Melissa Sanchez Bibliography

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Melissa Sanchez English 113A November 6, 2013 Professor Lace False E !


#Are $om%&oms 'rec(ing )o*r $ela"ionshi!+# Western Mail, 1-. /ec 23 200-. ProQuest. 'eb. 0 Nov. 2013. 1hro*gho*" "his ar"icle, i" s"a"es man2 3ifferen" reasons on 4h2 roman"ic come3ies are basicall2 r*ining o*r rela"ionshi!s. 1his rela"es "o m2 "o!ic beca*se, 4ell m2 "o!ic is ho4 love s"ories or movies have false e !ec"a"ions, an3 co*l3 !ossibl2 ca*se illnesses. So 5 feel "ha" "his ar"icle can hel! e !lain 4h2 o*r rela"ionshi!s 3iffer from "hose in movies6 an3 "he2 ca*se 3isill*sionmen" an3 false e !ec"a"ions $ocero, Micheal. 78o4 can chic( flic(s 4i"h "heir ri3ic*lo*s love s"ories affec" "he min3se" of !eo!le on ho4 "he2 see rela"ionshi!s.9 Feb. 2013. 'eb. Nov. 2013. 1his 4ebsi"e "al(s abo*" cer"ain !eo!le have *nrealis"ic min3se"s. 1ha" "he2 believe "he2 4ill have ha!!2 en3ing, li(e "hose in love s"ories. 'e are brain4ashe3 in"o believing 4e 4ill have "hese (in3 of ha!!2 en3ing rela"ionshi!s. Seal2, Shirle2. #/:N ;:N.# Film Journal International :c". 2013, 61<. General OneFile. 'eb. 0 Nov. 2013. 1his 4ill hel! me f*r"her e !lain "he movie 7/on ;on9 4hich basicall2 is abo*" a man 4ho falls in love 4i"h "his 4oman6 she loves "hose sa!!2 love s"ories e.g. 71he No"eboo(9 she 4an"s "ha" (in3 of rela"ionshi!6 b*" her bo2frien3 is basicall2 a33ic"e3 in"o !orn movies. 1ha"=s "he "2!e of rela"ionshi!s he 4an"s. 1his ar"icle 4ill hel! me sho4 ho4 no" all movies have "his ha!!2 i3ealis"ic love s"or2, li(e real life.

$esearch ;o*rnal Shee",

Instructions: Make some copies of this sheet so you have a separate page for each one of your required sources. 1. Bibliographic information (author, title, publication information, volume issue (if it!s an article" page numbers# or $%& and access date and date of most recent update to the site": No a*"hor, 7are rom coms 4rec(ing 2o*r rela"ionshi!9, 4es"ern mail 1- nov 0 2013, 3ec 23 200-

'. (ummary: 'ha" is "his so*rce abo*"+ 'ha"=s "he main !oin"+ 5"s "al(s abo*" "he reasons 4h2 roman"ic come3ies aren=" realis"ic an3 "en3 "o e hibi" false e !ec"a"ions ca*sing rela"ionshi!s "o fail ). *uick quote or key fact from this source: >e2 fac" is mos" 4omen e !ec" a g*2 "o be li(e "he g*2s in "he movies

+. ,valuation: 8o4 reliable is "his so*rce+ $emin3er, :via"" Librar2 offers online "i!s for eval*a"ing so*rces here, ? h""!,@@librar2.cs*n.e3*@A*i3es@$esearchS"ra"egies@Eval*a"ingLibrar2$eso*rcesB Angles "o consi3er, a*"hori"2, con"en" C coverage, "imeliness, acc*rac2, an3 obDec"ivi"2. $eliable 3a"abase, no a*"hor so (in3 of 4eir3

-. .ersonal evaluation: /o 2o* !lan "o *se "his so*rce+ 'h2@4h2 no"+ 5 3o, since i" is "he mos" "ha" rela"es "o m2 "o!ic

/. 0ther information about this source for your annotated bibliography (okay to continue on back": Ne4s!a!er ar"icle, anon2mo*s

$esearch ;o*rnal Shee",

Instructions: Make some copies of this sheet so you have a separate page for each one of your required sources. 1. Bibliographic information (author, title, publication information, volume issue (if it!s an article" page numbers# or $%& and access date and date of most recent update to the site": Michael %ocero 1ho2 chick flicks..3 4eb. '51) 2ebsite, nov - '51) 4eb. '51)

'. (ummary: 'ha" is "his so*rce abo*"+ 'ha"=s "he main !oin"+ 5" f*r"her e !lains 4h2 "hese chic(flic(s affec" 4omen an3 have a false e !a"a"ions. Enrealis"ic i3eals

). *uick quote or key fact from this source: 8e refers "o "hem as ri3ic*lo*s love s"ories beca*se "he2 are so abs*r3

+. ,valuation: 8o4 reliable is "his so*rce+ $emin3er, :via"" Librar2 offers online "i!s for eval*a"ing so*rces here, ? h""!,@@librar2.cs*n.e3*@A*i3es@$esearchS"ra"egies@Eval*a"ingLibrar2$eso*rcesB Angles "o consi3er, a*"hori"2, con"en" C coverage, "imeliness, acc*rac2, an3 obDec"ivi"2. Fo*n3 on google so some4ha" reliable

-. .ersonal evaluation: /o 2o* !lan "o *se "his so*rce+ 'h2@4h2 no"+ 5 3o, i" rela"es so m*ch more "o "he c*rren" genera"ion /. 0ther information about this source for your annotated bibliography (okay to continue on back": It is a blog, and very descriptive

$esearch ;o*rnal Shee",

Instructions: Make some copies of this sheet so you have a separate page for each one of your required sources. 1. Bibliographic information (author, title, publication information, volume issue (if it!s an article" page numbers# or $%& and access date and date of most recent update to the site": Shirle2 Sean, 73on Don9 film in"erna"ional oc" 2013 61 general one file 4eb nov 0 2013

'. (ummary: 'ha" is "his so*rce abo*"+ 'ha"=s "he main !oin"+ 5" s*mmarizes "he film 7/on ;on9 4hich h is abo*" a man an3 a 4oman 4i"h ver2 3ifferen" vie4s on "heir !erce!"ion of love

). *uick quote or key fact from this source: 5" is origina"e3 from an ol3er !la2 from Moliere

+. ,valuation: 8o4 reliable is "his so*rce+ $emin3er, :via"" Librar2 offers online "i!s for eval*a"ing so*rces here, ? h""!,@@librar2.cs*n.e3*@A*i3es@$esearchS"ra"egies@Eval*a"ingLibrar2$eso*rcesB Angles "o consi3er, a*"hori"2, con"en" C coverage, "imeliness, acc*rac2, an3 obDec"ivi"2. )es fo*n3 on &s*n :via"" 3a"abase

-. .ersonal evaluation: /o 2o* !lan "o *se "his so*rce+ 'h2@4h2 no"+ Ma2be, no" F*i"e s*re

/. 0ther information about this source for your annotated bibliography (okay to continue on back": 6he film by 7ordon levitts, e8plains the difference bet2een real and made up

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