Case Doctrines Criminal Law II

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CASE DOCTRINES AND ADDITIONAL NOTES CRIMINAL LAW II (Culled from Florenz Regalados Conspe !us and Or!egas No!es" Ar!# le $$%& TREASON The details of the testimo y o the acts testified by !it esses eed ot be ide tical" #Peo$le %s& Abad' The t!o(!it ess r)le is ot re*)ired to $ro%e adhere ce to the e emy" #Peo$le %s& Alita+ta+' Treaso absorbs crimes committed i the f)rthera ce thereof" #Peo$le %s& ,illa )e%a' Ri+hteo)s Actio - as !he the collaborator also hel$ed sa%e some +)errillas from death at the ha ds of the i %ader is illo+ical a d baseless" #Peo$le %s& ,ictoria' .efe se of /)s$e ded Alle+ia ce by reaso of cha +e of so%erei+ ty !as ) te able si ce a citi0e o!es a absol)te alle+ia ce to his co) try #La)rel %s& Misa' A assembla+e e%e !itho)t a armed $)blic )$risi + is s)fficie t&

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is a mala $rohibit)m therefore $) ishable e%e if co tai ed i oce t matters& 12A t!o(!it ess r)le FLI/-T TO ENEM)S


E8$ress Prohibitio by Com$ete t A)thority is a mala $rohibit)m therefore $) ishable for !hate%er $)r$ose of the offe der& Mere Attem$t co s)mmates crime&

ARTICLE $+%& AR0ITRAR) DETENTION& A $ri%ate $erso ca be liable a d $) ished if he acted i co s$iracy !ith $)blic officers&" #Peo$le %s& Cameri o' Mista9e of 3act- Good 3aithacted !itho)t c)l$able e+li+e ce are %alid defe sese%e if it t)r s o)t that the $erso !as i oce t&" #Peo$le %s& A cheta' 1o le+al +ro) d- !itho)t i te t to deli%er to :)dicial a)thorities& #Arbitrary .ete tio ' 1o Le+al +ro) d- !ith i te t to t)r o%er to :)dicial a)thorities #4 la!f)l Arrest' Le+al Gro) d !ith i te t to deli%er to :)dicial a)thorities b)t ) reaso ably delays #4 d)e .elay ) der ;<=' 1o i te t to detai - b)t ) la!f)lly $re%e ted for a a$$reciable le +th of time from free mo%eme t #Coercio ' ,ictim is a !oma a d detai ed !ith le!d desi+ s from the o)tset #abd)ctio ' Offe ses ca ot be com$le8ed& Psycholo+ical a d ot o ly $hysical restrai t is s)fficie t for the crime of arbitrary dete tio as !he %ictim !as $ermitted to ta9e meals o)tside of dete tio b)t !as too terrori0ed ot to ret)r &" #Peo$le %s& Oli%a'

Ar!# le $$'& CONS(IRAC) AND (RO(OSAL TO COMMIT TREASON& /e$arately $) ished o ly Treaso !as ot committed& 12A t!o(!it ess r)le if

ARTICLE $$*& MIS(RISION OF TREASON& 3elo y by omissio & Mere sile ce is $) ishable e%e !itho)t attem$t to co ceal& #ACT4AL E56/TE1CE O3 CO1/P6RAC7 is the BA/6/' 12A t!o(!it ess r)le

ARTICLE $+,& CORRES(ONDENCE WIT-OSTILE CO.NTR)& E8$ress Prohibitio by Go%er me t of Corres$o de ce

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ARTICLE $+'& DELA) IN T-E DELI1ER) OF DETAINED (ERSONS TO T-E (RO(ER 2.DICIAL A.T-ORITIES& Pro%isio a$$lies to arrests !itho)t !arra t a d it is la!f)l& .eli%ery refers to fili + of com$lai t> ?)dicial A)thority refers to co)rts of :)stice ot the $)blic $rosec)tor" #/ayo et al& %s& Chief of Police' 3ail)re to deli%er the arrestee does ot ma9e dete tio ille+alit :)st ma9es the arresti + officer crimi ally liable" #Peo$le %s& Mabo +' Article a$$lies to s$ecial la!s& #&&"or their e*)i%ale t"- referri + to $e alty cate+ories' The ho)rs d)ri + !hich the co)rts are closed a d o deli%er ca be made are ot to be co) ted" #Peo$le %s& Acasio' Arrested $erso may be detai ed beyo d stated $eriods if he dema ds $relimi ary i %esti+atio #/ec& @ R)le ;;< Re%& R)les Crim& Pro&' Art& ;<= made a$$licable to sec)rity +)ards em$loyed by a com$a y !ho arrested a d delayed the t)r o%er of $)blic officers !hom they held i c)stody #Peo$le %s& /ali'

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A $)blic officer e teri + a otherAs d!elli + to $re%e t some serio)s harm to himself or the d!elli +As occ)$a ts or a third $erso or e try i to ta%er s a d other $)blic ho)ses absol%es a $erso from crimi al liability&

ARTICLE $+6& SEARC- WARRANTS MALICIO.SL) O0TAINED AND A0.SE IN T-E SER1ICE OF T-OSE LE/ALL) O0TAINED& Per:)ry a d others crime se$arate& 6f a $ri%ate i di%id)al co s$ired he is liable ) der this article& #4/ %s& Po te'

ARTICLE $7,& SEARC-IN/ DOMICILE WIT-O.T WITNESSES& A$$licable i searches !ith a !arra t or %alid !arra tless searches> also !here there is co se t of o! er- or i cide tal to a la!f)l arrest&

ARTICLE $7$& (RO-I0ITION8 INTERR.(TION AND DISSOL.TION OF (EACEF.L MEETIN/S& P)blic Officers %s& ;=B( Pri%ate 6 di%id)als This ca ot be committed by a $erso !ho is a $artici$a t i the meeti +" #Peo$le %s& Calera'( C4 :)st ,e8atio $ro$er crime hereD OF

ARTICLE $+*& DELA)IN/ RELEASE& Order of release may be +i%e %erbally&" #Peo$le %s& Misa'

ARTILCE $+3& E4(.LSION& O ly Chief E8ec)ti%e ca de$ortatio & order


ARTICLE $+5& 1IOLATION OF DOMICILE& 6m$lied ob:ectio - !here e try !as effected thro)+h a o$e i + ot i te ded for that $)r$ose& #first mode liable' 6f Offe der is a $ri%ate i di%id)al- tres$ass to d!elli +" is committed

P)blic Officers %s& ;=B( Pri%ate 6 di%id)als C)stomarily obser%ed a d a)thori0ed by a)thorities of a reli+io & There m)st act)ally be a reli+io)s ceremo y& 6f the offe se !as committed o ly i a meeti + or a rally of a sect it

Created by HOMER PABLO

!o)ld be $) ishable ) der Art& ;B;" #Peo$le %s& Reyes' ARTICLE $77& OFFENDIN/ RELI/IO.S FEELIN/S& P)blic Officer2Pri%ate 6 di%id)als A $)blic rally by itself co d)cted by a reli+io)s +ro)$ is ot reli+io)s ceremo y&" #Peo$le %s& Ma doriao- ?r&' 6f acts committed i a $lace de%oted to reli+io)s !orshi$) ecessary that a reli+io)s ceremo y is co d)cted& OR

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1o crime of mis$risio of rebellio " #4/ %s& Ra%idas' GMis$risio is o ly to treaso H Co cealme t by the offe der of the rebellio)s acti%ities may ma9e him a accessory&

ARTICLE $73& DISLO)ALT) OF (.0LIC OFFICERS OR EM(LO)EES& 1o Crime ) der this article if $ri ci$al crime is treaso &

ARTICLE $76& SEDITION& Arms ot ecessary as lo + as there is t)m)lt)o)s $)blic )$risi +& /editio does ot absorb m)rder committed by reaso or i f)rthera ce of the seditio)s acti%ities&" #Peo$le %s& Cabrera'


Both crimes ca be committed i $eace or !ar time A armed $)blic )$risi + by a s)bsta tial )mber of rebels is +e erally re*)ired& Rebellio ca ot be com$le8ed !ith b)t absorbs acts committed i the f)rthera ce of the rebellio)s mo%eme t&" #Peo$le %s& Her a de0> E rile %s& /ala0ar' Offe ses committed for $erso al reaso s or other moti%es are $) ished se$arately e%e if committed sim)lta eo)sly !ith the rebellio)s acts" #Peo$le %s& Oli%a' 6lle+al Possessio of firearm i f)rthera ce of rebellio ) der P. ;EFF is disti ct from the crime of rebellio ) der the RPC& Therefore %iolatio of P. ;EFF bei + mal)m $rohibit)mi %alidates the defe ses of +ood faith a d abse ce of crimi al i te t&" #Peo$le %s& de Gracia' A crime ) der the RPC ca ot be absorbed by a stat)tory offe se- therefore char+i + o e of ille+al $ossessio of firearms i f)rthera ce of rebellio is $ro$er&" #Peo$le %s& Tio0o '&

MA2OR CRIMES A/AINST NATIONAL SEC.RIT) AND (.0LIC ORDER& ;& Treaso I Co s$iracy a d $ro$osal #Art& ;;='- Mis$risio of Treaso #Art& ;;F' CNo Crime of Inciting to Treason> <& Rebellio I Co s$iracy a d Pro$osal #Art& ;BF'- .isloyalty of P)blic Officers #Art& ;B@'i citi + #Art& ;BE' B& Co)$ dAetatI Co s$iracy a d $ro$osal #Art& ;BF' J& /editio I Co s$iracy #Art& ;J;'6 citi + #Art& ;J<' 0ASIC R.LEI Co s$iracy$ro$osal a d i citi + are $) ishable o ly if ma:or crimes" are NOT COMMITTED& Other!ise they are absorbed a d offe ders !ill be $ri ci$al by i d)ceme t& Acts or !ords of i citeme t m)st ha%e bee $remeditatedother!ise if they !ere o ly s$o ta eo)s the crime !ill be t)m)lt)o)s dist)rba ce as a o)tcry te di + to i cite rebellio or seditio #Art&;=B' The assembla+e of $erso s $rese t m)st ot ha%e bee

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called for the $)r$ose of liste i + to s)ch i citeme tother!ise the crime !ill be ille+al assembly #Art& ;JF'& Mis$risio of Treaso a d disloyalty of $)blic officers ca be $rosec)ted i de$e de tly& 6 reI /editio - Knowingly conceal such evil practices <Art. 1 !> principal not accessory"

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1o $)blic )$risi + i %ol%ed& 3orce $rod)ci + $hysical i :)ries- or 3ra)d i %ol%i + falsificatio & /aid offe ses are com$le8ed as ecessary mea s em$loyed&

ARTICLE $%*& ILLE/AL ASSEM0LIES& Assembly !as for the $)r$ose of committi + offe ses other tha treaso - rebellio - seditio or assa)lt& Pres)m$tio is that there are $erso s armed other!ise it !ill be co%ered by P)blic .isorder #Art& ;=B' or ) la!f)l )ttera ces #Art& ;=JK<L'

ARTICLE $%5& DIRECT ASSA.LT& FIRST FORM: (For e;In!#m#da!#on < O=>e !#?es of Re=ell#on;Sed#!#on @ (u=l# .pr#s#ng To co stit)te direct assa)lt a+ai st a agent of a person in authority the %iole cei timidatio or resista ce em$loyed by the offe der m)st be serio)s&" #4/ %s& Tabia a' 6f the %ictim is a person in authority the de+ree of force em$loyed a+ai st him is immaterial as the mere layi + of ha ds o him is s)fficie t" #4/ %s& G)mba '

6 all forms of assa)ltresista ce or disobedie ce- it is re*)ired that #a' the acc)sed 9 e! the ide tity of the %ictim a d #b' the %ictim !as the acti + i the d)e a d la!f)l $erforma ce of his d)ties- or the reaso for the attac9 a+ai st him !as his $erforma ce of s)ch official d)ties&" #Peo$le %s& Relli ' 6f both are acc)sed a d %ictim are $)blic officers- 1O .6RECT A//A4LTbeca)se it $res)$$oses that the acc)sed !as ot dischar+i + his official d)ties d)ri + the attac9& Offe se may be coercio or $hysical i :)ries C66 ,iada <JFD Attac9 !as o the occasio of the $erforma ce by %ictim of his official d)tiesmoti%e is immaterial&" #4/ %s& Garcia' 6f the ca)se of the direct assa)lt !as the $ast $erforma ce by the %ictim of his official d)ties !hich the acc)sed rese ted- the acc)sed is +)ilty of direct assa)lt e%e if he attac9ed the %ictim !hile both !ere +oi + o)t to fi+ht #?)sto %s& CA' .irect assa)lt is committed e%e if se%eral days had tra s$ired bet!ee the %ictimAs $erforma ce of his official d)ty a d the assa)lt- as !here the :)d+e !as attac9ed by the offe der by reaso of a co tem$t order he iss)ed for the i carceratio of the latter se%eral days before the offe se" #Peo$le %s& Torrecario ' 6f moti%e !ill ot be established- as !he a :)d+e !as bo8ed o)t !hile it is sta di + o a rail!ay statio crime !ill be $hysical i :)ries" #Peo$le %s& /aMiel' 6f a school teacher !as sla$$ed by the acc)sed ot !hile she !as $erformi + her school f) ctio s or by reaso thereofb)t i the $rese ce of her $)$ils- the crime !as held to be

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sla der by deed" #Peo$le %s& Gamo' 6f direct assa)lt !as committed !ith sli+ht $hysical i :)ries a d the %ictim is a $erso i a)thority- they !ill be se$arate crimes> b)t if the %ictim is a a+e t of a $erso i a)thoritythe sli+ht $hysical i :)ries !ill be absorbed i the direct assa)lt" #Peo$le %s& Acierto' 6f the $)blic officer !as acti + !ith ab)se of his official f) ctio s- he is deemed to be acti + i a $ri%ate ca$acity a d if he is attac9ed- there !o)ld be o crime of direct assa)lt& Th)s!here t!o co) cillors fo)+ht i the sessio hall- there co)ld be o direct assa)lt if the ca)se of the fi+ht !as a $ri%ate matter&" #Peo$le %s& 7osoya'

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some electio i s$ectors&" #,illa )e%a %s& Orti0'

ARTICLE $'%& .NLAWF.L .SE OF MEANS OF (.0LICATION AND .NLAWF.L .TTERANCES& Para+ra$h <sho)ld be disti +)ished from i citi + to seditio as the latter re*)ires offe der at the same time to i cite the $eo$le to rise $)blicly a+ai st the +o%er me t&" #Peo$le %s& Arro+a te'

ARTICLE $'*& DELI1ER) OF (RISONERS FROM 2AIL& Co s$irators are liable ) der the article- b)t the !arde or :ail c)stodia of $riso ers is liable for i fidelity i the c)stody of $riso ers" #Alberto %s& dela Cr)0' Bribery shall be a se$arate crime& 6f the $riso er is detai ed for the crime of treaso - $arricidem)rder or a attem$t a+ai st the Preside tAs life it has bee s)++ested that those !ho deli%ered him from :ail are accessories to those crimes& Nhe a +)ard !ho !as off d)ty too9 o)t a $riso er from :ail for = ho)rs re$laci + him i his cell a other $riso er- +)ard is liable ) der the article" #Peo$le %s& .el Barrio'

ARTICLE $%6& INDIRECT ASSA.LT& Nhether or ot there is re*)est or order from the $erso i a)thority to aid the latter& #/aid $erso is co sidered a a+e t of a $erso i a)thority' 6f the a+e t of a $erso i a)thority is attac9ed a d a third $erso comes to aid- a d the latter !as also attac9ed- the offe der is liable for $hysical i :)ries or coercio de$e di + o the acts committed&

ARTICLE $'7& T.M.LTS AND OT-ER DIST.R0ANCES OF (.0LIC ORDER& There ca be se$arate crimes of $hysical i :)ries thr) rec9less im$r)de ce a d t)m)lt)o)s dist)rba ce ca)sed by the firi + of a s)bmachi e +) & #Peo$le %s& Bacolod' A acc)sed co)ld also be liable for the com$le8 crime of assa)lt a d t)m)lt)o)s dist)rba ce if the latter offe se !as committed o the same occasio a d by the same mea s of attac9i +


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o ly a dete tio $riso er- #b' is a yo)thf)l offe der committed to a rehabilitatio ce ter- #c' is a de$ortee !ho %iolates the de$ortatio order&" #4/ %s& Loo Hoe' Article ;=@& A$$licable to .estierro #Peo$le %s& Abilo +' Article ;=E& 6m$riso me t& 12A .estierro Article ;=O& A$$licable to .estierro Acc)sed !as forced by some detai ees to lea%e the :ail- b)t he ret)r ed thereafter& There !as o m)ti y&" #Peo$le %s& Padilla' ,iolatio ) der Art& ;=O is s)bsta ti%e if $e alty remitted is F years or less si ce a $e alty is im$osed therei " #Peo$le %s& Marti '

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6f the doc)me t is o e s)$$osedly si+ ed by the Preside t i a $ri%ate ca$acity the crime !o)ld be falsificatio a d ot for+ery ) der the Article ;F;&

ARTICLE $**9$*6& FOR/IN/ TREAS.R) OR 0ANB NOTES8 O0LI/ATIONS AND SEC.RITIESC IM(ORTIN/ AND .TTERIN/ FALSE OR FOR/ED NOTES8 O0LI/ATIONS AND SEC.RITIES& A Phili$$i e Charity /!ee$sta9es tic9et has bee declared to be a +o%er me tal obli+atio " #Peo$le %s& Balmores' 6 te t to )se ille+ally $ossessed co) terfeit otes a d i str)me ts of credit may be determi ed from the %ol)me or )mber of said otes a d the acts of the acc)sed ta9e i co ectio there!ith& 1o im$ossible crime here- as it deals !ith crimes a+ai st $erso s a d $ro$erty o ly& Nhere the acc)sed e cashed a treas)ry !arra t- !hich is a +o%er me tal obli+atio - b)t he did so by $osi + a d si+ i + as the $ayee thereof- the crime is falsificatio a d ot for+ery" #Peo$le %s& /amso ' CArt& ;@; Par& <D

ARTICLE $*,& A.ASI9RECIDI1ISM The offe se committed !hile the acc)sed is ser%i + se te ce m)st be a felo y- ot a crime $) ished by a s$ecial la!& Nith re+ard to the offe se of !hich the acc)sed !as already se te ced by fi al :)d+me t- it does ot matter !hether it !as also a felo y or a crime $) ished by a s$ecial la!&" #Peo$le %s& Peralta' P)asi(recidi%ism ca also be committed !hile offe der !as at lar+e after esca$i + from the $e al i stit)tio " #Peo$le %s& Mater al' or !hile he !as i the act of esca$i + therefrom" #Peo$le %s& Tio +so '

ARTICLE $3$& FALSIFICATION 0) (.0LIC OFFICER8 EM(LO)EE OR NOTAR) OR ECCLESIASTIC MINISTER& 6 imitati + or co) terfeiti + there m)st be some similarity or resembla ce bet!ee the ori+i al a d the co) terfeit" #4/ %s& Lam$a' ,oti + i $lace of a re+istered %oter- a e8am$le of %iolatio ) der $ar& <" #Peo$le %s& Ab)ba9ar' Para+ra$h JI Ma9i + false stateme ts i a a$$licatio form for $atrolma e8ami atio #Ci%il /er%ice 3orm 1o& <'- ) der oath as re*)ired


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co stit)tes $er:)ry ot falsificatio " #Peo$le %s& Cr)0' 1o s)ch le+al obli+atio i the $re$aratio of the formatio $a$ers of a cor$oratio to state the tr)th- so there is o falsificatio " #Peo$le %s& P)asha' There !as o le+al obli+atio to disclose the fact of a $re%io)s co %ictio i the $erso al data form s)bmitted by the offe der to the $olice de$artme t si ce that form !as ot a official doc)me t- he ce o falsificatio !as committed&"#Peo$le %s& Poserio' There is a le+al obli+atio to disclose the tr)th i e tries made i a reside ce certificatehe ce the acc)sed !as liable for falsificatio &" #Peo$le %s& Po Gio9 To' 1B6 $erso al data sheet is a official doc)me t" #Peo$le %s& 4y' Nhere force !as em$loyed to com$el a other to e8ec)te a co tract- the offe der is ot liable for falsificatio as s)ch com$)lsio does ot ma9e it a false i str)me t- b)t o ly a %oidable o e&" #4/ %s& Milla' 3alsificatio ca be committed by im$r)de ce- either by a $ri%ate i di%id)al #Peo$le %s& BaMas' or by a $)blic officer" #Peo$le %s& Castillo' The $erso i $ossessio of a falsified doc)me t is $res)med to ha%e falsified the samees$ecially so if he had the o$$ort) ity a d the moti%e to do so&" #Peo$le %s& Ma a sala' Nhat is re*)ired to be tr)e is a assertio of fact by the acc)sed> he ce !here the declara t stated that she !as eli+ible" for the $)blic $ositio a i acc)racy therei co)ld ot hold her liable for falsificatio as she !as act)ally e8$ressi + o ly a o$i io &" #Peo$le %s& 7a 0a' /imilar to the case of

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claima t of la d #Peo$le %s& /a ?ose'& Ma9i + alteratio s or correctio s i a doc)me t to ma9e it s$ea9 the tr)th- e%e if ) ilaterally do e- ca ot be falsificatio as the esse ce of this offe se is to ma9e the doc)me t tell a lie&" #4/ %s& /a Mateo' 0)


.ama+e or i te t to ca)se dama+e is a esse tial eleme t& .ama+e to ho or is s)fficie t&" #Peo$le %s& Marasi+a ' 1o crime of estafa thr) falsificatio of a $ri%ate doc)me t& 3alsificatio is ot a co ti )i + offe se a d is co s)mmated !he the doc)me t is act)ally falsified- re+ardless of !hether or ot it !as thereafter $)t to ille+al )se&" #Alfelor et al %s& 6 tia' .ama+e is ot re*)ired if the falsified doc)me t is i trod)ced as e%ide ce i a :)dicial $roceedi +& .ama+e is a eleme t o ly !he the doc)me t is i trod)ced i a $roceedi + or tra sactio other tha :)dicial& #Peo$le %s& Pr)de te'

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