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__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/ \__ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / | | DRAGON'S TOUCH | | weaknesses of the | | human anatomy | | | | by | | He! "on# | | | | _/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\ _| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / $a%t & St%!

kes to the Hea' an' Ne(k Th!s )o*ume +an' the ones to fo**ow, (on(ent%ates on the -. ma/o% 0%essu%e 0o!nts of the bo'y1 Of (ou%se2 the%e a%e 3u!te a few mo%e2 but these a%e the bas!(s1 A** of the 0o!nts a%e (*ass!f!e' !nto 4 (ata#o%!es Nume%!(a* & 5b%a!n/sku** && 5sense o%#ans &&&5*!fe su00o%t2 (a%'!o%es0!%ato%y2 ma/o% o%#ans 7 t%a(ts o%#an!( &8 5mus(u*a% fun(t!ons 7 ne%)es 8 5me(han!(a* fun(t!ons2 ske*eta*2 'ama#e (a%t!*a#es 7 /o!nts A*0habet!(a* A5!mmob!*!ty f%om 0a!n 65!mmob!*!ty f%om st%u(tu%a* o% o%#an!( 'ama#e C5Un(ons(!ousness f%om ne%)e o% 'ama#e D5'eath f%om 0hys!o*o#!(a*

The )ent%a* t%ans)e%se 0*ane (ons!sts of the fa(e2 the f%ont2 to02 7 s!'es of the hea'2 the ne(k2 7 the u00e% to%so2 !n(*u'!n# the (o**a%bone1 The%e a%e 9: 0%essu%e 0o!nts !n th!s a%ea as fo**ows 91 41 .1 -1 :1 ;1 (o%ona* sutu%e &5C t%!#em!na* ne%)e 7 f%onta* bone tem0*e 7 fossa tem0o%a*!s &5D eyes &&56 ea%s &&56 masto!' &&5A &5D

<1 =1 >1 9?1 991 941 9.1 9-1 9:1

se0ta* (a%t!*a#e &&5A o% &&5D ante%!o% nasa* s0!ne &5A tem0o%oman'!bu*a% /o!nt 85A t!0 of man'!b*e &5C ste%no(*e!'omasto!' %e#!on &&&5D ante%!o% ne(k %e#!on &&&5D b%a(h!a* 0*e@us 7 t%a0eA!us mus(*e su0%aste%na* not(h &&&5D (*a)!(*e 856


9 Th!s %e#!on *ays on to0 of the hea'2 mo%e towa%'s the fo%ehea'1 &t !s a*so known as the soft s0ot on bab!es1 &t !s the s0a(e between the sku** bones that !s (o)e%e' w!th a memb%ane that (*ose u0 usua**y by 9= months2 but the (o%ona* st%u(tu%e !s st!** weake% than the %est of the sku**1 D!%e(t*y beneath th!s !s the senso%y 0o%t!on of the b%a!n 7 un'e% that the o0t!( (a)!ty1 A 'ownwa%' st%!ke of about -: 'e#%ees 'e0en'!n# on the fo%(e (ou*' (ause (on(uss!on2 tem0o%a%y b*!n'ness2 un(ons(!ousness2 b%a!n hemo%%ha#e2 e)en 'eath +)e%y 0owe%fu* b*ow,1 4 Th!s %e#!on !s *o(ate' /ust be*ow the (ente%most 0o!nt of the fo%ehea' The ne%)e !s on the outs!'e of the sku** thus when the bone !s st%u(k !t w!** t%a0 the ne%)e1 Th!s (ou*' %esu*t !n /a%%!n# the (e%eb%a* hem!s0he%es2 (on(uss!on2 un(ons(!ousness2 !m0a!%e' )!s!on2 7 0a%a*ys!s1 &f an' on*y !f ma@!mum !m0a(t !s a00*!e'2 'eath (ou*' %esu*t f%om b%a!n hemo%%ha#e1 . &'m su%e we a** know whe%e the tem0*e !s but fo% those of you that 'on't know !t !s *o(ate' on a ho%!Aonta* 0*ane a(%oss f%om the to0 of the ea%1 &t !s the %e(esse' 0a%t on ea(h s!'e of the hea'1 &t !s a(tua**y the bone t!0 of the s0heno!'1 The t%!#em!na* ne%)e %uns th%ou#h the the tem0*e1 Th!s ne%)e (ont%o*s se)e%a* fa(!a* fun(t!ons1 A*so 0ass!n# th%ou#h !s the m!''*e men!n#ea* a%te%y wh!(h !s the *a%#est b%an(h su00*!n# 'u%a matte%1 A '!%e(t h!t (ou*' b%eak the t!0 off the s0heno!' (aus!n# !t to ente% the b%a!n1 The men!n#ea* (ou*' bu%st1 Conta(t to the t%!#em!na* (ou*' %esu*t !n *oss of (ont%o* of fa(!a* fun(t!ons1 Com0%ess!on of the b%a!n2 hemo%%ha#e2 (on(uss!on2 sho(k2 7 'eath a%e *!ke*y %esu*ts of st%!k!n# the tem0*e w!th a ho%!Aonta* b*ow '!%e(te' towa%'s the o00os!te tem0*e1

The eyes a%e *o(ate'111uh & th!nk you know1 The eyes a%e )e%y sens!t!)e e)en to the s*!#htest tou(h1 They a%e he*' !n by fas(!a bu*b! +a soft memb%ane, an' eye mus(*es1 Th!s makes them easy to 0o0 out1 They a%e a*so )e%y soft2 an' !f a b*ow %ea(he' the )!t%eous bo'y +(ente% of eye, the eyeba** wou*' (o**a0se1 Othe% than (aus!n# tem0o%a%y o% 0e%manent *oss of s!#ht a 'ee0 th%ust (ou*' 0un(tu%e the b%a!n (aus!n# 'eath1 : These a%e *o(ate' on ea(h s!'e of the hea'1 A!% !s eas!*y t%a00e' !n the e@te%na* a(oust!( meatus +the tunne* f%om the oute% ea% to the !nne% ea%, an' fo%(e' !nto the ea%'%um (aus!n# !t to bust1 Th!s !n tu%n %u0tu%es the hamme% o% ma**eus w!th!n the m!''*e ea%1 Dama#es wou*' (ause se)e%e 0a!n2 *oss of hea%!n#2 b*ee'!n# f%om the mouth an' ea%2 an' b*ee'!n# !nto the th%oat )!a the !nte%na* au'!to%y tube1 A*so2 the !nne% ea% !s the (ente% of e3u!*!b%!um +ba*an(e, fo% the (e%ebe**um1 a fo%(efu* st%!ke (ou*' *ea)e the )!(t!m s0%aw*e' on the #%oun' w!th no ba*an(eB The b*ow shou*' be 'e*!)e%e' ho%!Aonta**y '%!)!n# !nto the ea%1 ; The masto!' !s *o(ate' '!%e(t*y beh!n' the ea%*obe1 &t !s the %e(esse' a%ea whe%e the sku** meets the ne(k1 &t !s f!**e' w!th a!% 0o(kets wh!(h a%e use' to (ommun!(ate w!th the m!''*e ea%1 A th%ust shou*' not be use'C %athe% a00*y 0%essu%e w!th a nu(k*e o% thumbna!* !n an u0wa%' '!%e(t!on1 $%o*on#e' 0%essu%e (ou*' (ause 'ama#e to the au'!to%y system1 < Dnown mo%e (ommon*y as the nose the se0ta* (a%t!*a#e !s the ha' substan(e that makes u0 the nose1 Two st%!kes a%e use' he%e fo% '!ffe%ent measu%es &&5A a ho%!Aonta* st%!ke (aus!n# b%eaka#e of the se0ta* (a%t!*a#e an' nasa* bone wh!(h %u0tu%es the an#u*a% )e!n 0%o'u(!n# a *ot of b*oo' a*on# w!th #%eat 0a!n2 howe)e%2 not enou#h to sto0 some atta(ke%s an u0wa%' -: 'e#%ee st%!ke fo%(!n# the se0ta* (a%t!*a#e th%ou#h the !nte%na* nasa* (a)!ty an' (%!sta #a**! +a sma** bone between the nasa* (a)!ty 7 the b%a!n, !nto the b%a!n1 Death wou*' be !nstantaneous be(ause of (om0%ess!on of the b%a!n1 = Th!s !s *o(ate' beneath the nose an' abo)e the *!0s1 &t !s the a%ea between

&&5D fo%mat!on

the 4 *!nes %unn!n# f%om the nose to u00e% *!01 Eany of the fa(!a* ne%)es %un th%ou#h th!s a%ea1 A '!%e(t h!t wou*' (ause the senso%y f!be%s to %e*ay the sho(k to the 0ons2 (aus!n# '!AA!ness1 A h!t wou*' a*so (ause 'ama#e to the ma@!**a bone wh!(h ho*'s the #ums 7 teeth1 Th!s (ou*' (ause e@tens!)e b*ee'!n# 0os!b*y s(a%!n# the )!(t!m about the b*oo' *oss1 A st%a!#ht b*ow !n nee'e' to a(h!e)e th!s a!m!n# towa%'s the ba(k of the hea'1 > Th!s !s the /o!nt that ho*'s the /aw bone !n 0*a(e1 &t (onne(ts w!th the sku** !n f%ont of the ea%1 The /o!nt !s %ea**y ma'e u0 of 4 se0a%ate /o!nts2 thus '!s*o(at!on (an be un!*ate%a* o% b!*ate%a*1 F!th a -: 'e#%ee 'ownwa%' st%!ke +0%efe%ab*y w!th the mouth o0en, w!** '!s*o(ate the man'!b*e +/aw bone,1 An eas!e% way to b%eak the bone !s to st%!ke the /o!nt !tse*f o% anywhe%e on the /aw bone %ea**y wh!*e the hea' !s tu%ne' to one s!'e o% the othe%1 Th!s %e'u(es the abso%bt!on of the b*ow by the ne(k1 Th!s metho' %e3u!%es the *east amount of fo%(e1 9? The ma'!b*e !s the /aw bone an' of (ou%se the t!0 !s *o(ate' on the )e%y en' of the (h!n1 6o@e%s use th!s 0o!nt fo% a 3u!(k D1O1 H!tt!n# th!s a%ea sen's a sho(k sneso% to the (e%ebe**um (aus!n# un(ons(!ousness1 H!t th!s 0o!nt w!th an u0wa%' b*ow1 99 Th!s !s the a%ea at the f%onta* s!'es of the ne(k1 The ste%no(*e!'omasto!' mus(*es %un f%om beh!n' the ea% 'own to the (*a)!(*e bones1 6eneath these mus(*es *!e the /u#u*a% )e!n an' (a%to!' a%te%y wh!(h su00*y b*oo' to the hea%t 7 b%a!n1 Th!s a%e !s )e%y sens!t!)e1 T%y 0ok!n# you%se*f the%e1 A me'!um st%!ke %esu*ts !n '!AA!ness1 A mo%e fo%(efu* b*ow (ou*' b*!ste%2 swe**2 (o**a0se2 o% bu%st 9 o% both of the b*oo' *!nes1 Th!s (ou*' eas!*y (ause 'eath be(ause of *a(k of o@y#en to the hea%t o% b%a!n1 A st%!ke shou*' be 'one on an u0s*o0!n# 0*ane at -: 'e#%ees on e!the% s!'e of the (h!n !n the ne(k a%ea1 94 Refe%%e' to as the w!n'0!0e o% th%oatC !s *o(ate' !n the (ente% 0o%t!on of the ne(k1 Th!s !s a tubu*a% 0assa#e %unn!n# f%om the mouth to the stoma(h 7

*un#s1 Fhen a st%a!#ht on b*ow !s 'e*!)e%e' the thy%o!' (a%t!*a#e +A'am's a00*e+the *um0 !n you% th%oat,, an' the hya*!ne (a%t!*a#e +ho*' the w!n'0!0e !n a (y*!n'e% sha0e, a%e 0ushe' th%ou#h the *a%yn@ an'/o% t%a(hea %esu*t!n# !n b*oo' '%own!n# o% 0a%t!a* o% (om0*ete obst%u(t!on of the )!ta* a!% 0assa#es1 The (a%t!*a#es a(t as (utt!n# 'e)!(es1 9. The mus(*e !s the one that %uns f%om the base of the ne(k to the shou*'e%1 &t %a!ses u0 on most 0eo0*e1 The b%a(h!a* 0*e@us !s a ne%)e (ente% wh!(h su00*!es !nfo about the shou*'e% 7 a%m 'own to the w%!st1 &t %uns th%ou#h the t%a0eA!us1 St%!k!n# the t%a0eA!us +f%om e!the% f%ont o% ba(k, w!th a 'ownwa%' -: 'e#%ee mot!on (ou*' 0a%a*yAe the a%m 7 shou*'e% tem0o%a%!*y1 F!th a ma@!mun b*ow un(ons(!ousness 7 0a%a*ys!s (ou*' be atta!ne'1 9- Th!s *!es between the (o**a%bonesC !t (onne(ts them1 A b*ow he%e (ou*' '!s*o'#e the (o**a%bones f%om the ste%num2 (o**a0s!n# the shou*'e%s1 6ut the%e a%e bette% ta%#ets beh!n' the ste%num1 Su(h as the ao%ta2 the su0e%!o% )ena (a)a +ma/o% b*oo' *!nes to the b%a!n,2 an' the t%a(hea a** these 0ass '!%e(t*y beh!n' the ste%num1 A fo%(efu* b*ow wou*' fo**ow these %ea(t!ons '!s*o'#e both (*a)!(*es f%om the ste%num2 the ste%num wou*' s0*!t2 the 4 (*a)!(*es 7 ste%num wou*' be fo%(e' a#a!nst o% 0un(tu%e the ao%ta an' )ena (a)a2 the (a%t!*a#es 7 bones wou*' then be fo%(e' a#a!nst o% 0un(tu%e the t%a(hea1 The st%!ke shou*' be 'e*!)e%e' at a 'ownwa%' -: 'e#%ee an#*e1 The su0%aste%na* not(h !s a EAGOR 'eath ta%#et1 9: Th!s !s the bone on ea(h s!'e of the bo'y that %uns f%om the shou*'e% to the (ente% of the (hest1 &t su00o%ts the shou*'e% so b%eak!n# a (*a)!(*e +(o**a%bone, wou*' %esu*t !n the (o**a0se of the shou*'e%1 &t !s 0oss!b*e fo% the b%oken bone to 0un(tu%e a *un# o% 0oss!b*y the hea%t o% one of the th!n#s ment!one' !n H9-1 A s!m0*e b%eak wou*' !mmob!*!Ae the )!(t!m 'ue to st%u(tu%a* 'ama#e 7 0a!n1 An !nwa%' 7 'own mot!on shou*' be use' when atta(k!n# a*so at -: 'e#%ees1 That (on(*u'es $a%t &1 & ho0e you ha)e *ea%ne' f%om th!s *esson !n human

anatomy1 $*ease use th!s !nfo%mat!on w!se*y fo% & take no %es0ons!b!*!t!es !n the m!suse of these fa(ts1 Th!s was !nten'e' fo% !nfo%mat!ona* 0u%0oses on*y1 That mean & 'on't %ea**y e@0e(t you to #o out an' beat the he** out of someone +un*ess they nee' !tB,1 Iu%the% )o*umes $a%t &&5St%!kes to the ba(k $a%t &&&5St%!kes to the (hest 7 ab'omen $a%t &85St%!kes to the #%o!n 7 *e# f%onts $a%t 85St%!kes to the (o((y@ 7 *e# ba(ks

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