Company Profile - Elethu Risk Expanded

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Company Profile


Elethu Electronic Components CC. T/A

Business Address / Postal Address: Unit no. 1 Cynthia Hof, Cnr. Prinsloo & Allin Street, Chrisville, Johannesburg South, 2091 el! 011 "#00$%2 &a'! 0#" "%1("#9 Cell! 0#2 9$02#)) *+ail! elethu,#ta+ail.-o+ .ebsite! elethuris/.0ebs.-o+ Company registration number: CK2 !/ "#!2/2$

Broad Base Blac% Economic Empo&erment 'e(el $ Accreditated !. Bac%ground a. Company )istory Who is Elethu Risk Consulting Services? *lethu 1is/ 2rovi3es 2re3o+inantly short4ter+ insuran-e -onsulting servi-es in the S5* +ar/et but is also an a-tively su22lier of -o++o3ities an3 other te-hnologi-al servi-es an3 2ro3u-ts. *stablishe3 in 2001, *lethu has been offering *le-troni- -o+2onents an3 short4ter+ insuran-e solutions to 2rivate in3ivi3uals an3 businesses nation0i3e sin-e 2001. b. *ur +nsurance and Assurance *fferings 6ur insuran-e servi-e offering in-lu3es 2ersonal line insuran-e, an3 a 0i3e range of -o++er-ial insuran-e. .e are also able to 2rovi3e ni-he 2ro3u-ts su-h as ! *ngineering, agri-ultural, estate, fran-hise an3 buil3ings insuran-e. 6ur life assuran-e offerings in-lu3e! Health insuran-e, e+2loyee benefits an3 tailore3 invest+ent 2ro3u-ts. 7nsuran-e is all about foreseeing 2ossible future events an3 2lanning for the+. At *lethu, 0e +eti-ulously bring innovative insuran-e solutions, 0ith uni8ue, in3ustry4s2e-ifi- o2tions, to ensure that our -lients are -orre-tly -overe3 for any eventuality. c. *ur Technology and Electronic *ffering Another /ey servi-e 0e offer in the area of ele-troni- solutions. .e are able to integrate business an3 te-hnology to 2rovi3e business solutions for large an3 s+all businesses. o this en3, 0e are integrators an3 te-hnology 2ro3u-t su22liers ranging fro+ -o+2onents to a fully integrate3 solution. 2. *rganisational ,trategy - .ision a. .ision statement *lethu 1is/9s vision is to be 9the9 2referre3 -hoi-e for 2rofessionals, all +a:or business in3ustry, 0hen -onsi3ering their -lients business or 2ersonal insuran-e nee3s. .e ai+ to be-o+e a reno0ne3 bran3 in the +ar/et2la-e, 0ith a re2utation for honesty, innovation, great res2onse ti+es, reliability an3 trust0orthiness. b. /ission statement

6ur +ission is to satisfy the nee3s of our Clients fully by un3erstan3ing their nee3s an3 2rovi3ing an i++a-ulate servi-e to the+. c. .alues .e believe 2eo2le have nee3s an3 that other 2eo2le satisfy those nee3s. 7n 2ursuit of this ob:e-tive, 0e o2erate 0ith! 1es2e-t 7ntegrity Honesty, an3 a strong e+2hasis on; Servi-e orientation.

d. 0ro&th strategy 6ur gro0th has been organi- over the 2ast years an3 is refle-tive of our values an3 our fo-us on our Clients. $. /anagement - *&nership a. 1irector <esley Chotia = 7nnovations >ire-tor b. Elethu /anagement Team: <esley Chotia Anver ?arthis c. Associates 6ur organisation@s s/ills are fully aug+ente3 by asso-iation 0ith other 2rofessional servi-e organisation A in3ivi3uals. 5any of 0ho+ are s2e-ialists in their fiel3s. hrough these organisations, 0e have a--ess a 0i3e variety of s/ills an3 servi-es. d. Affirmati(e action initiati(es .e at Elethu 2is% Consulting ,er(ices su22ort our lo-al -iviorganisation -alle3 1emocratic People3s *rganisation ,outh Africa 41P*,A5 6 7P* 2eg no.! 86$22 in the efforts of a33ressing an3 assisting the youth in our area to get e+2loy+ent 0ith our -o+2any an3 our asso-iates as far as s/ills transfer is -on-erne3. = 7nnovations >ire-tor = Consulting an3 Pro:e-t 5anager

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