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HR DOCTOR PLUS - Assessment report

Personal Details 1. Name, Registration Number & Discipline: 2. Institute Name & Year of Study - Semester: 3. Date of Birth:

ver. 1.245

Select the suitable option. Selection of two or more options for each will consider as inappropriate (IP) Legend: H (High)/M (Medium)/L (Low)-E (Excellent)/G (Good)/A (Average)/P (Poor) - Y (Yes)/ N (No). 1. Intra personal skills: a. Confidence: H/M/L b. Attitude: Optimistic/Pessimistic/Realistic/Spiritualistic c. Decision Making: Own/Others/Consult d. Self Esteem: H/M/L e. Complex: Superiority/Inferiority/Noncomplex f. Emotional Stability: Y/N/To some extent 2. Inter Personal Skills: a. Communication Skill (VC): E/G/A/P b. Communication Skill (NVC): E/G/A/P c. Relationship with others: Introvert/Extrovert/Pair d. Internal Bonding: Family/Relatives/Friends/Pair e. Helping Tendency: Frequently/Occasionally/Never f. Friends of high caliber: Y/N f1. If Yes, It Influences: Positively/Negatively h. Source of Distraction: Family/Friends/Love/Any Possessions/Others ______________

i. Addiction: Y/N i1. If Yes Source______________ 3. Academic Skills: a. Reproduce what learns: Y/N/To some extent b. Study Habits: Regular schedule /Unscheduled /Once In a while/Before Exam c. Presentation Skill Making: E/G/A/P d. Handwriting: E/G/A/P e. Consistency on Academics: Y/N f. Concentrations over problems: Y/N g. Memory problems: Y/N 4. GAP Analysis: a. Goals: Clear/Not Clear/To some extent b. Skills Required: Identified / Yet To Identified c. Problems Faced: Family/Personal/Professional.

5. Career Analysis: i Aptitude : a. Logical : E/G/A/P b. Numerical: E/G/A/P c. Analytical: E/G/A/P d. Verbal: E/G/A/P ii Group Discussion: a. Verbal: E/G/A/P b. Non Verbal: E/G/A/P c. Confidence: H/M/L

d. Content: H/M/L iii Interview Feedback: a. Attitude to Work: H/M/L b. Communication: E/G/A/P c. Confidence: H/M/L d. Willingness to learn: E/G/A/P e. Dependency: H/M/L f. Self motivation: H/M/L g. subject knowledge: E/G/A/P h. Domain knowledge: E/G/A/P i. Grooming: H/M/L Office use only 6. Special Observations: a. b. c. 7. Suggestions: a. b. c. 8. Overall Evaluation: a. Personality: b. Final Evaluation: Serious / Non Serious c. Alignment: Aligned / Not Aligned d. Remarks: __________________________________________________

Evaluation done on Unique Report ID

Evaluators Signature

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