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Noise Removal from Color Image Sequence Using DIP

Noise Removal from Color Image Sequence Project the Impulse noise are filtered from the corrupted videos with random valued impulse noise. single strong filtering step should

remove all noise at once inevita!l" !ut also remove the considera!le amount of details.

#herefore$ the noise is filtered step !" step. In each step$ nois" pi%els are detected !" the help of fu&&" rules$ which are ver" useful for the processing of human 'nowledge where linguistic varia!les are used. In fu&&" rule the nois" pi%els are detected !" using a condition li'e if. If the nois" pi%el is there that nois" pi%el is filtered !" the condition otherwise there is no change will !e there.

Nois" pi%els are filtered !ut$ the others remain unchanged. (iltering of detected pi%els is done !" !loc' matching !ased on a noise adaptive mean a!solute difference. #he proposed method outperforms other state)of)art methods in terms of o!jective measures such as * +$ PSNR and NCD and visuall".

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