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Design for Learning

Instructor: Lindy Cooper Lesson Title: Solids versus Liquids Curriculum Area: Science Grade Level/ Cooperating Teacher: k Date: November 1, 2013 Estimated Time: 1 hour

Standards Connection: AL K Science (1 Cl!ssi"y ob#ec$s !s solids or liquids% Learning Ob ective!s": &hen 'iven ! S$!$es o" (!$$er Assessmen$ )orkshee$, s$uden$s )ill cu$ ou$ $he si* im!'es !nd correc$ly pl!ce !$ le!s$ $hree ou$ o" $he si* im!'es in ei$her $he liquids or solids bo*% (+e"er $o rubric belo) "or speci"ics ,-,*cellen$ S-S!$is"!c$ory N-No$ S!$is"!c$ory S$uden$ pl!ces $hree im!'es or more in $he correc$ bo*% S$uden$ pl!ces only $)o im!'es in $he correc$ bo*% S$uden$ pl!ces one or .ero im!'es in $he correc$ bo*%

Learning Ob ective!s" stated in #$id%&riendl'( language: /od!y boys !nd 'irls, )e )ill be discoverin' $he di""erence be$)een solids !nd liquids, !nd )e )ill comple$e ! )orkshee$ by pu$$in' pic$ures o" solids !nd liquids in $he correc$ bo*% Evaluation o& Learning Ob ective!s": S$uden$s )ill be 'iven ! S$!$es o" (!$$er )orkshee$ (See A$$!ched % 0ndividu!lly, e!ch s$uden$ )ill use $heir scissors !nd $heir 'lue s$icks $o cu$ ou$ $he im!'es !$ $he bo$$om o" di""eren$ solids !nd liquids% /hey )ill 'lue $he im!'es in $he correc$ bo* l!beled ei$her solid or liquid% S$uden$s mus$ 'lue !$ le!s$ $hree o" $he si* im!'es in $he correc$ bo* $o 'e$ !n , (+e"er $o +ubric Above % Engagement: /he $e!cher )ill "irs$ s$!r$ o"" )i$h e*pl!inin' )h!$ $hey )ill be doin' $h!$ d!y !nd )h!$ $hey )ill be le!rnin' !bou$% She )ill $ell $hem !bou$ $he "un '!me $hey )ill pl!y !nd $hen $he )orkshee$ $hey )ill be comple$in'% S$uden$s )ill !lso s$!r$ o"" se!$ed !$ $he c!rpe$ "or $he en'!'emen$% Okay class, 1, 2, 3, eyes on me! Today we will be learning about the different solids and liquids that we see and use everyday. oes anyone know what a !olid is" (She )ill )!i$ "or responses "rom $he s$uden$s !nd )ill !lso 'ive e*!mples in $he cl!ssroom i" $he s$uden$s need some 'uid!nce % #reat $ob everyone, those are some great answers! %an anyone tell me what a liquid is" (She )ill )!i$ "or responses "rom $he s$uden$s !nd )ill !lso 'ive e*!mples "rom $he cl!ssroom !nd in everyd!y li"e i" $he s$uden$s need more 'uid!nce % &ow, even more great answers about what a liquid is! Today, we will be discovering the differences between solids and liquids and we will be learning even more e'am(les of each. )irst, we are going to look u( at the screen, so that we can use an interactive science cli( on the com(uter. * need everyone to turn their bodies so that they are facing the screen. +veryone (ut a bubble in while * get the website ready. (/e!cher 'oes $o her compu$er !nd pulls up $he $!b "or $he (11C-School Science ClipsSolids !nd Liquids See Attached Lin$ +veryone give me five if you are ready to sto( talking and have your eyes u( on the screen. Okay, * think we are all ready. )irst, we are going to start out with the (iece of chocolate. &atch as * grab it and drag it into the beaker. * want you all to look at this (ur(le thing, this is the stove that heats u( and cools the ob$ect in the beaker (/e!cher uses her mouse on her compu$er $o poin$ ou$ di""eren$ ob#ec$s like $he be!ker, s$ove, he!$ !nd cool bu$$ons% ,efore * (ress the heat button, * was wondering if anyone has every left their candy bar outside or in a hot car. #ive me a me too sign if that has ever ha((ened to you. -eah, me too. %an anyone tell me what ha((ened to the candy bar when they left it somewhere really hot" (/e!cher )!i$s "or !bou$ $hree responses "rom $he kids !nd looks "or $hem $o s!y i$ mel$s or 'e$s so"$, 'ives 'uid!nce !nd !dds in o)n $hou'h$s i" needed % Those were some really great answers, let.s watch closely as we watch what ha((ens when * (ress the heat button on the screen! &asn.t that cool" Okay now lets watch what ha((ens when * (ress the test button. ($e!cher presses $he $es$ bu$$on !nd $he s$uden$s !re !ble $o )!$ch $he mel$ed chocol!$e become ! liquid !nd move

!round on $he screen &hat $ust ha((ened /nnie" (&!i$s "or Annie2s response !nd !sks o$her s$uden$s i" she needs $o 'e$ more !ns)ers Okay everyone give me five. 0ets look u( at the screen and watch what ha((ens to the chocolate when * (ress the %ool button. ,illy, &hat ha((ened to the chocolate when we (ressed the Test button this time (She )!i$s "or $he s$uden$ $o s!y i$ didn2$ move or no$hin' h!ppened3 Adds in help or c!lls on someone else i" needed Ne*$, $he $e!cher 'oes $hrou'h ! "e) more o" $he ob#ec$s $h!$ you c!n mel$ !nd cool in $he be!ker #us$ $o keep $he kids en'!'ed !nd h!vin' "un% #reat listening everyone. 1, 2, 3, eyes on me. * need everyone to face towards my chair now and look u( at me. (/e!cher quickly moves hersel" $o her ch!ir ne!r $he bo!rd% Learning Design:

0% /e!chin'4 A"$er $he s$uden$s !re !ll "!cin' her !$ her ch!ir by $he bo!rd, she )ill in$roduce $he de"ini$ions o" bo$h solids !nd liquids !nd uses pos$ers )i$h people $o do so% She )ill l!$er pu$ $hese pos$ers up !round $he cl!ssroom% She )ill 'ive $hem some e*!mples o" solids !nd liquids "rom $he cl!ssroom% She )ill $hen )ri$e ,*!mples o" solids on $he bo!rd !s $he s$uden$s c!ll $hem ou$ $o her% She )ill do $he s!me "or ,*!mples o" liquids% She )ill $hen 'e$ $he s$uden$s $o !ns)er ques$ions !bou$ )h!$ $hey no$ice is di""eren$ be$)een $he $)o lis$s% She )ill $hen re!d 5/he bu$$er 1!$$le 1ook6 by 7r% Seuss% A"$er she re!ds $he book, she )ill m!ke some bu$$er in con$!iner $h!$ h!s ! $op !nd sh!ke i$ up, so $h!$ $he s$uden$s c!n see i$ ch!n'e in$o ! solid (Instructions &or E)periment included" Today we are learning about solids and liquids which we have briefly talked about and also observed what ha((ens when you melt or cool ob$ects u( on the screen. %an anyone tell me what they think a solid is or how they would describe it. (She )!i$s "or $hree or "our responses !nd $hen she holds up $he pos$er $h!$ she h!s previously m!de be"ore s$!r$in' $he lesson )i$h $he poem !bou$ solids !See Attached" #reat res(onses from everyone. * wrote a fun rhyme about solids that * think will hel( you guys have a clear definition of what a solid is. 1/ solid.s a solid. *t doesn.t change sha(e. *t can.t move around2 it stays in one (lace. -our desk is a solid. /nd so is your chair. 3ust look in your classroom. &ow! +verywhere!4 !o basically, a solid is an ob$ect that has a set sha(e that doesn.t change, and it doesn.t flow around. #ive me a thumbs u( if that makes sense to you and you think you are ready to hel( give me some e'am(les of solids. (/e!cher )!i$s "or $he s$uden$s $o pu$ $heir $humbs up !nd i" she doesn2$ see $h!$ !ll kids unders$!nd she )ill cl!ri"y !'!in )h!$ ! solid is !nd !sk i" !nyone h!s !ny ques$ions % Okay does anyone have any questions" #reat. * want you guys to raise your hands if you have a solid in mind that you want to share with the class. 5emember that from our rhyme we said that some e'am(les were a desk and a chair. -ou can use those ob$ects as a guide, but * also want you to think of your own. (/e!cher )!i$s "or $he s$uden$s $o 'ive !bou$ $en e*!mples o" solids !nd c!lls on ! v!rie$y o" s$uden$s "or !ns)ers /ll great e'am(les. *t seems like you guys have a (retty good idea of what a solid is and some e'am(les. #ive me a thumbs u( if you are ready to start talking about liquids. %an anyone tell me what they think a liquid is our how they would describe it. (She )!i$s "or $hree or "our responses !nd $hen she holds up $he pos$er $h!$ she h!s previously m!de be"ore s$!r$in' $he lesson )i$h $he poem !bou$ liquids !See Attached" Those are all great answers. * wrote another rhyme, but this one is about liquids. 1/ liquid moves smoothly. &e say that it flows from one (lace to another. 6ow quickly it goes! &e know that most liquids are easy to see. &ith no sha(e of their own, their not like you and me.4 To e'(lain this a little more, a liquid is something that doesn.t have a set sha(e and it can flow around. / great e'am(le of a liquid is something that we see everyday. &ater! /nother e'am(le would be the milk that a lot of you $ust drank at lunch! Okay, give me a thumbs u( if you think you understand what a liquid is and you think you are ready to give me some e'am(les of liquids on your own. ( She )!i$s "or $he s$uden$s $o pu$ $heir $humbs up !nd i" !ll s$uden$s don2$ h!ve $heir $humbs up, she )ill "ur$her e*pl!in )h!$ ! liquid is !nd !sk "or ques$ions !nd $hen $humbs up !'!in oes

anyone have any more questions" 3ust like we did with the solids, * want you to kee( a bubble in your mouth while you raise your hand if you are thinking of a liquid that you want to share with the class. (/e!cher )!i$s "or !bou$ $en e*!mples "rom $he s$uden$s !nd c!lls on ! v!rie$y o" s$uden$s /ll those e'am(les of liquids were correct. &e are now going to read a book called 1The ,utter ,attle ,ook4 by r. !euss. 5aise your hand if you like to (ut butter on their toast, (asta, (otato, or maybe even corn. 7e too. * need everyone to sit still and have their listening ears on while * read this book. (She re!ds $he book )hile en'!'in' $he s$uden$s )i$h ques$ions !nd pic$ures in $he book #ive me a me too if you liked that book and the fun adventures. That.s one of my favorite books. Okay * need all of the girls to quickly and quietly go to your seats. 8ow the boys, quickly and quietly go to your seats. 8ow we are going to do a really cool e'(eriment and actually make our own butter. (/e!cher )ri$es $he in'redien$s "or $he bu$$er up on $he bo!rd * am going to make the butter real quick, but * am going to need everyone.s hel( to make it. * have written the ingredients on the board. (/he $e!cher se$s up ! desk in $he middle o" $he cl!ssroom, so $h!$ !ll $he s$uden$s c!n see her m!kin' $he bu$$er *f your chair is not facing this desk, you need to quietly turn your chairs around so that your eyes are on me. Okay everyone give me five if you are ready to make some butter! (she holds up $he )hippin' cre!m !nd s$!r$s $o pou$ 8 cup in$o $he con$!iner 5aise your hands if you think that the butter is a liquid" 5aise your hand if you think the butter is a solid" The butter is actually a liquid right now, but lets all watch closely and see what ha((ens when * shake the container u( for about a minute. * want you all to count with me..1, 2, 3, ( She sh!kes $he con$!iner "or !bou$ ! minu$e, $!kes $he $op o"" !nd holds i$ up 5aise your hand if you think that the butter is now a solid. 7e too. !o the whi((ing cream we used started out as a liquid and then after * shook it for a minute it became a solid. * am going to walk around the room, so that everyone can get a closer look. &e all need to stay seated and not stand u(. *f you guys are standing u( and reaching over our friends to look at the butter or touch it, you won.t be able to touch it at all. (She )!lks !round le$$in' every s$uden$ observe !nd $ouch i$ i" $hey )!n$ $o * am going to give you guys a tissue to wi(e off your finger if it has butter on it, and $ust leave it on your desk. (She picks up !ll o" $he $issues !nd $hro)s $hem !)!y % 1, 2, 3, eyes on me. Okay so who can tell me what a solid is again" That is correct, something that doesn.t change its sha(e. &ho can raise their hand and tell me what a liquid is again" /lso correct. *t is something that changes sha(e and easily flows like water. #ive me a thumbs u( if you agree with what your friends said. 9ery good, now let.s (ractice deciding if ob$ects in our classroom are solids or liquids. (She )ill $hen s$!r$ $o e*pl!in $he p!r$ner pr!c$ice shee$ $h!$ $hey )ill be doin' 00% 9ppor$uni$y "or :r!c$ice4 /he $e!cher )ill h!ve $he s$uden$s )ork )i$h ! p!r$ner $o pl!ce di""eren$ no$e c!rds )i$h ob#ec$s in ei$her ! liquid or solid bo*% ,!ch 'roup o" s$uden$s )ill h!ve "i"$een no$ec!rds )h!$ $hey )ill )ork $o'e$her $o pl!ce in $he correc$ bo*% A"$er $he s$uden$s !re "inished, $he $e!cher )ill use $he pro#ec$or $o sho) $he c!rds !nd )h!$ bo* $hey correc$ly 'o in $o cl!ri"y !ny misunders$!ndin' be"ore $he s$uden$s comple$e $he !ssessmen$% &e are going to com(lete a fun activity with your table (artner that is sitting ne't to you. * am going to give each grou( two bo'es. One bo' is labeled solids and the other bo' is labeled liquids. * am going to (ass out some note cards that have ob$ects on them. -ou and your (artner are going to have to work together to (lace each ob$ect in the correct bo'. ($he $e!cher )!lks !round !nd 'ives e!ch 'roup ! solids bo* !nd ! liquids bo*% She $hen 'ives e!ch 'roup $he s!me no$ec!rds % +ach grou( needs to make sure that they are taking turns with their (artner and that one (erson isn.t doing all the work or (utting all the ob$ects in the bo'es. &ho can tell me other rules that we have when working with (artners. -es, great answers. &e need to res(ect others, have inside voices, and stay on task. * will also be walking around to make sure that you guys are working hard. (She le$s e!ch p!r$ner 'roup )orks on pl!cin' $he ob#ec$s in $he correc$ bo* "or !bou$ $)o or $hree minu$es% Lon'er i" needed% She !lso )!lks !round $he room !nd 'ives 'roups "eedb!ck !nd "orm!$ively !ssesses $he s$uden$s $hrou'h observin' $heir

)ork *t looks like most of you have (laced all of the ob$ects in the bo'es. #reat $ob working hard and being res(ectful to your (artner. Okay everyone leave your bo'es on your tables and * need the girls to go find their s(ot on the car(et. 8ow boys quickly find your s(ot on your car(et. +veryone quietly turn towards the screen. (She )ill 'o $hrou'h e!ch no$e c!rd !nd !sk $he s$uden$s $o s!y )h!$ i" i$ is ! solid or ! liquid% A"$er e!ch c!rd, she )ill !sk $he s$uden$s $o 'ive her ! me $o si'n i" $hey h!d $he s!me !ns)er % oes anyone have any questions about an ob$ect or did anyone have anything different than what * had" Okay, it seems like you guys know which ob$ects are solids and which ones are liquids. Time to review. Turn and talk with a (artner about what a solid and a liquid is. (She le$s $hem discuss )i$h ! p!r$ner "or !bou$ 30 seconds * heard some good things from the (artner grou(s. &ho can tell me what a solid is. &onderful. 8ow who can give me an e'am(le of a solid. :erfect! Okay who can tell me what a liquid is. That.s correct. &ho can tell me what an e'am(le of a liquid is. /wesome $ob everyone. *t seems like you guys are ready to do this on your own. +veryone quickly and quietly move to your seats. 000% Assessmen$4 ,y yourself, you guys are going to com(lete a worksheet !See Attached" that is $ust like what we $ust did with our (artners. -ou are all going to be given a worksheet to com(lete. 5emember that this will be com(leted alone, so no talking at all! (/e!cher holds up $he )orkshee$ 6ere is the worksheet. -ou will need your scissors and glue sticks so go ahead and get those out. )irst, you will cut out the (ictures at the bottom. /s you can see, there are two bo'es. One is labeled solids and one is labeled liquids. *f you think the ob$ect on the (icture is a solid then glue it on the solids side. *f you think the ob$ect is a liquid, glue the (icture on the liquids side. /re there any questions" #reat, if you need anything while you are com(leting it $ust quietly raise your hand and * will come to your desk. (She p!sses ou$ $he !ssessmen$ shee$ #et started! 0;% Closure4 /he $e!cher )ill rec!p )h!$ $he cl!ss h!s le!rned !bou$ solids !nd liquids !nd 'e$ $he s$uden$s $o reci$e some o" $he $hin's $hey h!ve le!rned% She )ill 'e$ $hem $o come $o $he c!rpe$ $o do $his% * need everyone to move back to the car(et and leave your worksheets on your desk while * come collect them. (She )ill dismiss $hem by $!bles $o 'o si$ !$ $he c!rpe$ %an someone tell me what we have been learning about today" (She )ill )!i$ "or s$uden$s $o s!y bo$h solids !nd liquids That is correct! %an someone else tell me what a solid is. /nd * need a few (eo(le to raise their hands and give me e'am(les. Those are all great! * need someone else who hasn.t shared to tell me what a liquid is. 5aise your hands if you can give me an e'am(le of a liquid. /wesome, * liked all of those. (She )ill )!i$ "or responses $o e!ch o" $hese ques$ions 9ery good, this shows me that you all listened very well. * can tell that you all know what a solid and a liquid is and e'am(les of each. 0et.s go back to our seats and get ready for our ne't sub$ect for today.
*aterials and +esources: :ro#ec$or Compu$er &ebsi$e (11C-School Science Clips-Solids !nd liquids Solids pos$er )i$h poem Liquids pos$er )i$h poem Ch!lk bo!rd Ch!lk

5/he 1u$$er 1!$$le 1ook6 by 7r% Seuss &hippin' cre!m Con$!iner )i$h $op
/)o bo*es "or e!ch p!r$ner 'roup (l!beled Solids !nd Liquids 1< No$ec!rds )i$h ob#ec$s on $hem "or e!ch p!r$ner 'roup Assessmen$ shee$s

=lue Scissors :encil

Di&&erentiation Strategies !including plans &or individual learners": >- S$uden$s )ill cu$ ou$ $he im!'es !nd p!s$e $hem do)n in $he correc$ c!$e'ory, bu$ $hey )ill !lso be !sked $o )ri$e )h!$ $he im!'e is ne*$ $o e!ch im!'e% L- S$uden$s )ill be 'iven ! )orkshee$ $h!$ h!s ! pic$ure ne*$ $o $he liquid !nd solids )ords in $he bo*es $o 'ive $hem e*$r! help% /hey could !lso be 'iven e!sier pic$ures% /he $e!cher could !lso 'o !round !nd s!y )h!$ e!ch pic$ure is% Data Anal'sis:


Samford University Design for Learning

,ebsite lin$ &or Engagement h$$p4??)))%bbc%co%uk?schools?scienceclips?!'es?@AB?solidAliquids%sh$ml

E)periment &or Teaching !-/. cup o& ,hipping cream"

/ame: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 States o& *atter Directions: Cu$ ou$ $he pic$ures belo)% =lue $he solids on $he solid side% =lue $he liquids on $he liquid side% Solids Liquids

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