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Put a title Countdown to war in your exercise book. 1. Draw a table, with two headings Date and Event. 2. Using your resources, put each date with the correct event, and write them into your table.
Un s resp a t i s f i ed Aus onse by troto Hun Se on S an gary erb ulti r b i a s ia m dec lare atum, d w ar

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1st A ugus
91 4

G e r m a n y declared war on France

t 191

6t u hA


1 st

4th August 1914


B r i t a i n declared war on Germany

29 th Ju ly 19 14

Germany invaded Belgium

une 8th J

28 July 1914

3rd Aug
4th Au gus t 19

ust 1914
ug 3th A ust 1 914

Au Fe s t r i sh r d i n a n a Ar G a ot de n d c v r i ad a nd h d u lo b k y Pr i n c the h i s e F ip Se rb w i f e r a n z St ud a r e en t

France and Britain declare war on AustroHungary


A u s t r o- Hungary declared war on Russia



a ssi Ru p o r t , ce sup n a i to all r army e h r to he s e e u s D bili mo b i a r Se

3. Using your table, explain why the murder of Archduke Ferdinand led to the outbreak of war. ( 2 marks) 4. Explain what the Schlieffen Plan was why couldnt Germany attack France directly? ( 2 marks) 5. From the text book and all the causes you have Glossary studied, which do you think was the most important Chronology placing events and cause? Explain your answer in detail. ( 3 marks) dates in the order they happened. 6. War between Britain and Germany was inevitable. Alliance agreement between Do you agree? ( 3 marks) two countries.

Inevitable certain to happen.

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