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In reflection upon and response to the presentation by Brje Holmberg at, is empathy more important in DE than in traditional education?

Why or why not?

Holmberg transcript which I found to be very informative in regards to empathy in DE. I must agree that empathy is an important aspect of DE compared to traditional education. The reading identifies that teachers who provide empathy in the classroom develop a strong rapport with their students and facilitate a positive learning environment in distance education. The positive role of empathy in interpersonal relationships has been shown through the transcript as an effective component for instructional success and to promote learning. For teachers to be effective they must have expertise, empathy, enthusiasm and clarity. Empathy allows teachers to understand students and the way in which they learn, it is interpersonal. Compared to the traditional classroom, when teachers are involved and show concern for their students, the student in return aims to work harder for toward better results. Holmberg (2004) found that feelings of empathy and belonging within a distance education format influences the learning favorably and promoted students motivation to learn. Holmberg further stated that empathy is helped through interaction where students are addressed directly. The opportunities for interaction in todays online education environment shows the necessity for an empathetic approach to assure the clarity of expectations and meaningful learning is occurring. I must agree with this statement, as a student who has taken several online classes, when the teacher shows more concern about my learning, I will work harder for better outcomes. Therefore, empathy in distance education is replaced with the one-on-one interaction that teachers receive from students in traditional classrooms. The primary reason for this is because neither the teacher nor student can see the others reaction. Holmberg, B. (2004, September). The empathy approach to distance education. [Lecture video]. Available from

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