Jigsaw II

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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Rebecca Wesley
Is about



Jigsaw II
Main idea Main idea

Is a cooperative learning strategy in which individual students become experts on subsections of a topic and teach that topic to others.
Main idea Main idea





There are 5 steps to planning Jigsaw: -Specific Learning Objectives: Should be decided ahead of time and if using the Jigsaw method should include for the students to acquire research abilities, selfdirection, and developing social and communication skills alongside the gaining of content knowledge. -Preparing Study Guides: This is preprepared materials that help to guide the group in their quest for knowledge that aligns with the specific goals the teacher wishes to accomplish. -Forming Student Teams: should be done by the teacher and in direct correlation with the learning objectives because the way that individuals are grouped together can determine the kind of work that is produced. -Supplementing expert Presentations: part of this strategy is to teach individuals to research and if they have not developed this skill adequately yet the teacher may need to add to the discussion. The teacher should always be prepared to do this.

There are 5 phases: -Assessing Experts: is where topics are either assigned to each individual of the group or they choose their own topic to research. -Information Gathering: is where the students begin in-depth study on their topic to later share with group mates. -Expert Meetings: is where students compare and organize the info. they gathered so that they are able to make clear presentations of the material to their peers. - Peer Instruction: is where experts return to their original groups and take turns teaching the group about the topic they have become an expert at. It is best to also provide guided notes so that if the expert misses anything this can help fill in any blanks. -Review and Closure: to reach the content goal that was set the teacher must review all the information without making it to where the students feel like they dont actually have to participate in the other stuff.

This strategy does not really allow for a formative assessment, but realize on summative. The teacher is always monitoring and checking in on the group activities to make sure that everyone stays on track. Any summative assessment that takes place from the material should be through written assignments that the teacher made sure that the information was covered, possibly by taking a grade on the notes the students should have been taking on the different topics.

This strategy can be a motivational device for students by encouraging them to take leadership roles and confidently relay information to one another. With proper feedback and praise from the teacher the students will be motivated to take on more extensive roles in the future and be more confident doing so.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Even though this strategy is very tricky and difficult to work with, if properly prepared and implemented, it can provide students with experiences in gathering and organizing information, developing self-direction, and leadership and working with other that can be a valuable assets in the outside world. Teaches research skills, social interaction, self-direction, synthesise info.

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