attachment on your page, or a link to a !ouTu"e video. 1e prepared to share what you have learned a"out your parents, the communities that they formed "ecause of the music they listened to, and their musical tastes with the class.

%rea of &nteraction 3%+&4

5ommunity and /ervice6 looking at how individual7community roles affect others and change, and how actions can stimulate one another.

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