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Lander unlverslLy 1eacher LducaLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 8ev.

1eacher Cand|date: Sarah uean Lesson # 3
Sub[ect]Grade: 2
Crade Ceneral Muslc Date and 1|me of Lesson: 11/23/13
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ve:
Objectlve 1. 1be stoJeots wlll be oble to petfotm slmple tbytbms by eot by keeploq o steoJy tempo botb oo tbe Jtom
ooJ wblle clopploq.
Objectlve 2. 5toJeots wlll be oble to explolo wbot lt meoos to be tespectfol to tbelt peets ooJ ot scbool ooJ Jotloq o
moslcol petfotmooce.

A||gnment w|th Standards:
Cb[ect|ve 1. - SC Mus|c Standard 1: 1he sLudenL wlll slng and perform on lnsLrumenLs a varleLy of muslc, alone
and wlLh oLhers.
MI2-1.4: lay plLched and unplLched lnsLrumenLs whlle malnLalnlng good posLure and playlng poslLlon
and demonsLraLlng good breaLh supporL or good bow or sLlck conLrol.
MI2-1.6: uemonsLraLe Lhe characLerlsLlc Lone quallLy of Lhe parLlcular lnsLrumenL whlle playlng wlLh
accuraLe noLes, rhyLhms, and lnLonaLlon and malnLalnlng a sLeady Lempo.
MI2-1.7: erform on lnsLrumenLs a varleLy of muslc alone and ln groups.
Cb[ect|ve 2 - SSCA - Addresses appropr|ate behav|or and respect towards others |n schoo|.

Deve|opmenta| Appropr|ateness or Cross-curr|cu|ar connect|ons:
1bete wlll be oo ptevloos koowleJqe oeeJeJ. 5toJeots wlll cootlooe to leoto oboot tbe soooJs of tbe Aftlcoo
Jjembe Jtom, Jlstloqolsb betweeo some ooJ Jlffeteot tbytbms ooJ ploy o tbytbm qome to telofotce tbelt
leotoloq of tbe Jtom ooJ tbe soooJs tbot lt mokes.

Assessment(s) of the Cb[ect|ves:
wbot ossessmeot(s) wlll yoo ose to Jetetmloe stoJeot leotoloq (pte, Jotloq, post)? ocb objectlve sboolJ be ollqoeJ wltb
oo ossessmeot.

lessoo Objectlve(s) Assessmeot(s) of tbe
use of lotmotlve

Objectlve 1. 1be stoJeots wlll
be oble to petfotm slmple
tbytbms by eot by keeploq o
steoJy tempo botb oo tbe
Jtom ooJ wblle clopploq.

llsteo ooJ wotcb stoJeots
tepeot tempos petfotmeJ by
tbe teocbet ooJ otbet stoJeots
befote, Jotloq, ooJ oftet tbe
lessoo. 5toJeots sboolJ
lmptove oo tbelt memoty ooJ
tecoqoltloo of some ooJ
Jlffeteot tbytbms.
l wlll ose tbe stoJeots
leotoeJ koowleJqe of tbe
Jtom to bollJ mote
lessoos oboot boss ooJ
tteble soooJs, Aftlcoo
losttomeots, ooJ tbytbm. l
wlll olso locotpotote
Jlscossloos of tespectfol
bebovlot lo fotote lessoos
ooJ temloJ tbem of
opptoptlote bebovlot.
Objectlve 2. 5toJeots wlll
be oble to explolo wbot lt
meoos to be tespectfol to
tbelt peets ooJ ot scbool
ooJ Jotloq o moslcol

Ask stoJeots befote ooJ oftet
tbe vlJeo oboot beloq
tespectfol to Jesctlbe wbot lt
meoos to be tespectfol to tbelt

Lander unlverslLy 1eacher LducaLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 8ev. 2013
Accommodat|ons: (should use of 1WS 1 daLa)
5toJeots wbo oeeJ belp wltb tbe tbytbm octlvltles coo osk to llsteo to tbe tbytbm oqolo.

kespect kop vldeo
u[embe drums

1. Welcome sLudenLs as Lhey walk lnLo Lhe classroom.
2. ulscuss Lhe prlde paws and class paws LhaL Lhe sLudenLs geL for correcL behavlor. Ask, WhaL ls Lhe correcL
behavlor? Are we also supposed Lo be respecLful Lo our classmaLes? Pow do you acL lf someone ls dlfferenL Lhan
you? Pow should we LreaL oLhers?"
3. WaLch Lhe kespect kop vldeo
4. Ask sLudenLs whaL Lhey learned from Lhe vldeo. Pow dld Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe vldeo say we should LreaL oLhers?
WhaL ls Lhe golden rule? Pow can we be respecLful of oLhers ln muslc class? WhaL abouL durlng a muslc
performance? Ask sLudenLs Lo keep Lhls ln mlnd durlng Lhe rhyLhm game.
3. Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey remember Lhe name of Lhe drum Lhey learned abouL durlng Lhe lasL lesson. uo you
remember where lL ls from? uo you remember Lhe dlfferenL sounds lL makes?
6. Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo llsLen Lo Lhe rhyLhm and copy Lhe rhyLhm on Lhe drum by clapplng.
7. SLudenLs wlll play a Lelephone" rhyLhm game. 1he Leacher comes up wlLh a rhyLhm and Lhe sLudenLs musL
whlsper Lhe rhyLhm Lo each oLher and play lL on Lhe drum as Lhey pass lL down Lhe row. Ask Lhe sLudenLs: dld
Lhe rhyLhm change?
8. lor Lhe second round of Lhe game, as Lhe sLudenLs Lo clap a rhyLhm several Llmes. 1hen play Lhe Lelephone
game wlLhouL whlsperlng. Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo Lry Lo change Lhe beaL back Lo Lhe orlglnal beaL lf lL changes.
9. uld Lhe rhyLhm change Lhls Llme?
10. lor Lhe Lhlrd round of Lhe game, sLudenLs wlll compose Lhelr own drummlng clrcle. Lach sLudenL wlll play a
dlfferenL rhyLhm and pass Lhe drum around Lhe clrcle.

Act|v|ty Ana|ys|s: (musL show use of 1WS 1 daLa)
Actlvlty #1.
5toJeots wlll llsteo to kespect kop, oo otlqlool vlJeo moJe by stoJeots ooJ teocbets. 1bls vlJeo teocbes stoJeots
oboot beloq tespectfol ooJ osloq tbe ColJeo kole. 1bls ls oo opptoptlote vlJeo becoose lt loteqtotes o style of moslc tbot
tbe stoJeots llke wltb oo lmpottoot bebovlotol coocept.

Actlvlty #2.
5toJeots wlll ploy tbe tbytbm qome wltb tbe Jjembe Jtom to telofotce tbelt leotoloq of tbe boss ooJ tteble
soooJs, tbytbm, ooJ keeploq o steoJy beot. 1bls qome olso belps stoJeots Jevelop sttooq memoty skllls becoose tbey
bove to temembet o tbytbm botb vetbolly ooJ tbytbmlcolly.


kespect kop vlJeo. bttp.//

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