Guided Discovery Model

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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Elizabeth Jordan
Is about



Guided Discovery
Main idea Main idea

Is an approach to instruction where teachers present students with examples of a specific topic and guides them through that topic
Main idea Main idea





Identify topics- can come from text books, curriculum guides, teachers themselves (concept or generalization) Specifying learning objectives- provide a framework for your lessons (must be clear) for conceptidentify characteristics, for generalization-identify relationships between concepts and generalizations Prepare examples and nonexamples- create or find, nonexamples are important when teaching close concepts Using technology to create high quality examples- one that contains all info. students need to reach objectives

Phase 1: Introduction- Teachers attempt to gain students attention and get the focus on the lesson Phase 2: The open-ended phasepresent the examples and have the students compare/contrast the examples (patterns) Phase 3: The convergent phaseTeachers ask questions to guide students to an understanding of concept or generalization Phase 4: Closure and Application-guide students to a definition of the concept or generalization Emphasis on understanding

Aligning assessments and objectives- teachers must be sure that objectives, activities, and assessments are all aligned (be able to identify characteristics in examples) Using assessment to increase learning- should be used as a tool for promoting learning and motivation not just for grades, discussions and quizzes spike students concerns which then causes more learning to occur Paper and pencil can be used as a form of assessment as well as performance form of assessment

Learning and understanding which is done by quizzes and discussion to ensure interests Performance based also increases motivation because it involves the student and the rest of the class not simply just the student and the teacher If teachers have real world examples and feedback, it creates motivation because it can relate to the students

So what? What is important to understand about this?

This is important because it deals with successful ways and outlines to get students to understand concepts and generalizations in the best form.

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