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MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Approved by A.I.C.T.E. New Del ! "#d "$$!l!"%ed %o &.U.D'

(Brand Awarness of Airtel products

Submitted towards the partial fulfillment of the curriculum of MBA for the academic year 2008

Submitted to:

Pro$. M.).P"%%e#* e%%! F"+,l%y o$ IBM B!-"p,r

Submitted by:
Mr. S"."r P.A/"#o-! Mr. S"r"#. S.N"!/ Mr. S"#%o* C "##"l Mr. A7!% A. J"d "v M*. &"v!%" S !#%r! MBA01002034 MBA01002055 MBA01002060 MBA01002003 MBA01002082

M.B.A I9% Se7e*%er

We hereby declare that this research work embodied in this entitled dissertation (Brand Awarness of Airtel products has been carried out by us, under the uidance of !rof "M"#"!attenshetti" We also declare that this dissertation has not been submitted to any $ni%ersity or &nstitution for the award of any 'e ree or diploma"

PLACE: B!-"p,r DATE: Mr. S"."r P.A/"#o-! Mr. S"r"#. S.N"!/ Mr. S"#%o* C "##"l Mr. A7!% A. J"d "v M*. &"v!%" S !#%r!

We are thankful to many people whose timely help and uidance has helped us to conduct this research successfully" We would also like to e(press my thankfulness to !rof" M"#"!attenshetti" )aculty of &BM , Bi*apur for i%in us an opportunity to pursue this pro*ect" We also wish to thank all those respondents who were patient enou h in i%in answer to our +uestionnaire" )inally, we would like to e(tend our rateful thanks to all our friends and )aculty members of &BM, Bi*apur whose assistance has a lot to us personally for the completion of this research"

PLACE: B!-"p,r DATE: Mr.S"."r P.A/"#o-! Mr.S"r"#. S.N"!/ Mr. S"#%o* C "##"l Mr. A7!% A. J"d "v M*. &"v!%" S !#%r!

B "r%! E#%erpr!*e* Pro$!le

Bharti ,nterprises has successfully focused its strate y on telecom while straddlin di%erse fields of business" )rom the creation of <A!r%el<, one of &ndia-s finest brands, to becomin the lar est manufacturer and e(porter of world class telecom terminals under its <Bee%el< brand, Bharti has created a si nificant position for itself in the lobal telecommunications sector" Bharti Airtel .imited is today acknowled ed as one of &ndia-s finest companies, and its fla ship brand -Airtel-, has o%er 22 million customers across the len th and breadth of &ndia" While a *oint %enture with TeleTe+ I#+", $SA marked Bharti"s successful foray into the /ustomer Mana ement Ser%ices business, Bharti ,nterprises" 'ynamic di%ersification has continued with the company %enturin into telecom software de%elopment" 0ecently, Bharti has successfully launched an international %enture with ,. 0othschild 1roup owned ,.02 3oldin s &ndia .td", to e(port fresh A ri products e(clusi%ely to markets in ,urope and $SA" O,r 9!*!o# = pro7!*e By 2040 Airtel will be the most admired brand in &ndia:

.o%ed by more customers 5ar eted by top talent Benchmarked by more businesses

We at Airtel always think in fresh and inno%ati%e ways about the needs of our customers and how we want them to feel" We deli%er what we promise and o out of our way to deli ht the customer with a little bit more

O,r Br"#d
Airtel was born free, a force unleashed into the market with a relentless and unwa%erin determination to succeed" A spirit char ed with ener y, creati%ity and a team dri%en 6to sei7e the day8 with an ambition to become the most lobally admired telecom ser%ice" Airtel, after *ust ten years, has risen to the pinnacle of achie%ement"

As &ndia-s leadin telecommunications company Airtel brand has played the role as a ma*or catalyst in &ndia-s reforms, contributin to its economic resur ence" 5oday we touch peoples li%es with our Mobile ser%ices, 5elemedia ser%ices, to connectin &ndia-s leadin 40009 corporates" We also connect &ndians li%in in $SA with our callhome ser%ice" Br!e$ Overv!ew o$ Gro,p Co7p"#!e*: B "r%! A!r%el L%d Bharti Airtel .td is &ndia-s leadin pro%ider of telecommunications ser%ices" 5he company has : distinct Business di%isions ; Mobile < telephone ser%ices, broadband ser%ices, lon distance ser%ices and enterprise ser%ices" B "r%! TeleTe+ L%d Bharti 5ele5ech .td manufactures and e(ports world;class telecom e+uipment underthe brand -BeetelTele+o7 Sey+ elle* L%d 5elecom Seychelles .td pro%ides telecom ser%ices in Seychelles, under the brand -Airtel-

B "r%! Tele*o$% L%d Bharti 5elesoft .td deli%ers best;in;class, re%enue;critical =AS products and ser%ices to telecom carriers" TeleTe+ Serv!+e* (I#d!"' L%d 5ele5ech Ser%ices >&ndia? .td is *oint %enture with 5ele5ech &nc", $SA" &t offers a ran e of /ustomer Mana ement Ser%ices"

Ob-e+%!ve* o$ % e *%,dy
5o know the brand awareness towards Airtel products in bi*apur" 5o know the competiti%e strate ies of Airtel"

B "r%! A!r%el L!7!%ed

(For7erly /#ow# "* B "r%! Tele>9e#%,e* L!7!%ed' 5he company is a part of Bharti ,nterprises, and is &ndia-s leadin pro%ider of telecommunications ser%ices" 5he businesses at Bharti Airtel ha%e been structured into three indi%idual strate ic business units >SB$"s? ; mobile ser%ices, broadband < telephone ser%ices >B<5? < enterprise ser%ices" 5he mobile ser%ices roup pro%ides 1SM mobile ser%ices across &ndia in 2@ telecom circles, while the B<5 business roup pro%ides broadband < telephone ser%ices in A0 cities" 5he ,nterprise ser%ices roup has two sub;units ; carriers >lon distance ser%ices? and ser%ices to corporates" All these ser%ices are pro%ided under the Airtel brand" Bharti Airtel is one of &ndia-s leadin telecommunications ser%ices based on an a < telephone customers" pri%ate sector pro%iders of re ate of 22,0BA,00@ customers as of

April @0, 200B, consistin of 20,B8@,A02 1SM mobile and 4,@8C,404 broadband

/ompany shares are listed on 5he Stock ,(chan e, Mumbai >BS,? and 5he Dational Stock ,(chan e of &ndia .imited >DS,?"

P"r%#er* 5he company has a strate ic alliance with Sin 5el" 5he in%estment made by Sin 5el is one of the lar est in%estments made in the world outside Sin apore, in the company" 5he company also has a strate ic alliance with =odafone" 5he in%estment made by =odafone in Bharti is one of the lar est sin le forei n in%estment made in the &ndian telecom sector" 5he company"s mobile network e+uipment partners include ,ricsson and Dokia" &n the case of the broadband and telephone ser%ices and enterprise ser%ices >carriers?, e+uipment suppliers include Siemens, Dortel, /ornin , amon others" 5he /ompany also has an information technolo y alliance with &BM for its roup;wide information technolo y re+uirements and with Dortel for call center technolo y re+uirements" 5he call center operations for the mobile ser%ices ha%e been outsourced to &BM 'aksh, 3indu*a 5M5, 5eletech < Mphasis" Or."#!*"%!o# S%r,+%,re: As an outcome of a restructurin e(ercise conducted within the companyE a new inte rated or ani7ational structure has emer edE with reali ned roles, responsibilities and reportin relationships of Bharti"s key team players" With effect from March 04, 200B, this unified mana ement structure of -2ne Airtel- will enable continued impro%ement in the deli%ery of the 1roup"s strate ic %ision

Serv!+e* o$$ered by B "r%! A!r%el L%d Mob!le Serv!+e* A!r%el Prep"!d?Prep"!d: Airtel !repaid, the 0eady /ellular /ard from Airtel comes to you from Bharti ,nterprises, &ndia-s leadin inte rated telecom ser%ice pro%ider" With tariff defined with respect to location" With followin features: F5otal cost control FDo rentals FDo deposits FS5'G&S' facility till last rupee F&nstant Balance in+uiry FB0 Seconds pulse rate F/aller line identification

F2: hr rechar e facility Bl"+/Berry: Airtel introduces a brand new offerin ; the BlackBerry 8H00 " $ncompromisin ,mail, Browsin and !hone !erformance in all in one de%ice" BlackBerry inte rates seamlessly with your corporate email account offerin a simple and secure way to communicate usin 1!0SG,'1," B,!*#e** Sol,%!o#*: 9e !+le Tr"+/!#. =ehicle trackin solution enables a company to monitor the location of their stock in transit" ,ach %ehicle is mounted with an Airtel mobile >!hone? or a 1lobal !ositionin System >1!S? bo( and a %ehicle trackin enabled S&M card" 5he S&M card sends periodic updates of the location of %ehicles to the Bharti application ser%er, as per the fre+uency defined" 5he pro ress of the %ehicle is displayed on a map on the trackin website" 5he application allows trackin of multiple %ehicles simultaneously" Mob!le SFA (S"le* F!eld A,%o7"%!o#' Mobile S)A will help companies to enable to make their web based application and ,0! systems wireless so that the field force can ha%e access to information on their Airtel mobile phones" Bharti has worked proacti%ely with middleware companies >e" " Air2Web? and system inte ration partners to pro%ide these solutions to customers" AIR (A!r%el I#%ell!.e#% Ro,%!#.' Airtel &ntelli ent routin solution o%erlays your company-s !ABI to route landline traffic throu h the mobile network" ,mployees of the company can use their e(istin landline e(tensions to make calls %ia A&0" 5hey *ust need to dial a code >for e(ample like 8, confi urable by the customer? to reach the A&0

terminal" A dial tone will be heard and users can dial the number, which they want to reach" 5here is no chan e in the end user e(perience" I#$or7"%!o# Bro"d+"*% &nformation Broadcast is a means of simultaneously disseminatin information to multiple employeesGcustomers o%er SMS" &t also i%es the fle(ibility of sendin messa es at a predefined time and pre;defined date" 5he user lo s on to the solution throu h internet, types the messa e, selects the roup he wants to send the messa e to and after definin the date and time *ust clicks on the "send- button" C"ll Ce#%er* Business today is run for the customers" 5o mana e customer +ueries >pre sales and post sales?, clients re+uire to set up small call centers with minimum e(penses" 5o help out clients with such re+uirment Airtel proposes the call center solution" 5his solution helps the clients to start up a local call center with facilities to recie%e :;C simulataneous calls" 5hese call centers can be in a sin le location or multi location" A,d!o Co#$ere#+!#. by A!r%el &nstead of tra%elin to meet with customers and suppliers many ,nterprises are sa%in on tra%el costs by usin Airtel-s Audio /onferencin facility"Audio /onferencin is an easy way to ha%e multiple people participate in the same phone call to ether" 5o a%ail of audio conferencin one does not need to install any e(pensi%e de%ices, one-s landline or mobile phone will suffice" 5he user has an option of either i%in out a list of numbers to be dialed out, or he can be pro%ided with a dial in number to which people call into"

Corpor"%e SMS D!re+%ory 5his ser%ice enables a user or a set of users to upload their mobile numbers, names and locations in an Airtel Ser%er" 5hese users can then access their numbers by usin the SMS facility on their phones" Air5el pro%ides space to its clients to upload their directories onto its ser%ers"

B "r%! A!r%el
5elecom iant Bharti Airtel is the fla ship company of Bharti ,nterprises" 5he Bharti 1roup, has a di%erse business portfolio and has created lobal brands in the telecommunication sector" Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as Bharti 0etail !%t" .td" under a Mo$ with Wal;Mart for the cash < carry business" &t has successfully launched an international %enture with ,. 0othschild 1roup to e(port fresh a ri products e(clusi%ely to markets in ,urope and $SA and has launched Bharti AIA .ife &nsurance /ompany .td under a *oint %enture with AIA, world leader in financial protection and wealth mana ement"
Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel .imited, &ndiaJs lar est inte rated and the first pri%ate telecom ser%ices pro%ider with a footprint in all the 2@ telecom circles" Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technolo y and has steered the course of the telecom sector in the country with its world class products and ser%ices" 5he businesses at Bharti Airtel ha%e been structured into three indi%idual strate ic business units >SB$Js? ; Mobile Ser%ices, Airtel 5elemedia Ser%ices < ,nterprise Ser%ices" 5he mobile business pro%ides mobile < fi(ed wireless ser%ices usin 1SM technolo y across 2@ telecom circles while the Airtel 5elemedia Ser%ices business offers broadband < telephone ser%ices in A: cities" 5he ,nterprise ser%ices pro%ide end;to;end telecom solutions to corporate customers and national < international lon distance ser%ices to carriers"

; "% !* " br"#d@

A brand is a name, term, si n, symbol or desi n, or a combination of them, intended to identify the oods and ser%ices of one company and to differentiate them from those of competitors" &t is the place you own in the minds of people who matter to you most" &t is the psycholo ical and emotional identifier that i%es a company %alue" 3i h brand e+uity pro%ides a number of competiti%e ad%anta es: K 5he company will en*oy reduced marketin consumer brand awareness and loyalty" K 5he company will ha%e more trade le%era e in bar ainin " K 5he company can char e a hi her price than its competitors because the brand has hi her percei%ed +uality" K 5he company can more easily launch e(tensions because the brand name carries hi h credibility" K 5he brand offers the company some defense a ainst price competition" A brand name needs to be carefully mana ed so that its +uality doesnJt depreciate" 5his re+uires maintainin or impro%in brand awareness, percei%ed +uality and functionality, and positi%e associations" 5hese tasks re+uire continuous 0<' in%estment, skillful ad%ertisin , and e(cellent trade and consumer ser%ice" costs because of

5ruly effecti%e brand buildin doesn-t start with a series of ads or press releasesE it starts with your employees, the 2:(H LwhoL behind your brand" $nfortunately, many companies spend more time, money and manpower communicatin e(ternally rather than internally" 5heir Lfront lines,L especially non;mana ement staff, are sometimes clueless about the brand" /reatin a successful brand starts at home" We create strate ies and communication tactics that ensure internal Brand Ambassadors understand and can effecti%ely communicate key messa es to e(ternal audiences" /reatin a proacti%e inte rated marketin pro ram includes all the essential in redients of attraction marketin : media relations, sales support, ad%ertisin , collateral de%elopment, stakeholder relations, special e%ents and interacti%e marketin " All these elements, when combined with an effecti%e strate y, build a stron brand in the minds of e(ternal audiences" 2ur tar eted approach yields the e(posure, enhanced awareness and assistance you need to achie%e your business ob*ecti%es Develop!#. " Br"#d A brand is a stron , consistent messa e about the %alue of your company" #ou control the messa e throu h marketin , ad%ertisin , customer ser%ice, and all interaction between your company and the market" #ou don-t need to be as lar e as /oca;/ola to ha%e a brand" Buildin a brand in%ol%es the same process, whether your company is two weeks or two years old, whether you ha%e 400 employees or none" 3ere is how a brand typically de%elops: De$!#e % e 7e**".e. What is %aluable about your companyM Why do your customers careM What-s so different about your companyM 5he answers to these +uestions should form the core statement about your company-s ser%ice, product, relationships, and culture: #ou are faster and ha%e better ser%ice >)ederal ,(press?" #ou ha%e unrelentin , perfect customer care >Dordstrom?" #our products are ed y, new, independent, hi h;performance >Dike?"

B,!ld % e !7".e. 3ow does this translate to your o%erall ima eM Both %isually and %erbally, you need to consistently communicate the company-s messa e about its %alue" M"r/e% % e !7".e. 3ow can you a means nothin ressi%ely et the word outM 5he messa e and ad%ertisin until your market hears it" #our marketin

campai ns need to communicate the company-s %alue and establish its ima e" L!ve % e 7e**".e. &s the messa e realM 'oes the customer a ree with youM 3ere comes the tricky, lon ;term part: #ou need to deli%er on the implied promise" 5he customer-s e(perience must match the ima e, or the whole house of cards crashes" &f you market your company as faster and better but the customer disa rees, the brand suffers" &n reality, this process is not linear, but circular" #our brand will e%ol%e in response to the customer and the e%olution of your market and products" )or e(ample, if you ha%e a small business or start;up, you may belie%e that the %alue of your product and company lies in one area" As you market your company and product, your customers may communicate that they %alue somethin else" 5hen your product and company may e%ol%e toward that new %alue, brin in you to new markets" Na deep Oapoor, the author of the famous book 62: Brand Mantras8 has presented 2: action oriented brand mantras, which will help a marketer de%elop an effecti%e brand strate y" 5he uni+ue feature of these mantras and, therefore, of this book is that they focus on buildin brands by appealin to both the rational mind and the emotions" 2ften, in plannin a brand strate y, the appeal is to only one of these two aspects" )or a brand to succeed, it is important that it deli ht the customer which can only happen when the brand finds a place in both the mind and heart of the consumer" 5hese 2: mantras are as i%en below" 5hese are broadly classified as PMantras for the MindJ and 6Mantras for the 3eart8"

M"#%r"* $or % e M!#d: 4" 5o build a bi brand, adopt a short brand name 2" 'onJt let *a77y research replace common sense @" $se benefit se mentation to build brands :" Sample to sell ample C" 'onJt hesitate to communicate B" .ike salt, use ad%ertisin in the ri ht proportion H" What is %isible, sells 8" Brand ima es are fra ile, handle with care A" #our consumerJs needs come first 40" 'onJt under price yourself 44" Brands must make profit, not only noise 42" )ocus on consumption rather than purchase

M"#%r"* $or % e Ae"r% 4@" Build relationships to build brands 4:" 0espect your retailers 4C" A%oid enerality to i%e your brand a personality 4B" Durture your brand as you would a child 4H" Ser%ice is the first step to a reat brand 48" 0emember, consumers look for percei%ed %alue in brands 4A" 'onJt sell the ri ht product to the wron audience 20" !ay heed to consumer emotions 24" 'onJt pre*ud e your consumer 22" 0espect the local consumer 2@" Be honest, donJt con"

De$!#!#. )o,r Br"#d Do matter how bi or small your company, de%elopin an employer brand is essentially a two;step process" 5he first step is identifyin what your brand represents" Many startups cherish the company culture that a core roup of ori inal employees has helped create" )or such startups, the challen e is not to create new brands from scratch, but to articulate their e(istin brands in messa es that can be deli%ered to both e(istin and potential employees" Co77,#!+"%!#. )o,r Br"#d 5he second step is to fi ure out how you-re oin to communicate your brand to both your e(istin employees and potential employees" )or startups that lack the resources to conduct lar e;scale brandin campai ns, de%elopin ine(pensi%e, creati%e ways to ad%ertise an employer-s brand is essential" &t-s important to note that retention of and communication with e(istin employees is as much a part of brand buildin as any messa e that your company sends to potential employees" L0etention and recruitment are two sides of the same coin,L says 3odes" A company must make sure that the atmosphere within the company is consistent with the messa e it is deli%erin to potential employees" What follows are a few ine(pensi%e tactics for startups tryin employer brand" U#!B,e be#e$!%* or o$$!+e pol!+!e*" 5hese are a reat way to enerate bu77 around your workplace" ,(amples include allowin do s in the office, offerin discounts to fitness clubs, and pro%idin sabbaticals for lon ;time employees" #our policies should reinforce the brand that you are tryin to establish" &f pro%idin a ood workGlife balance is an important part of your company, then you should be able to point to se%eral policies that allow your employees to achie%e that balance" to build an

E7ployee re$err"l pro.r"7*" ,mployee referral pro rams can play a %aluable part in communicatin your employer brand;;both inside and outside your company" 0eferral pro rams build morale and help retain and attract people by remindin employees why your company is a reat place to work" Be sure to emphasi7e the positi%es of workin for your company alon with the financial rewards of pro%idin a referral" Aw"rd* pro.r"7*" !ublicly reco ni7in employees is a reat way to reinforce your brand with e(istin employees" /reate a re ular reward pro ram that relates directly to the core %alues that are central to your company-s success" 5he rewards do not ha%e to be limited to cash bonuses" 1i%e ifts that show a personal touch" P"r%!e*" ,%en if you can-t afford to ha%e a famous musician play at it, a party is a reat way to enerate bu77 about your company;;pro%ided it is well promoted, both inside and outside your company" 0eward employees who take the time to plan your company parties" ,mphasi7e that the e%ent is both a celebration and a recruitin %ehicle" Spo#*or!#. eve#%*" Sponsorship of e%ents, while somewhat costly, can be an effecti%e brand;buildin tool;;if the e%ent reaches your tar et audience" &f your oal is to recruit more pro rammers, make sure the e%ent you-re sponsorin is both interestin to and attended by sa%%y pro rammers" Re+r,!%7e#% web*!%e" 5he career section of your company-s website should play an inte ral part of any brandin effort" )or many *ob seekers, it will be the first interaction they ha%e with your company" !ost your company-s core %alues on your website" !rofile indi%idual employees and pro%ide +uotes about why they en*oy workin at your company"

C,*%o7er A#"ly*!*
&E) BENEFITS K )ast, fle(ible data warehouse solution deli%ers inte rated customer analysis and ,nhances workflow and business processes K &mpro%ed performance enhances position as a ma*or player in ,uropean telecommunications K 0educes waitin time for +uery responses from se%eral hours to seconds RINGING TAE CAANGES As a first step toward strate ic rowth since the breakup of the Spanish telephone network monopoly, Airtel in%ested Q4"A billion in its own transport and access networks, allowin it to meet the demands of a rapidly rowin operation" With more than se%en million customers, the company also reco ni7ed it needed to in%est in a database to mana e customer data and pro%ide hi h;le%el marketin information" A data warehouse, the AlmacRn &nte rado de 'atos >Aida?,was constructed" 5he purpose was to pro%ide Airtel staff with all the +uality information re+uired for dealin with business processes +uickly, simply and efficiently" 5his was difficult i%en the hu e %olumes of data" &n order to con%ert the mass of basic data into usable business intelli ence, Airtel needed a powerful data warehouse that was fast, fle(ible, scalable and easy to use" 5he inte rity and consistency of information had to be maintained, e%en thou h the data was enerated from disparate departments" &t was essential that any solution could ensure a hi h de ree of information inte ration throu hout the company" Airtel selected Sybase &S" GETTING TAE BEST A fundamental problem of usin Aida was the sheer %olume of information handled on a daily basis" Waitin for all the comple( data;processin al orithms to be resol%ed caused unacceptable delays" 3owe%er, stora e technolo y and

ad%ances in processin capability means that an enormous %olume of data can now be processed at relati%ely low cost" Sybase &S cut the waitin time for +uery responses down to *ust seconds" 5his compares %ery fa%orably with other tools that can take hours" Airtel reco ni7ed that achie%in this kind of result meant selectin the best possible database mana ement solution" &t was particularly important that data from disparate sources could be fully inte rated in order to pro%ide hi h;+uality analysis that was fast and reliable" SINGLE DATAC MULTIPLE USES 5he Airtel data warehouse or ani7es information accordin to the companyJs business map" ,%en thou h many different departments use the same data, the consistency and inte rity of the information is maintained" 5he data warehouse con%erts data into knowled eM turnin real;world facts, %ia an interface, into %aluable business intelli ence" 5he ability to accurately analy7e and predict customer acti%ity is crucial to Airtel o%erall business strate y" A thousand employees use the data warehouse for multidimensional analysis, makin analysis usin more intensi%e use of the system" With multidimensional specifically desi ned information structures, data concernin and simulation processes includin techni+ues that

customers, infrastructures and company processes can be e(tracted and users are able to create modelin complement analysis"

Co7pe%!%or "#"ly*!* :> &n our study the marketin strate y Airtel and =odafone are in%ol%e"

65elecoms are rollin but like ne%er before and that 400 million marks does not look to far away" 5he mobile subscriber base crossed BC million in sept;200C and o%er @0T increase o%er the pre%ious year"8 &ndian cellular industry will roach will touch dollar 2: billion by the end of 200H" Airtel 22T market share o%er 4C million mobile subscribers >Source:; cellular operators association of &ndia witnessed its hi hest e%er net addition of 48 million mobile customers in a sin le +uarters /omparison =odafone with o%er 40 million subscriber 4CT market share may be no" : >behind reliance and BSD. ? at present but it can the hi hest a%era e re%enue per user" A!r%el 7"r/e%!#. *%r"%e.y 65he process inno%ation and continuous impro%ement throu h people in%ol%ements and in%esti ation by 6fact based root cause analysis8" 9od"$o#e M"r/e%!#. *%r"%e.y 6A bi success factor was how aspirational o%ertones in brand ima ery stayed, e%en throu h price wars had started a ain the colour oran e was a seminal attribute the brands slo an was, the future bri ht the futureJs oran e"8

Dame: A e: a? 20;2: c? 28;@2 b? 2C;28 d? @@ and abo%e 2ccupation:

4" Which is the current handset that you are usin M

Dokia Motorola .1 Sony


Siemens 2thers

>please specify?""""""""""

2" 3ow lon are you usin this setM

.ess @;B

than @ Months

Months Months Months Months


42;48 48;2: more

than 2 year

@" Who is your current ser%ice pro%iderM a" Airtel " b" BSD. " c" 0eliance " d" =odafone

:" 3ow do you rate your ser%ice pro%ider a ainst followin factors on the scaleM
9ery D!**"%!*$!ed D!**"%!*$!ed Ne,%r"l S"%!*$!ed 9ery S"%!*$!ed

/o%era e /ustomer Ser%ice Billin /ost 2ffers =oice Suality C" What kind of call do you make oftenM .ocal " S5' """ &S' ""

B" What is your monthly e(penditure on MobileM 0s"""""""""""""""""""


8' To /#ow % e +,rre#% "#d*e% de%"!l*: A"#d*e% Nokia Motorola LG Sony ericson Siemens Others No. o$ re*po#de#%* 25 1 12 5 1 6

De%"!l* o$ +,rre#% A"#d*e%

2% 10%

12% Nokia Motorola LG 50% Sony ericson Siemens Others 2%


5he sur%ey re%ealed that C0 percent of the respondents prefer Dokia as handset their first choice" 5he reason e(pressed for this decision was its brand name and its warranties" 2: percent of respondents choose .1 as their first choice and 2 percent respondents Seimens and Motorola as their first choice"40 percent of respondents are usin Sony ,rricson as their handset"

5' To /#ow % e #,7ber o$ 7o#% * ,*!#. % e "#d*e%*:

Do" of months U@ months @;B months B;42 months 42;48 months 48;2: months more than 2 years opinion of respondents : 22 4: 2 @ C

N,7ber o$ 7o#% * ,*!#. "#d*e%

6% 4%


8% <3 months 3 6 months 6 12 months 12 18 months 44% 18 24 months more than 2 years


I#%erpre%"%!o#:> 5he sur%ey found that :: percent of respondents are usin their current handsets since @;B months" While, 28 percent of respondents purchase their current handsets before B;42 months"B percent of respondents usin were usin handsets since more than 2 years " mobile phones since 48;2: months"40 percent of respondents are the old customers who

3' To /#ow % e +,rre#% *erv!+e prov!der: Ser%ice pro%ider Airtel BSD. 0eliance =odafone opinion of respondents 48 4C A 8

C,rre#% *erv!+e prov!der

$o%a&one 16%

!irtel 36%

!irtel "SNL #eliance $o%a&one

#eliance 18% "SNL 30%

I#%erpre%"%!o#: 5he sur%ey re%ealed that @B percent of respondents chosen Airtel as the cell phone ser%ice pro%ider"@0 percent of people sur%eyed preferred BSD. as their ser%ice pro%ider in the tar eted towns" =odafone is chosen by 4B percent of respondents" 5he sur%ey re%ealed that 0eliance was chosen by 48 percent of respondents e%en thou h it is not operatin in that re ion"

6' To /#ow % e +,*%o7er *"%!*$"+%!o# over +,rre#% *erv!+e prov!der: $ery $ery 'issatis&ie% 'issatis&ie% Ne(tral Satis&ie% satis&ie% 5 4 5 2, 2 3 4 10 5 15 10 5 10 , 13 33 21 2, 11 18 3 6 3 4 8

)o*era+e )(stomer ser*ice "illin+ )ost O&&ers $oice .(ality

Customer Satsfaction Over Current Service Provider

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 5 4 5 )o*era+e 5 2 )(stomer ser*ice 2, 33 3 6 21 10 10 3 "illin+ 3 4 11 2, 13 15 O&&ers 18 , 5 4 )ost 10 $oice .(ality 8

$ery 'issatis&ie%




$ery satis&ie%

I#%erpre%"%!o# : Cover".e: )rom the sur%ey it is found that C8 percent of respondents e(pressed their happiness o%er ood network is a%ailable in these towns"48 percent of people sur%eyed faced problems relatin to the co%era e"4: percent of respondents appreciate network co%era e as %ery satisfied in these town, while 40 percent of people are undecided o%er this attribute"

C,*%o7er Serv!+e: H2 percent of people sur%eyed e(pressed the happiness o%er +uick response recei%ed from the ser%ice pro%ider a ainst problems faced by customers relatin to the ser%ice" Sur%ey re%eled that 48 percent of respondents are not happy with the customer ser%ice from the ser%ice pro%ider, while 40 percent of people are undecided o%er this matter" B!ll!#.: 5he sur%ey re%ealed that C: percent of respondents are belie%ed that their ser%ice pro%ider is not o%erchar in a ainst his ser%ies"2B percent of people sur%eyed felt that their current ser%ice pro%ider is char in more as hidden char es"20 percent of respondents neither a ree nor disa ree o%er that hisGher ser%ice pro%ider char in himGher appropriately" Co*%: )rom the sur%ey it is found that, B: percent respondents e(pressed their happiness that current ser%ice has the %alue what they ha%e paid"48 percent of people are undecided about the returns on the ser%ice, which they are ettin "48 percents of respondents felt, that handsets are costlier O$$er*: :2 percent of people sur%eyed are not taken any offer from the ser%ice pro%ider" )rom the sur%ey it is found that @2 percent respondents are satisfied with offers a%ailed from the ser%ice pro%ider, while 2B percent of people are not happy with offers"@2 percent of respondents are undecided o%er this attribute" 9o!+e D,"l!%y: 5he sur%ey re%ealed that C2 percent of people are recei%in ood %oice +uality because appropriate stren th tower installed by ser%ice pro%ider in tar eted areas" 2nly @: percent of people posed complaints a ainst ser%ice pro%ider they are not ettin ood %oice o%er their cell phones"4: percent of respondents are not decided o%er this matter"

C" ; "% /!#d o$ +"ll do yo, 7"/e o$%e#@

)all ty/e Local calls S1' 2S'

No0 o& #es/onse 30 15 5

Kinds of call customer make

30 30 25 20 No. of response 15 10 5 0 Local calls S1' 2S' 15

I#%erpre%"%!o#:> )rom the abo%e table B0 percent respondent are make local calls, @0 percent respondent make S5' calls and 0emainin 40 !ercent respondent make the &S' calls"

1' Mo#% ly EEpe#d!%,re o# Cell p o#e*:

Monthly ,(penditure C4;400 404;200 204;C00 C04;4000 4004;2000 2%er 2000 Do" of response @ H 2A H @ 4

Monthly Expenditure on Cell phones in Rupees

30 25 20 No. of 15 respondents 10 5 0 3 51 100 101 200 201 500 3


501 1000 1001 2000 O*er 2000

Expenditure in Rupees

5he sur%ey re%ealed that C8 percent of respondents spendin 0s" 204 to C00 per month on their cell phones" 0upees @@0 rechar e coupons is the most preferred for this roup" ,ach 28 percent of people sur%eyed rechar in their cell phones with the rechar e coupons ran in from 404;200 and C04;4000 " 'urin study it was found that only 2 percent people used to spend more than 0s"2000 o%er their cell phones

FINDINGS:> 5he sur%ey re%ealed that C0 percent of the respondents prefer Dokia as handset their first choice" 5he reason e(pressed for this decision was its brand name and its warranties" 2: percent of respondents choose .1 as their first choice and 2 percent respondents Seimens and Motorola as their first choice"40 percent of respondents are usin Sony ,rricson as their handset" 5he sur%ey found that :: percent of respondents are usin their current handsets since @;B months" While, 28 percent of respondents purchase their current handsets before B;42 months"B percent of respondents usin mobile phones since 48;2: months"40 percent of respondents are the old customers who were usin handsets since more than 2 years 5he sur%ey re%ealed that @B percent of respondents chosen Airtel as the cell phone ser%ice pro%ider"@0 percent of people sur%eyed preferred BSD. as their ser%ice pro%ider in the tar eted towns" =odafone is chosen by 4B percent of respondents" 5he sur%ey re%ealed that 0eliance was chosen by 48 percent of respondents e%en thou h it is not operatin in that re ion"

)rom sur%ey we come to know B0 percent respondent are make local calls, @0 percent respondent make S5' calls and 0emainin respondent make the &S' calls" 40 !ercent

I7prove7e#% !# #e%wor/ +over".e: 'urin the study it is obser%ed that few customers of Airtel complained about poor network in these towns" &t was also found poor network in prime areas like near by bus stand and a%ailable only few kilometers around the towns" 5his problem can be resol%ed by installin hi h stren th of towers" Red,+%!o# !# p,l*e r"%e*: Airtel char es its customers 0s"4 per minute when they make calls to other mobile phones while other ser%ice pro%ider char es less than 0e"4" 5his problem can be resol%ed by brin in down calls ratin e+ui%alently to its competitors" Cle"r %"r!$$ pl"#*: Airtel is offerin %arious tariff plans under %arious names" 'urin the study it is obser%ed that people are confused about the tariff plans" 5herefore efforts should be put in educatin the customers on tariff plans at the point of purchase" C,*%o7er* 7ee%: Most of the customers ha%e the problems relatin problems like handsets, ser%ice and network etc" &n order to resol%e this problem re ular customers meet can be arran ed in these towns where customers can seek solutions for their problems"

We are conclude that the brand ima e of airtel is %ery customers mind so that they are competin other players" ood in the

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