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Propuntor : Apostol Elena-Alina Data : 28.X 1.XI. 2013 Durata : 45 min Dis iplina: !

!im"a En#le$ %lasa: I &u"ie tul: Counting to 20 'ipul le tiei : %onsoli(ation )*+E%'I,E& : to understand and answer simple questions to get the meaning of some words or short sentences to tell the differences between pictures to recognize and associate elements from pictures to encourage free expression

-E'.)D& : speaking, explanation, illustration, drawing, deduction -A'E/IA!& : workbook, pictures, blackboard, chalk, handouts, coloured cards, Ipad(music)

&ta#e I. 6arm-up

'ea 0er1s a ti2it3 1. Speaking - Greeting the students - tells students what the! are going to stud! toda! 2. Listening - pla!s a "# with the song Rain, Rain Go Away and asks students to listen and sing along

&tu(ent1s a ti2it3 I$%$ students answer

Intera tion

'ime 4min.5

Purpose - to create a relaxed atmosphere'

eacher (tudents


) I$&-students sing along'

- o practice the song * pronounciation and +ocabular!

II. %onsoli(ation

%$ Speaking - helps students remember the pre+ious lessons b! asking simple questions$ 2. Cards - shows some coloured flashcards with the numbers on them and asks students to sa! them aloud$ - shows more cards within the game The Damaged Spa eship and ask students to work in pairs'

II$%students answer'

eacher * (tudents'

-to remind students of pre+iousl! acquired knowledge

II$&students look at the cards and answer'

-to use and reinforce +ocabular!' -to check their attention'

II$,students come to the front of the class and and match the pictures with the words' III$%students read the images thus obtaining the poem eacherstudent '


-to de+elop the capacit! of correlating pictures with words'

III. Pra tisin#

,$ asks students to take out their worksheet containing the Co!o"red s hoo! o#$e ts poem and asks students to tell the poem b! -reading. the pictures$

-to de+elop +ocabular! and consolidate information pre+iousl! learnt' - to practice pronounciation


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