Bond of Employment

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Agreement forming part of our Employment offer This Agreement is entered into this the Date_______ between Organization Name__________, a Company registered in India, having its registered office at F !! Address of company"s registered office#$hereinafter ca!!ed the %Company"& and $ii& 'r#('iss#('rs#,)mp!oyee Name___ a Indian inhabitant residing at **+resent Address of the )mp!oyee,, and having permanent address at **+ermanent address of the )mp!oyee,, $herein after referred to as -)mp!oyee.) of the other part /0)1)A2 A The Company has se!ected the )mp!oyee for the position of Designasion_____________,which wo !d initia!!y invo!ve e3tensive training for imparting the re4 ired !eve! of s5i!!s, for effective!y carrying o t the officia! responsibi!ities assigned to the )mp!oyee# The )mp!oyee, on 7oining the Company, ndertoo5 to stay in emp!oyment of the Company for a minim m period of si3 months ,8 one month notice period to the Company in case he(she wants to !eave the company, in consideration of which, the Company is not charging the cost of training from him(her# the )mp!oyee nderta5es to ndergo the training methodo!ogies, as may be re4 ired, and nderstand the 7ob responsibi!ities, so that the same are carried o t in an effective manner# the )mp!oyee, as part of the consideration for the training efforts and costs invo!ved, agreed to sign a bond for not !eaving the services of the Company for a minim m period of si3 months from the date of his(her 7oining the services of the Company#

NO/ T0I2 A:1))')NT /ITN)22)T0 A2 6);O/< 9# The )mp!oyee ac5now!edges that s bstantia! costs have been invested on him for training him specifica!!y for effective!y hand!ing the 7ob responsibi!ities and, any discontin ance of the emp!oyment before the e3piry of the si3 month term wo !d nfair!y pre7 dice the Company, and, as s ch, the )mp!oyee nderta5es not to !eave the services of the Company, for any reason what ever, for a minim m period of si3 months from the date of his(her 7oining the services of the Company# In case the )mp!oyee, for any reason, !eaves the services of the Company before the said period of si3 months, then he(she sha!! forthwith pay a s m of 1s#9>??? (@ $1 pees Fifteen Tho sand on!y& being the indemnification of the cost of training to the Company# The )mp!oyee nderta5es not to disp te the amo nt, and sha!! pay the amo nt, before re4 esting for forma! re!ieving order from the Company 8 at the same time company has f !! right to initiate appropriate !eaga! procedding against the )mp!oyee## That the said emp!oyee sha!! not d ring the period of this agreement wor5 direct!y or indirect!y in any simi!ar trade or b siness either as emp!oyer or partner or advisor or in any other capacity# That the said emp!oyee sha!! be 7 st and faithf ! to the Company in a!! matters and sha!! not at any time e3cept nder !ega! process, div !ge to any person whosoever and sha!! se his best endeavors to prevent the p b!ication or disc!os re of any trade secret or any b siness process or any confidentia! matter or information concerning management decision of the Company or of its dea!ings, transactions, or affairs which may come to his 5now!edge# Any disp te or difference arising o t of this Agreement sha!! be reso!ved thro gh Arbitration# The so!e Arbitrator, appointed in cons !tation with parties sha!! cond ct s ch Arbitration# The ven e sha!! be in Ahmedabad #






0owever,Company has f !! right to transfer,s spend or terminate the emp!oyement of the )mp!oyee in case if he(she breaches any of the above provisions 8 fo nds dishonest to the Company at any moment of his(her emp!oyment a!so Company can with he!d the 2a!ary or(and )3p#!etter of the said )mp!oyee nti!! the fina! c!earence of the matter# In witness hereof the parties have e3ec ted this Agreement on the day and date mentioned above at Ahmedabad#


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9# **Name of the company,,

=# )mp!oyee

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