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Republic of the Philippines

Municipality of La Trinidad


Central Pico La Trinidad, Benguet November 8, 2010

To: !ir ,

____________________(name) ____________________(address

Greetings! "e, t#e bas$etball %la&ers o' Central Pico, La Trinidad, (#o #ave been constantl& )oining *nterbaranga& and ot#er +out# !%orts 'estivals and com%eting in ma)or titles o' t#e same, including c#am%ions#i%s, believes in t#e #ealt#& goals o' com%etition and s%ortsmans#i% t#at is broug#t b& t#e s%ort and its goals to(ards t#e develo%ment o' social relations#i% in our communit&, -ur team, (#ic# is com%osed o' 'i'teen &oung %la&ers, is #o%ing to )oin an u%coming bas$etball event in La Trinidad: T#e .ivers / 0cbels Bas$etball Cu% 2010, T#is Bas$etball Cu%, (#ic# (ill start on Nov, 22, 2010, is geared to(ards t#e develo%ment o' camaraderie among t#e bas$etball teams o' La Trinidad, Benguet and see$s to %romote %ositive activities in t#e communit&, 1o(ever, as muc# as (e (anted to %artici%ate in t#e event, (e are 'aced (it# 'inancing di''iculties, *t is ver& un'ortunate t#at (e #ave 'ailed to generate 'unds 'or our uni'orms and registration 'ee (#ic# are needed to 2uali'& 'or t#is s%orts event, Luckily, we have heard of your overwhelming support for these kinds of activities. Thus, we humbly ask for any amount that you can share to assist our team and these efforts to promote the development of the youths well-being through sports. We will forever appreciate your kindness and rest assured that we will return it in any way we can as members of our community. Thank you very much and God Bless!

3es%ect'ull& +ours4 56787 B-+!

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