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169 Burris Street, Hamilton, Ontario L8M 2J7 House-(905) 5 !

-8 90 " #ell-(905) 977 179 tas$%&utiestu''8109 ($otmail)&om

Natasha Bowen

Education #at$e*ral Hi+$ S&$ool, Hamilton, Ontario - -eneral stu*ies Mo$a./ #olle+e ,Hamilton, Ontario - 01 Broa*&ast Employment History Ryerson Recreation Centre - City of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario Assistant Day Camp Leader, Volunteer position #om3lete* t$e Leadership Training Camp, an* t$en assiste* .it$ o4erseein+ &am3 3arti&i3ants, $el3e* .it$ su3er4ision o' a&ti4ities, an* 3lanne* an* 3resente* a sel'*ire&te* a&ti4it5) 2arti&i3ate* in t$e summer &am3s in 2008 an* 2009) St. Peters Hospital ( aple!ood" , Hamilton , Ontario Volunteer Gift Shop Attendant 6es3onsi7le 'or +reetin+ an* *ealin+ .it$ t$e 3u7li&, &leanin+ t$e s$o3, $an*lin+ &as$ transa&tions an* o3eratin+ t$e &as$ re+ister, 7alan&in+ t$e &as$ at en* o' t$e s$i't, an* ensurin+ -i't S$o3 .as lo&/e* at en* o' s$i't) Ca#le $% CO-OP &Volunteer position 'e#ruary ()$$ - Present 6es3onsi7le 'or *esi+nin+ , u3*atin+ an* *ealin+ .it$ 01 +ra3$i&s 'or 80$e Bill 9elll5 S$o.:) ;lso res3onsi7le 'or settin+ u3 an* u3*atin+ +ra3$i&s 'or 01 Bin+o) *+e ,rand Olympia -an.uet Center Set-up Cre! (April 2011-Present) 6es3onsi7le 'or 3re3arin+ t$e $alls an* ta7les 'or s3e&ial e4ents (ie) <e**in+ , -ra*s an* Meetin+s) 'or &lients) 2008 , 2012


Accomplis+ments Mem7er o' t$e Cat+edral Hi/+ Sc+ool 0CO *eam) 2arti&i3ate* in a 4ariet5 o' a&ti4ities to 3romote a stron+er a.areness an* a33re&iation o' our en4ironment) 2art o' t$e team t$at 3arti&i3ate* in t$e Hamilton-<ent.ort$ =n4irot$on #om3etition in ;3ril, 2009) 0$e =#O 0eam .as also re&o+ni>e* 'or its .or/ .it$ an Environmentalists of the Year for 2008 in the City of Hamilton ;.ar* <inner o' a 2007 2oetr5 &ontest, an* $a* m5 entr5 3u7lis$e* in 1o5a+es 75 ?i+$t #o-.inner at S&ien&e @air $el* at St) ;nn 'or entr5 entitle* A#itrus a*4an&e to S5stem S&ien&e @air, t$en B;=S@ .$ere A#itrus .on* as t$e Most ;rtisti& Ba&/7oar* 6e&i3ient o' t$e 2007 #at$oli& <itness ;.ar* at St) ;nn ;s a mem7er o' t$e 2007 Hamilton 1out+ Performin/ 0nsem#le (H1P0", 3arti&i3ate* in se4eral international e4ents, in&lu*in+ t$e 2007 Drum Corp International orld Championship &om3etitions $el* in 2asa*ena, #ali'ornia ;&/no.le*+e* 'or 3ersonal a&$ie4ements .it$in t$e St) ;nn s&$ool &ommunit5 75 4arious*s, in&lu*in+ =C&ellen&e an* #iti>ens$i3) Hel3e* su33ort t$e +eneral a&ti4ities at St) ;nn 75 4olunteerin+ as a Lun&$ Monitor, assistin+ .it$ s&$ool announ&ements usin+ t$e o''i&e 2; s5stem, an* 3arti&i3atin+ in t$e s&$ool &$oir

Additional S2ills #om'orta7le .or/in+ .it$ &om3uters an* &as$ tolls -reat listenin+ an* &reati4e s/ills #om'orta7le .or/in+ in 'ront o' &ustomers 1er5 @rien*l5 an* out+oin+*s &ustomers #om'orta7le .or/in+ alone or .it$ a team Basi& mar/etin+ /no.le*+e ! an* a $al' 5ears o' &as$ier eC3erien&e 5 5ears o' &ostumer ser4i&e eC3erien&e

3References A4aila#le on Re.uest3

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