3 Biochemistry

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Lecture: Biochemistry I. Inorganic Compounds A. Water (H2O) - 60-80 #. 2. ). o!


$eat capacit% - a&i"it% to store "ots o! $eat $eat o! 'apori(ation - "ots o! $eat to e'aporate po"arit%*so"'enc% - a&i"it% to disso"'e reactants i. ii. sa"ts and "arge macromo"ecu"es norma""% in so"ution idea" medium !or ce""u"ar transport


reacti'it% - essentia" !or man% c$emica" reactions i. $%dro"%sis - ,ater added to &reado,n mo"ecu"es

g"%cogen . H2O g"ucose . g"ucose . g"ucose ...... ii. de$%dration - ,ater remo'ed to s%nt$esi(e

g"ucose . g"ucose . g"ucose . ... g"%cogen . H2O

/. 0a"ts - cations (1a.) and anions (C"-) ot$er t$an H.*OH-


sa"ts dissociate in t$e presence o! ,ater (so"ution)


ca""ed e"ectro"%tes &ecause t$e% are c$arged atoms


23amp"es o! Important 0a"ts in /od% i. 1a.4 C"-4 5.4 Ca.. - mem&rane potentia" on ce""

ii. Ca.. and 6O+ ca"cium p$osp$ates !or &one iii. 7e..4 8g..4 9n.4 Cu. - &"ood and en(%mes +. 5idne%s are essentia" !or ,ater and sa"t $omeostasis C. Acids and /ases : H. donors and H. acceptors #. Acids - compounds t$at re"ease H. in so"ution and increase H.

i. HC" - $%droc$"oric acid re"eased in stomac$ HC" H. . C"-

ii. HC2H)O2 - acetic acid in 'inegar

2. /ases - compounds t$at recei'e H. or produce OH- acceptors i. $%dro3ides - re"ease OH-($%dro3ides ions) 1aOH (sodium $%dro3ide - "%e) 8gOH (magnesium $%dro3ide : mi"- o! magnesia) 1aOH 1a. . OHOH- . H. H2O ii. ammonia - nitrogenous ,aste urea (urine) 1H) . H. 1H+. ). pH - a measure o! H. concentration in a so"ution H2O H. . OHi. # o! "0; ,ater mo"ecu"es dissociate in pure H2O ii. H. concentration is #*#040004000 < "0-; iii. pH < -"og#0=H.> i'. pure ,ater pH < -"og#0 ="0-;> < ;.0

+. 1eutra"i(ation - acid and &ase com&ine HC" . 1aOH H2O . 1aC" ?. /u!!ers - dampen t$e !"uctuation o! pH in t$e &od% i. pH o! &"ood serum < ;.)? to ;.+? (s"ig$t"% &asic) ii. strong acids - comp"ete"% dissociate (HC") ,ea- acid - partia""% dissociate (car&onic acid) iii. strong &ase - dissociate (1aOH) ,ea- &ase - partia""% dissociate (&icar&onate) 6. Car&onic Acid - /icar&onate /u!!er 0%stem H2CO) HCO)- . H. H2CO) HCO)- . H. (H. . C"- HC") ACID

BASE (1aOH 1a. . OH-) H2CO) HCO)-1a. . H. . OH- (H2O) i. acid condition - reaction goes to t$e "e!t ii. &ase condition - reaction goes to t$e rig$t II. Organic Compounds A. C$aracteristics o! Organic (Car&on containing) Compounds #. 23ceptions: CO (car&on mono3ide) C02 (car&on dio3ide) C (grap$ite and diamond) 2. car&on !orms + co'a"ent &onds (not ions) ). car&on is re"ati'e"% e"ectroneutra" (not e-neg) +. car&on easi"% !orms &onds ,it$ H4 O4 1 ?. car&on can !orm sing"e4 dou&"e4 and trip"e &onds B. Carbohydrates (C - car&o@ H - $%dr@ O - ates) #.monosacc$aride (one sugar) simp"e sugars a. can e3ist in c$ain or ring !orm &. ?-car&on sugars i. ri&ose - in Ai&ose 1uc"eic Acid (A1A) ii. deo3%ri&ose - in Beo3%ri&ose 1 A (B1A)

c. 6-car&on sugars i. g"ucose - main monosacc$aride in &"ood ii. ga"actose - g"ucose isomer (OH c$anges) iii. !ructose - g"ucose isomer 2.disacc$aride (t,o sugar) dou&"e sugars a. &. resu"ts !rom de$%dration s%nt$esis o! 2 monosacs g"ucose - !ructose < sucrose (ta&"e sugar) g"ucose - g"ucose < ma"tose (ma"t sugar) g"ucose - ga"actose < "actose (mi"- sugar)

). po"%sacc$aride (man% sugar) c$ains o! sugars a. starc$ - "ong c$ains o! g"ucose in p"ants &. g"%cogen - "ong c$ains o! g"ucose in anima"s i. stored in "i'er and musc"e ce""s +.7unctions o! Car&o$%drates a. Cuic- energ% - g"ucose primar% !ue" to ma-e AD6 &. energ% storage - g"%cogen !or storage purpose c. structura" - g"%co"ipids !or ce"" identit% C. Lipids (!ats4 p$osp$o"ipids4 steroids) #.neutra" !ats (trig"%cerides) - common !ats and oi"s a. composed o! g"%cero" and ) !att% acid c$ains i. non-po"ar !att% acid side c$ains ma-e t$em inso"ua&"e in ,ater &. di!!erent !ats < di!!erent !att% acid c$ains c. saturated !ats - a"" sing"e &onds !or car&ons i. genera""% so"id at room temperature d. unsaturated !ats - one*more dou&"e &onds ii. genera""% "iCuid at room temperature e. !unctions - insu"ation4 protection4 and "ong term energ% storage (more ca"ories*gram) 2. 6$osp$o"ipids a. g"%cero"4 2 !att% acid c$ains4 and p$osp$ate &. Etai"E - non-po"ar !att% acids ($%drop$o&ic) c. E$eadE - po"ar p$osp$ate group ($%drop$i"ic) d. maFor component o! t$e p"asma mem&rane o! ce""

). 0teroids a. ring"i-e structure &. c$o"estero" - precursor o! a"" ot$er steroids i. easi"% disso"'ed in neutra" !ats ii. essentia" to maintain mem&rane rigidit% c. ot$er steroids deri'ed !rom c$o"estero" i. Gitamin B - sun"ig$t@ !or &one gro,t$ ii. se3 $ormones - estrogen4 progesterone4 testosterone iii. ot$er $ormones - cortiso" (stress signa") and a"dosterone (sa"t*,ater &a"ance) Proteins #.8o"ecu"ar 0tructure o! 6roteins a. 20 di!!erent amino acids (same in a"" "i!e) i. amino end (1H2) ii. acid group (COOH) iii.A-group uniCue !or eac$ amino acid &. de$%dration s%nt$esis Foins amino acids i. ca""ed a peptide &ond ii. dipeptide - 2 amino acids iii. tripeptide - ) amino acids i'. po"%peptide - man% amino acids 2. Le'e"s o! 6rotein 0tructure a. 6rimar% 0tructure i.actua" "inear com&ination o! amino acids &. 0econdar% 0tructure i. a"p$a-$e"i3: coi"ing o! t$e po"%peptide ii. &eta-p"eated s$eet: c$ains side &% side c. Dertiar% 0tructure i.secondar% structures !orm )-B s$ape important !or correct !unction d. Huaternar% 0tructure i.t,o or more po"%peptides toget$er ii. $emog"o&in: 2 a"p$a and 2 &eta po"%peps ). 7unctions o! 6roteins 7i&rous 6roteins a. 0tructura" i. co""agen - &one4 tendon4 "igaments


ii. -eratin - $air4 nai"s4 s-in iii. e"astin - trac$ea and Foints &. 8o'ement i. actin I m%osin - musc"e ce""s ii. microtu&u"es - ci"ia and !"age""a J"o&u"ar 6roteins a. 2n(%mes - Cata"%sis o! C$emica" Aeactions i. pero3idase - con'erts H2O2 to H2O ii. am%"ase - &rea-s do,n starc$ to g"ucose &. Dransport i. $emog"o&in - &inds and carries o3%gen ii. 5. C$anne" - a""o,s 5. into a ce"" c. pH /u!!er i. a"&umin - acid I &ase &u!!er in &"ood d. Hormona" 7unction i. insu"in - regu"ates &"ood g"ucose "e'e" ii. gro,t$ $ormone - regu"ates $uman gro,t$ e. 1eurotransmitter i. en-ep$a"ins - regu"ate pain in spina" cord !. Immunit% i. anti&odies - attac$ to !oreign mo"ecu"es ii. comp"ement proteins - en$ance response +. 2n(%mes and 2n(%me 7unction a.en(%me - a protein t$at cata"%(es a reaction i. increase t$e rate o! a natura" reaction &.co!actor or coen(%me - essentia" !or !unction i. cou"d &e a meta" "i-e 7e4 Cu4 9n ii. man% deri'ed !rom Gitamins ("i-e Git /) c.induced !it mode" - su&strate !its into en(%me i. acti'e site - area ,$ere su&strate !its ii. en(%me "o,ers acti'ation energ% t$res$o"d d. sometimes en(%mes must &e acti'ated to ,or?. Benaturation o! 6roteins disrupting de"icate )-B s$ape o! t$e protein i i. e3cessi'e $eat (!e'er) ii. e3cessi'e pH (too acidic or too &asic) &. re'ersi&"e - protein can reassume its s$ape c. irre'ersi&"e - protein is permanent"% damaged i. coo-ing a"&umin in egg ,$ite d. can disrupt acti'e site and en(%me acti'it% a.


Nucleic Acids (B1A I A1A) #. nuc"eotide - &asic unit !orming t$e B1A I A1A c$ains a. &ase - nitrogen containing ring structure i. adenine (A) ii. c%tosine (C) iii. guanine (J) i'. t$%mine (D) in B1A or uraci" (K) in A1A &. sugar - pentose (ri&ose A1A@ deo3%ri&ose B1A) c. p$osp$ate group 2. nuc"eotide attraction &% H%drogen /onding o! &ases a. A<D (A<K in A1A) &. C<J ). B1A !orms a dou&"e $e"i3 +. genetic code - seCuence o! nuc"eotides dictates seCuence o! amino acids !or a protein ?. gene - a seCuence o! nuc"eotides o! B1A mo"ecu"e t$at codes !or one protein

. A!P as "Energy CurrencyE #. g"%cogen and "ipids < energ% in sa'ings &ond (L?4000) 2. g"ucose < energ% as a "arge c$ec- (L#00) ). AD6 < energ% t$at can actua""% &e spent &% ce""s (L#) a. $ig$ energ% p$ospate &onds AD6 AB6 . 6i . 212AJM (/rea-ing &ond re"eases usea&"e energ%)

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