Dark Heresy Equipment PDF

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*elee Weapons (All) Chain Weapons C3ain A=e C3ain Gni6e C3ains>ord C3ains>ord (4e2ate Pattern) <8is2erator Class

*elee *elee *elee *elee *elee Range Dam 1d10+! R 1d5+3 R 1d10+2 R 1d10+2 R 1d10+10 R Pen 2 2 2 2 5 Special %earing %earing Balan2ed. %earing Balan2ed. %earing Spe2ial. %earing. 7n>ield1 Weight 13'g 2&5'g ,'g ,'g 12'g Cost !50 "0 2/5 /50 Availability 0er1 Rare S2ar2e Rare A8erage S2ar2e Source 4i8e Worlds Notes A8erage A8aila-ilit1 in Goron$s Se2tor

%3e 4ol1 5rdos

E otic Weapons Aet3er ;an2e

Class *elee

Range -

Dam 2d5 <

Pen 0

Special 7n>ield1

Weight 3&5'g

Cost 50000

Availability 0er1 Rare

Source eno

%>o-3anded& Rolling a :,-100 m$st s$22eed on an Agilit1 %est or ta'e ?amage as i6 str$2' -1 t3e >eapon (in2l$ding SB)& Notes 9gnores Armo$r. %B and ps123i2 de6enses& Bo SB added to damage& %argets parr1 at -10 penalt1& Bo damage to non-li8ing. ma23ines. daemons. *a23ine %rait (5+)& 96 to$23es 3e=agrammi2 >ards. $nto$23a-les or a similar ps123i2 -lan' t3e >eapon dies (1d10 da1s)& SB 5+ to >ield& -10 WS 6or ea23 point o6 SB -elo> 5 ($nless mo$nted on implant)& R# damage is 2d10& %>o-3anded %>o-3anded

Brea23er B$l'3ead C$tters C3ain-Sti2' ?o$-le #lail ?raet3ri Pain (a$ntlet #raFal (lass Gni6e #ra2tal Blade (arrote (3ost S>ord 4arleC$inFs Giss ;ig3tning C3ain ;ig3tning (a$ntlet 5r' C3oppa S21t3ian #$r1 %alon 0i8se2tor 0i8se2tor (%o=i2 7pgrade) W3isper ;ine #edrid RaHor ?is' 0olon= %3$nder2lap Po&er Weapons %3e G3a1er-Addin )Serpentine+ Po>er Blade 5mnissian A=e 5mnissian A=e (Solle= Pattern) Po>er A=e (*eHoa Pattern) Po>er Blade Po>er #ist Po>er #ist (*eHoa Pattern) Po>er ;ongs>ord (Waller Pattern *ar' 09) Po>er *a$l @4ig3A Po>er S>ord Po>er S>ord (*ordian Pattern) Solle=-Aegis <nerg1 Blade

*elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee %3ro>n %3ro>n Class *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee

1m 10m :m Range -

1d10+5 R 1d10+3 R 1d10+1 9 1d10 9 1d10+2 R 1d5+2 R 1d10+1 R 1d10 R 1d10+3 < 1d10+" R 1d10+1 9 1d10 9 1d10+1 R 1d5+3 R 1d5+5 R 1d5+5 R 1d10+1 R 1d10 R 1d5+3 Dam 1d10+2 < 2d5+5 < 2d10+! < 1d10+/ < 1d10+3 < 2d10+SB=2 < 2d10+SB=2 < 1d10+, < 1d10+1 < @1d10+5 <A 1d10+5 < 1d10+5 < 1d10+, <

! , 0 0 0 ! / 0 , 10 0 0 2 3 0 0 ! 2 0 Pen , , , / , " : , 2 @!A , , /

Spe2ial. %earing. 7n>ield1 %earing. 7n>ield1 #ast. Primiti8e. %o=i2 #le=i-le. Primiti8e S3o2'ing %o=i2 Po>er #ield. Balan2ed #le=i-le. Primiti8e Po>er #ield. Balan2ed %earing. Bo SB 6or ?amage #le=i-le. Primiti8e. S3o2'ing Primiti8e. S3o2'ing %earing. 7n-alan2ed %o=i2 %earing. 7n>ield1 %earing. %o=i2. 7n>ield1 #le=i-le. %earing Primiti8e Blast(2). 9na22$rate. Primiti8e. 7nsta-le Special #ast. Po>er #ield Po>er #ield. 7n>ield1 Po>er #ield. 7n-alan2ed Po>er #ield. 7n-alan2ed Po>er #ield Po>er #ield. 7n>ield1 Po>er #ield. 7n>ield1 Po>er #ield S3o2'ing @Po>er #ieldA Balan2ed. Po>er #ield Balan2ed. Po>er #ield Balan2ed. Po>er #ield

1"'g ,'g 1'g !'g 3'g 1&5'g 1'g 0&5'g 1'g 1'g !'g 2'g "'g 1'g 1&5'g 1&5'g 0&5'g 0&5'g 1'g Weight 1&5'g /'g "'g ,'g 1&5'g 12'g 13'g !&5'g 3&5'g 3&5'g 3&5'g 1'g

/50 /5 30 2" 1500 !50 200 100 "0 ,00 1000 ,50 1150 !500 50 !5 Cost 2500 1/50 3100 3500 2500 5000

S2ar2e A8erage S2ar2e S2ar2e 0er1 Rare Rare <=tremel1 Rare S2ar2e <=tremel1 Rare <=tremel1 Rare 0er1 Rare S2ar2e S2ar2e 0er1 Rare Rare Rare 0er1 Rare A8erage 0er1 Rare Availability 0er1 Rare <=tremel1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare

#orge Worlds %3e 0oid #eral Worlds #e$dal Worlds eno eno

%>o-3anded eno #e$dal Worlds #e$dal Worlds eno eno #orge Worlds #orge Worlds eno #eral Worlds #eral Worlds Source 4i8e Worlds #orge Worlds


Stores 5 doses o6 an1 dr$g or poison and 2an appl1 a dose to damage& +10 9nterrogation. 9ntimidation& +10 *edi2ae 6or ser8itor repair or a$topsies& +10 9nterrogation. 9ntimidation& +10 *edi2ae 6or ser8itor repair or a$topsies& ReC$ires rein6or2ed glo8es or 3and prote2tion to $se& Ret$rns to t3ro>er i6 missed& C3allenging(+0) Agilit1 test to 2at23& Notes 7s$all1 2on2ealed in >al'ing sti2's or similar s3eet3s& +10 -on$s to 9ntera2tion %ests in8ol8ing 6ollo>ers o6 t3e *a23ine (od& #$n2tions as a m$lti-tool& #$n2tions as a m$lti-tool&


#orge Worlds

(ains an additional +5 to Parr1& SB not added to ?amage& Atta2' or Parr1 #ail$re -1 5+ degrees does >eapon damage to $ser& Cannot -e stealt31 >3ile on& Weapon $ses plasma pistol 6$el (10 ro$nds o6 2ontin$o$s operation)& Notes

Wit23 ;an2e Primitive Weapons Armo$red (a$ntlet A=e A=e-Ra'e Bastard S>ord Boarding Pi'e (Ano=is Pattern) Bolo Gni6e Brass Gn$2'les B$2'ler B$2'ler (A2reage) C3imera Pistol S>ord Cl$Com-at Gni6e C$tlass )?e8ilFs Giss+ ;andrian Stiletto )<mperorFs W3isper+ ;andrian Blade #lail #or2e A=e #or2e Sta66

*elee. %3ro>n Class *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee. %3ro>n *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee. %3ro>n *elee *elee *elee

10m Range "m 5m -

1d10+! < Dam 1d5 9 1d10+1 R 1d10+2 9 or R 1d10+1 R 1d10+3 2d5 R 1d5-1 9 1d5-2 9 1d5-2 9 1d10+1 R 1d10 9 1d5+3 R 1d10 R 1d5 R 1d5+1 R 1d10+2 9 1d10+3 R 1d10 9

, Pen 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 2 0

Po>er #ield. Spe2ial Special Primiti8e Primiti8e. 7n-alan2ed Primiti8e. 7n-alan2ed Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e Balan2ed. Primiti8e Balan2ed. Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e. 7n-alan2ed #ast. Primiti8e Balan2ed #le=i-le. Primiti8e Spe2ial. 7n-alan2ed Balan2ed. Spe2ial

5'g Weight 0&5'g !'g !'g 5'g !'g 2'g 0&5'g 1'g 1'g 3&5'g 2'g 0&"'g 3'g 0&3'g 0&5'g !'g !&5'g 3'g

2"00 Cost 35 20 20 50 30 50 5 30 30 130 5 !0 10 55 150 20 !000 3500

0er1 Rare Availability Common A8erage A-$ndant A8erage Common Rare Plenti6$l Common Common S2ar2e A-$ndant A8erage Common Rare 0er1 Rare S2ar2e 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare

Source %3e 0oid 4i8e Worlds #e$dal Worlds %3e 0oid 4i8e Worlds #e$dal Worlds #e$dal Worlds %3e 0oid

+10 Bon$s to Clim- %ests and %ests to 6or2e doors or lo2's open& %>o-3anded& ?amage is one-s3ot& A2ts as 2l$- 6or rest o6 2om-at& %a'es time to reload& Common A8aila-ilit1 on *al6i&

Also 6$n2tions as an 9rontalon >it3 a 2lip o6 1& Can -e 6i=ed to most Basi2 >eapons as a -a1onet&

#e$dal Worlds 4i8e Worlds 4i8e Worlds %3e 4ol1 5rdos %3e 4ol1 5rdos %>o-3anded (ood Cra6tsmans3ip *ono& Cannot -e destro1ed -1 a po>er >eaponFs 6ield& %>o-3anded& (ood Cra6tsmans3ip *ono& Cannot -e destro1ed -1 a po>er >eaponFs 6ield& Can -e $sed as a Ps1 #o2$s& (ood Cra6tsmans3ip *ono& Cannot -e destro1ed -1 a po>er >eaponFs 6ield& %>o-3anded AP , >3en $sed as 2o8er& -20 WS to atta2's >it3 s3ield&

#or2e S>ord (reat Weapon (ro=>3ip ($ard S3ield 4ammer 9mpro8ised ;andrian )Sigilite+ Gni6e ;ong-Sa-re Gni6e Gra'en %oot3 ?agger *an-Cat23er *irror S3ield

*elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee. %3ro>n *elee. %3ro>n *elee *elee

3m 3m 5m -

1d10+1 R 2d10 R 1d10+3 R 1d5 9 1d10+1 9 1d10-2 9 1d5 R 1d10+2 R 1d5 R 1d5+1 R 1d10 9 1d5-1 9

2 2 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0

Balan2ed. Spe2ial Primiti8e. 7n>ield1 #le=i-le. %earing. Primiti8e ?e6ensi8e. Primiti8e Primiti8e. 7n-alan2ed Primiti8e. 7n-alan2ed ?e6ensi8e Balan2ed. Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e. Snare. 7n>ield1 ?e6ensi8e. Primiti8e

3&5'g /'g !'g 3&5'g !'g 0&/5'g 3'g 0&5'g 0&!'g "'g 3'g

3500 /0 100 10 "5 /0 5 200 ,0 ,0

0er1 Rare S2ar2e S2ar2e S2ar2e Common Rare 0er1 Rare A-$ndant Rare S2ar2e Rare

%3e 4ol1 5rdos

4i8e Worlds #eral Worlds %3e 0oid %3e 0oid #e$dal Worlds

%>o-3anded <=tremel1 Rare in Goron$s Se2tor& %>o-3anded AP " (Primiti8e) to Bod1 and Arm as 2o8er& Retains 6$ll AP 8al$e against ;as Weapons& -20 WS to atta2's >it3 s3ield& AP " >3en $sed as 2o8er& -20 WS to atta2's >it3 s3ield&

*oon Blade Ba8al S3ield P$n23 ?agger P$nis3er Baton Render. ;andrian Sa-re S21t3e S3ield S3ort S>ord Sie8e Blade Spear Spe2t$m Sta66 Steam ?rill Stiletto S>ord

*elee. %3ro>n *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee. %3ro>n *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee

5m 10m -

1d10 R 1d5+2 9 1d5+1 R 1d10 9 1d5+1 R 1d10 R 1d10+2 R 1d5 9 1d10-1 R 1d10-1 R 1d10 R 1d10 R 1d10 9 2d10 9 1d5-1 R 1d10 R

0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 2 0

#ast. Primiti8e. 7n>ield1 ?e6ensi8e. Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e. %earing Balan2ed. Primiti8e Primiti8e. 7n>ield1 ?e6ensi8e. Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e. 7n-alan2ed Balan2ed. Primiti8e Primiti8e. 7n-alan2ed. 7n>ield1 #ast. Primiti8e Balan2ed. Primiti8e

3'g :'g 0&5'g 3'g 1&2'g 2'g 5'g 3'g 1&5'g 0&5'g 3'g ,'g 3'g 1"'g 0&2'g 3'g

25 /5 ! 50 50 15 12 25 12 /5 15 !5 10 100 25 15

Rare A8erage Plenti6$l A8erage Rare Common 7n2ommon A8erage Common S2ar2e Common Rare Plenti6$l 0er1 Rare 7n2ommon Common

#eral Worlds %3e 0oid

4i8e Worlds 4i8e Worlds #e$dal Worlds %>o-3anded AP 2 to Bod1 and Arm as 2o8er& -20 WS to atta2's >it3 s3ield& %3e 0oid ?eli8ers 23emi2als on an1 3it (m$st >o$nd 6or e66e2t)& %>o-3anded %>o-3anded %>o-3anded %>o-3anded& SB !+ to >ield& -10 WS 6or ea23 point o6 SB -elo> !& -10 Agl >3ile 2arried&

#e$dal Worlds #e$dal Worlds #e$dal Worlds

Page ,

*elee Weapons (All) %o>er S3ield (metal) *elee 1d5+2 9 0 ?e6ensi8e. Primiti8e /'g ,0 Rare #e$dal Worlds AP " (Primiti8e) >3en $sed as 2o8er& -2 to AB >3en 3eld& -20 WS to atta2's >it3 s3ield&

Page /

*elee Weapons (All) Primitive Weapons %o>er S3ield (>ood) %rop31 Gni6e %r$n23eon War3ammer Bolas Da8elin %3ro>ing Star/%3ro>ing Gni6e 0i-e Spear Class *elee *elee *elee *elee %3ro>n %3ro>n %3ro>n %3ro>n Range 10m 1"m 5m 10m Dam 1d5+1 9 1d5+1 R 1d10 9 1d10+2 9 1d10 R 1d5 R 1d10+2 R Pen 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Special ?e6ensi8e. Primiti8e Balan2ed. Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e 9na22$rate. Primiti8e. Snare Primiti8e Primiti8e Primiti8e. Snare. Spe2ial Weight 5'g 0&3'g 2'g !&5'g 1&5'g 1'g 0&5'g 2'g Cost !0 /00 10 " 5 1! Availability 7n2ommon 0er1 Rare Plenti6$l S2ar2e A8erage Plenti6$l Plenti6$l 7n2ommon Source #e$dal Worlds Notes AP , (Primiti8e) >3en $sed as 2o8er& -2 to AB >3en 3eld& -20 WS to atta2's >it3 s3ield&

#eral Worlds #eral Worlds C3allenging(+0) *edi2ae test to remo8e spear& #ail$re in6li2ts 1d5 ?amage (no AP or %B mod)& 96 inI$red ma'e a C3allenging(+0) %o$g3ness test or s$66er 1 le8el o6 #atig$e& Notes %>o-3anded

0olon= Bone Bolas Shoc' Weapons <le2tro-#lail Be$ral W3ip 566i2erFs C$tlass S3o2' (a$ntlets S3o2' (lo8e S3o2' *a$l S3o2'-Sta66

%3ro>n Class *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee *elee

"m Range 3m -

1d5 9 Dam 1d10+2 9 1d10+1 < 1d10 R 1d5 < 1d10 9 1d10 9 1d5+3 9

0 Pen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Primiti8e. Snare. %o=i2 Special #le=i-le. S3o2'ing #le=i-le. S3o2'ing S3o2'ing S3o2'ing S3o2'ing S3o2'ing S3o2'ing

2'g Weight !&5'g !'g 3'g 1'g 1&5'g 2&5'g 2'g

12 Cost 3/5 500 200 100 150 100

Rare Availability Rare Rare S2ar2e S2ar2e Rare S2ar2e A8erage

#eral Worlds Source %3e 0oid %3e 0oid

%3e 0oid

%>o-3anded& Rare in Goron$s Se2tor&

Page "

*elee Weapon 7pgrades "elee Weapon %pgrades ;at3e Blade %sed With Gni6e. %3ro>ing Gni8es. S>ord. A=e. (reat Weapon (no *ono $pgrade) An1 Primiti8e (no ;at3e Blade $pgrade) An1 Primiti8e or C3ain o6 at least (ood C$alit1 2ra6tsmans3ip Weight 0 Cost 2500 Availability 0er1 Rare Source Special #orge Worlds +2 ?amage& +3 Pen& +10 WS& Cannot -e destro1ed -1 po>er 6ields and 2o$nts as 3a8ing an Armo$r o6 25 i6 dire2tl1 atta2'ed& Best K$alit1 Cra6tsmans3ip& +2 to Pen and are no longer Primiti8e& Can -e applied to Po>er Weapons t3at are t$rned o66& 4ol1 5rdos ?amage 2a$sed is 2onsidered 4ol1&

*ono San2ti6ied Weapon

0 0

!0 500

S2ar2e 0er1 Rare

Page :

<=plosi8es E plosive ?emolition C3arge ?et-Cord and ?et-%ape #12eline ;impet *ine (Cressin Pattern) *elta BomPromet3i$m Weight 1'g 1'g 1'g 3'g !'g 1'g (nitial Damage 3d10 !d10 ,d10 < Damage per Weight 2 1d5 1d10+5 2d10 < Pen 0 0 0 " 12 0 Blast Radius =5m =2m =5m 1m 2m =!m Cost 250 20 /0 55 100 ,0 Availability Special S2ar2e Common A8erage S2ar2e Rare Agilit1 %est or 2at23 on 6ire& S2ar2e Agilit1 %est or 2at23 on 6ire&

Page 10

Armo$r Primitive Armour Bra2ers Braid Cloa'. #edrid (ang ;eat3ers Bone Armo$r 4ea81 ;eat3ers K$ilted 0est Beast #$rs S2rag #$rs (ro= 4ides Banded Armo$r. #er8io$s C3ain Coat S2ale Armo$r. *onrass Sil'mail. A2reage *ir'erFs (rea8es #e$dal Plate B$rns2o$r Beast 4ide eno 4ides 4ea81 Plate Advanced Armour <n8ironmental Bod1 (lo8e *as' Bod1glo8e Bl$r S$it !ocation)s* Covered Arms Bod1 Arms. Bod1. ;egs Arms. Bod1. ;egs Arms. Bod1. ;egs Bod1 Bod1 Bod1 Bod1 Arms. Bod1. ;egs Arms. Bod1. ;egs Arms. Bod1. ;egs Arms. Bod1. ;egs ;egs All Bod1 Bod1 All !ocation)s* Covered All Arms. Bod1. ;egs All AP 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 ! 5 , , , AP 1 2 2 Weight 0&5'g 2'g 5'g 12'g /'g 2'g 10'g /'g 1!'g 12'g 1"'g 15'g 5'g "'g 30'g 20'g 22'g 2"'g Weight 5'g ,'g /'g Cost 10 "0 25 20 100 10 5 5 ,0 50 50 1000 150 50 120 5000 300 Cost ,25 ,50 /50 Availability Plenti6$l 7n2ommon A8erage A8erage Common Common A8erage Common Common Rare A8erage 0er1 Rare Rare A8erage S2ar2e 0er1 Rare 0er1 Rare S2ar2e Availability Rare Rare Rare Source #eral Worlds #eral Worlds #eral Worlds Special +10 -on$s on Con2ealment %ests in 6orest or I$ngle terrain&

#eral Worlds #eral Worlds #eral Worlds #eral Worlds 4i8e Worlds +10 to Agilit1 %ests to a8oid 2at23ing 6ire& Can 'i2' >it3 t3e same e66e2t as i6 >earing Brass Gn$2'les&

#e$dal Worlds Source Special #rontier Worlds +10 -on$s on S$r8i8al %ests& 4as a -$ilt in re--reat3er. 2omm--ead and p3oto-8isor& +20 to Con2ealment %ests >3en opposed -1 in6rared sensors o6 2reat$res >3ose sig3t is -ased on 3eat& 9mposes a -10 penalt1 against all sig3t--ased tests against t3e $ser >3en a2ti8iated& An1 atta2' t3at penetrates t3e s$it add 2 damage& A2ti8ating or ?ea2ti8ating t3e s$it is a 4al6 A2tion& ReC$ires a 2ommon po>er 2ell& ;asts 2! ro$nds& #rontier Worlds +10 -on$s to Agilit1 tests made to maintain 6ooting in trea23ero$s or sli2' 2onditions& AP , against 2orrosi8es& 4i8e Worlds 4i8e Worlds -20 penalt1 on %ests to noti2e t3e >earer& -30 penalt1 to dete2t >it3 s2anners& +20 Con2ealment %ests& Can eno 3ide in plain sig3t i6 stationar1 in an area o6 gloom or lo> lig3t 2onditions& #rontier Worlds 9mm$ne to en8ironmental e66e2ts o6 strong >ind and dire storms& ?o$-le prote2tion against #ire. A2id and Corrosi8es& -10 penalt1 to 4i8e Worlds Agilit1 %ests& 4as a -$ilt in re-reat3er and p3oto-8isor& W3ile in motion -30 penalt1 to atta2' >earer& -30 to Per2eption or eno A>areness tests to dis2ern an1t3ing in t3e 6ield (in2l$ding against A$spe=)& +10 A>areness to dete2t t3e $ser or t3e 6ield& 96 t3e >earer loses 2ons2io$sness. Willpo>er %est& 5n #ail$re 1d10 eno ?amage per ro$nd (Bo armo$r or %B)& 5n ?eat3 t3e armo$r animates t3e -od1 and loo's 6or anot3er 8i2tim& 4as -$ilt in respirator and p3oto-8isor& +10 to Strengt3& ReC$ires #orge Worlds 21-ermantle and potentia 2oil& Source Special

Slit3er Boots 4ardened Bod1 (lo8e 4ardened Bod1 (lo8e (Stealt3) S3ro$d Cloa'

;egs Arms. Bod1. ;egs All All

3 3 3 3

,'g 5'g 5'g 2'g

500 300 :00 -

Rare Rare Rare -

Wind Armo$r 0ol2anis S3ro$d 4olo-Armo$r

All All All

3 3 !

1"'g 20'g !'g

2200 Rare 350 A8erage -

*e2ronid Armo$r



15000 0er1 Rare

?ragon S2ale Fla' Armour #la' 4elmet #la' (a$ntlets ;ig3t #la' Coat #la' 0est #la' Da2'et #la' Cloa' #la' (reat2oat ($ard #la' Armo$r "esh Armour *es3 Co>l *e23 (lo8es eno *es3 *es3 0est *es3 Com-at Cloa' Carapace Armour Carapa2e 4elm Carapa2e 0am-ra2es Carapa2e (rea8es <n6or2er ;ig3t Carapa2e Cameleoline Com-at Armo$r 4a=-5rt3la2' *G99 *agistrat$m Com-at Carapa2e Carapa2e C3est Plate Windrider Carapa2e S3o2' Carapa2e

All !ocation)s* Covered 4ead Arms Arms. Bod1. ;egs Bod1 Arms. Bod1. ;egs All Arms. Bod1 All !ocation)s* Covered 4ead Arms Arms. Bod1. ;egs Bod1 All !ocation)s* Covered 4ead Arms ;egs Arms. Bod1. ;egs All All Bod1 Bod1 Arms. Bod1. ;egs

" AP 2 2 2 3 3 3 ! ! AP 3 3 ! ! ! AP ! 5 5 5 5 5 , , ,

20'g Weight 2'g 1'g !'g 5'g ,'g "'g :'g 11'g Weight 0&5'g 0&5'g 2'g 1'g 1&5'g Weight 2'g 2'g 3'g 15'g 1/'g 1,'g /'g ,'g 1:'g

/500 %e23-Priest 5nl1 Cost Availability 25 A8erage 50 A8erage "0 S2ar2e 50 A8erage 100 A8erage "0 S2ar2e 150 A8erage 300 S2ar2e Cost Availability 100 Rare 120 Rare 3/5 Rare 150 Rare 350 0er1 Rare Cost Availability 250 Rare 300 Rare 3/5 Rare 5/5 Rare 1000 0er1 Rare 1100 Rare ,00 Rare "00 S2ar2e 5000 0er1 Rare





4i8e Worlds

+20 to Con2ealment tests& Co$nt as one Range Bra2'et 6$rt3er a>a1 against ranged atta2's i6 stationar1& 4as -$ilt in respirator. 2omm--ead and p3oto-8isor&

An1 s$22ess6$l 3it >it3 a 2ond$2ti8e >eapon res$lts in a %o$g3ness %est as i6 t3e atta2'er 3ad -een 3it in t3e arm >it3 a >eapon >it3 t3e S3o2'ing C$alit1& Source Special +20 to Strengt3& 9n2reases siHe -1 one step& *$st 3a8e a Po>er S$ppl1 (1d5 3o$rs)& +10 to Strengt3& *$st 3a8e a Po>er S$ppl1 (1d5 3o$rs)& +20 to Strengt3& 9n2reases siHe -1 one step& *$st 3a8e a Po>er S$ppl1 (1d5 3o$rs)& Special -20 penalt1 on all Con2ealment and Stealt3 tests >3ile a2ti8ated& B$rno$t o22$rs i6 a2ti8ated 6or more t3an 1 3o$r& A2ti8ating 6ield is a 4al6 A2tion& ReC$ires t>o 3o$rs to re23arge on2e it 3as -een $sed& Po>er 2ells are eno$g3 6or 1 3o$r o6 2ontin$o$s $se and are Rare items >it3 a 2ost o6 1000& 9ne66e2ti8e against 8er1 2lose ranged atta2's& 96 t3e 6ield -lo2's more t3an 12 ?amage 6rom an1 single atta2' a -last o6 lig3t is released& 4as t3e e66e2ts o6 a p3oton 6las3 grenade 2entered on t3e >earer&

Storm %rooper Carapa2e Po&er Armour ;id3l Po>er Armo$r ;ig3t Po>er Armo$r Po>er Armo$r Force Field Am$let o6 Warding

All !ocation)s* Covered All All All !ocation)s* Covered All

, AP , / " AP Spe2ial

1/'g Weight !0'g !0'g ,5'g Weight 1'g

3/50 0er1 Rare Cost Availability "000 0er1 Rare "500 0er1 Rare 15000 0er1 Rare Cost Availability 30000 0er1 Rare

Source #orge Worlds

Re6ra2tor #ield




20000 0er1 Rare





25000 Rare

4ol1 5rdos

Page 11

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