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Northwood Programme Economics of Public Policy _ Final assignment

The following are areas for you to make oral presentations. These presentations are group presentations where 2- in a group. ! will ha"e a preliminary discussion this week. The slides need will be point form appropriately structured. #ou may look for e$tra material on the net.

%. Pro"iding free education at the uni"ersity le"el is considered a ma&or policy ob&ecti"e by many policy makers. 'ketch out your argument for or against this policy. E$plain what aspects of your arguments are "alue &udgments and what aspects are positi"e prepositions. (hat ser"ices of the education goods spectrum be best be considered for state and what for the pri"ate sector) 2. *iscuss the ma&or economic aspects you may consider rele"ant in implementing a policy to pro"ide fertili+er subsidy to rice farmers. E$ternalities, pri"ate , public sectors engagement, e$ternalities . -Pri"ate sector pollute too much because they ignore the e$ternal costs, so go"ernments must tighten en"ironment policies to pre"ent such conduct by them.. *iscuss the issues and policy options. /. (hat do you understand by public in"estment) 0ow do you e$plain the reasons, pay attention from both normati"e and positi"e perspecti"es, as to why go"ernments pay considerable attention to public in"estment policies) Take an e$ample from current affairs. 1. E$plain fi"e macroeconomic indicators and what purpose they ser"e) !f the go"ernment embarks on a policy of po"erty alle"iation which indicators you may consider most useful) E$plain. (hat would be the limitations) 2. *escribe three budgetary policies of your choice with e$planations as to why such policies are considered by the go"ernment and what economic limitations and drawbacks it faces in the implementation. 0ow do they impact upon other indicators)

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