Mcglone Lesson 2 Day 1

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Civil War Unit: Lesson 2 Day 1 Social Studies: Grade 4 Essential Question: What are the opposing views

that helped cause the Civil War? How are the constitutional and state rights issues different in the 1860s compared to than today? NCSS 1: Culture: Cultures are dynamic and change over time. Social Studies SOL USI.9: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil War by: a) Describing the cultural, economic, and constitutional issues that divided the nation b) Explaining how the issues of states rights and slavery increased sectional tensions Objective: Students will be able to describe the constitutional issues between the North and South. Students will also be able to explain how slavery and states rights issues increased tensions between the North and South. Teacher Materials: - - KWL Chart Paper - Constitutional & States Rights Issues Worksheet Students Materials: Pencil Glue Scissors Social Studies Journal

Introduction: 1) Tell students We are going to continue talking about differences between (10 Min.) the North and South focusing on constitutional and states rights issues. 2) Begin by viewing the short clip North and South: Two Different Societies *Begin at 1:08 3) Put up the KWL chart for students to see. Ask students the following questions: What do you already know about any constitutional or states rights issues between the North and South? What do you think the North wants? What about the south? Record their answers under the K for what they already know in the chart 4) Move on to the W. Call on 1 or 2 students to answer what they want to know. If neither has said this, write and tell students I want to know what constitutional issues the North and South disagreed on. 5) Tell students at the end of class we will fill in the L of what we learned. Instruction: 1) Students are on the carpet in a circle with a pencil and something to write on. Start a discussion about constitutional issues. Explain to students that slavery was not the only issue. A major conflict between the North and South was States Rights versus Central Government. Discuss what the difference is between the two.

Examples Who decides if I can vote at the age of 18? (Government) Who decides to give me a license? (State) Who decides on our SOLs (State) (30-35 min) 2) Hand out the worksheet Constitutional & States Rights Issues. Students will position themselves to see the SMART Board. As a whole class, begin to fill out the worksheet asking students their thoughts. The teacher will write down students answers. Who do you think would want a strong Central Government? Explain to students that the North wanted to preserve (keep) the Union and thought that the National Law was the highest law. The North also believed the Union could not be broken 3) Move on to the Souths beliefs. Ask students to discuss with a partner what they think the South believed in now that they know what the North believed in (2-3 minutes). Now ask the class What do you think the South believed in? Why do you think they believed in that (States Rights). Discuss with students how the south feared the North would take over Congress and force them to change their ways of living which could ruin their regions economy. (The South believed each state had the power to declare any national law illegal.) Give modern day examples and see how students are thinking. Can Virginia tell the government they changed the voting age to 16? Why not? Can New York decide to elect a king for their state? Why not? 4) Have students work with a partner to check their answers. Give students about 5 minutes. 5) Bring students back together. Ask for any questions or comments. Fill out the L in the KWL chart. Summary: Explain to students that the North and South tried to solve their issues with three different compromises and they will discover what those were about in tomorrows lesson. Students will head back to their desks and cut out their Constitutional and States Rights Issues worksheet and paste it in their SS journal after their Culture and Economy worksheet from yesterday.

(10 Min)

Assessment: - Teacher will informally assess students throughout the group discussion. The teacher will be taking notes on who is paying attention, participating and on task throughout the discussion. Students will keep their journals open and put them on the back table for the teacher to review for completion. Differentiation: - A special ed. teacher will be in the room to help children with special needs. She will work with them throughout the discussion and worksheets. - Two other special ed. teachers will be in the room to help a group of students who struggle with deeper understanding. Teachers will assist those who need it and checking that they are participating and filling in their worksheet with the class. - ELL and interpersonal students will benefit from the group and partner discussion. This allows students to talk to students using their own words and explain the concepts to one another. The worksheet also helps ELL students so they can use it as a reference in their journals.

Constitutional and States Rights Issues

Constitutional Issues
1) Besides slavery, what was another major conflict between the North and South vs 2) The North believed in a 3) The South believed in

States Rights Issues

4) The South feared the control of would take

5) The South also feared this would ruin their 6) The North believed the nation was a and could not be 7) Southerners believed they had the declare any national law to

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