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DIVISION OF ECE Syllabus for VIIth Semester

Unit 1 Discrete Time Signals and Systems

Discrete time signals and systems, linear time invariant systems, stability and causality, frequency domain representation of discrete time systems and signals, sampling of continuous time signals Z transform, inverse z transform, theorems and properties, system function

2 Hrs


S!ectral "nalysis

Representation of periodic sequences-the $% hrs discrete fourier series, the discrete fourier transform, properties of DF , linear convolution using the discrete fourier transform, FF , decimation in time FF algorithm, decimation in frequency FF algorithm, spectral estimation using DF , !oertzel "lgorithm, #hirp-Z transform &ignal flo' representation of digital net'or(s basic net'or( structures of ))R and F)R filters *Direct form, #ascade, +arallel and lattice, Design of ))R digital Filters .utter'orth lo' pass filter, bilinear transformation, )mpulse invariance method Design of F)R filters /inear phase F)R filters, 'indo'ing techniques, frequency sampling technique, optimum filter design technique Homomorphic deconvolution, Resonator, 0otch Filter, #omb Filter, 1in phase and 1a2imum phase systems, /attice structures +isaren(o method, 4igen decomposition, 15&)# algorithm, 4&+R) algorithm, "daptive filter design and applications - hrs

Unit #

Digital Filter Design Techni$ues%

- hrs $% hrs

3 hrs 3 hrs

Unit &

'armonic "nalysis and S!ectral Estimation

(EFE(ENCES% 16 Digital signal processing by "lan 76 8ppenheim and Ronald 96&chafer *+rentice Hall of )ndia publication,6 6 &6 :6 1itra, ;Digital &ignal +rocessing- " #omputer based approach<, ata 1c!ra'-Hill, $==>, 0e' Delhi )6 "ndreas "ntoniou, Digital Filters? "nalysis, Design and "pplications, 2nd 4dition, 0e' @or(? 1c!ra'-Hill, $==A6 #* Bohn !6 +roa(is, Dimitris !6 1anola(is, Digital &ignal +rocessing? +rinciples, "lgorithms, "nd "pplications, 3C46, +earson 4ducation, 2%%D6 Course Coordinator: Dr. Jyotsna Singh +a!er : Digital Signal Processing +a!er Code : EC 404

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