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The World of Google

by Tyler Leipprandt and Neil Kohler

Different Ways You Can Use Google Programs in Your Classroom.

Getting Started.....
In order to use all that Google has to offer you will need to create a Google account if you dont have one already. All this requires is the creation of a gmail email account. 1. 2. Top right corner click sign up/sign in (if you have a gmail account you will put this in, if not you will need to create one)

Google Drive
Google Drive is where you will be able to create new docs, spreadsheets, forms, presentations, upload files or pictures, etc.

This is basically your hard drive for all of your Google files. When creating new files Google will automatically save to your Drive. You can access your Drive anywhere that you have an internet connection.

Google Docs
This is the word processing program that is similar to Microsoft Word. Pros: saves automatically to your drive you can open it anywhere you can share with anyone you choose you can work with anyone on a file even if you are in different locations Great in-depth site on Google Docs

Google Docs
When Would I Use It In My Class? 1. Student writing pieces 2. Collaborative parent notes 3. Peer editing 4. Partner projects 5. Any word processing 6. Student accommodations 7. Can be used to edit on your SmartPhone.
a. b.

Need to download the Google Drive App. Type/Voice Accommodations

Google Forms
This is Googles program that allows you to create online tests and/or surveys. Also, will organize/compute data into a spreadsheet if you choose. Last year we started using this for our end of the marking period assessments in the 5th grade. This is also what was used to do our union

Google Forms
Go to the link below to fill in a quick survey. Neil will be using this for his parents at the start of the school year. Just fill it in as if you had a student in the 4th/5th split class this year. DevheqpjkGHLcZ-ElHqlxiFuQ/viewform

Google Forms
When Would I Use It In My Class? 1. To create parent/student surveys 2. To create online assessments/quizzes 3. An election or voting

Google Forms and Flubaroo

If you create an online assessment/quiz you can have Flubaroo check it for you as students submit their assessment.

Take the quiz below, and we will show you how it works. GoHSEq_V0g/viewform

Flubaroo overview:

Google Spreadsheets
This is very similar to Excel. Best Feature: It will directly link to your Google Forms (quizzes/assessments/surveys) and all of the data will be inputted into the spreadsheet for you to analyze.

Google Earth
Get the worlds geographic information at your fingertips. Explore in 3D

Buildings Terrain Other imagery


Must be downloaded-needs approval.

Google Maps/Street View

Similar to Google Earth, but no download. View the Earth by satellite or map view. Maps can turn into StreetView by dragging the yellow person icon onto a highlighted blue street.

Great for virtual field trips Geography lessons Personal interests

Google Hangout
Google Hangout is a very cool feature that allows you to have chats or video conversations. The video conversations allow up to 10 people (from anywhere in the world) to join the Hangout. This is a hangout video of Daymond John (Shark Tank) in a hangout with students. This is a quick video showing how to use Hangouts.

Gooru Gooru is a free search engine for learning, very cool! (5th - 12th grade) This site allows you to break a search apart and look for: videos, websites, interactives, slides, lessons, handouts, textbooks, exams, or questions.

Google Search (make it more Kid Friendly)
How to modify your search results by reading level 1. Click Search tools at the top of the search results page. 2. Click All Results. 3. Click Reading level. You'll now see results annotated with reading levels as well as a percentage breakdown of results by reading level. 4. To filter your results by a specific reading level, select your desired level

(Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced).

Doctopus is a Google Spreadsheet script developed by Andrew Stillman that can help teachers manage the flow of shared work in in their Google Drive accounts. The basic concept behind the script is to enable teachers to quickly share documents with all of the students on a roster, monitor usage of shared documents, and give students feedback within that roster spreadsheet. Great tutorial video 314370&feature=iv&src_vid=T_5Kx9j35YM&v=9yC1AzH MilU

Goobric allows for rubric-based grading of Google Drive resources (Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Folders, etc.) and --currently-- only works with resources created via the Doctopus Script for teachers a tool for differentiating, grouping, distributing and managing student projects in Google Drive. Great tutorial video

Google Glass
Here is a video from Google Glass that you may want to view. This is a newer program that Google introduced this year. Very cool!

Google Shortener

Get tired of pasting long URL links into your documents? Google shortener creates a short URL for you. Find the shortener at This link below..... 314370&feature=iv&src_vid=T_5Kx9j35YM&v=9yC1AzH MilU

Turns into this link....

Google Presentation
These can be created in your Drive, and they are basically the same as PowerPoint. This presentation was done using Google Presentations. The Pros are the same as with the Docs. This can be shared with others to view and edit. Can be seen on your SmartPhone.

Google Calendar

Share your calendar. Get your calendar on your mobile phone. Sync with your desktop or embed it into your classroom website. Customize notifications to your desktop or mobile phone. 2465776?hl=en

Google Sites/Weebly

To create your own classroom website, visit view.html

The best site I have found to create a FREE classroom website is Benefits of having a classroom website are:
i. ii.

Gives students and parents a great tool at home. Allows teachers to upload assignments, projects, spelling lists, newsletters, etc.

Google Sites/Weebly

Able to allow for online collaboration in BLOG style formats. Very customizable to create a clean and friendly environment. Gives parents and teachers a way for simple communication. Last 6 months on my website totaled about 4,000 different page views. What a great tool for students and parents!

Weebly Websites Find support for creating your website at Create your own here

Embed your Google Calendar into your Weebly website.

Google Translate
Need help speaking another language or communicating with ESL learners? Google Translate can help. Google Translate is also a Free App See the video below to see how some put it to use. -dD6tA

Helpful Websites

Last Survey
Please click on the link to complete your last survey. This will gather all of your new email addresses so we can share files as a staff if you wish to.

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