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school hygiene Often we hear the slogans in various places, especially in schools, which it invites us to maintain a healthy environment.

But the slogan was not we care about, the slogan was simply function as mere decoration without any contents, the contents of a slogan is very important for us. Many slogan that invites us to keep clean, but what's the reality? Students still littering, besides the students also shredding paper in class and when eating a snack in the wrapper removal also in place of A, whereas in these places have bins. Of course we do not want our school to be dirty, seedy and filled with garbage. Besides, the garbage we throw away carelessly earlier can also pollute the environment, both in the classroom and outside the classroom and learning environment can also cause us discomfort. Should be held in order to realize the range of actions that are to prevent and overcome the problem. The actions that need to be done are as follows: 1.Teachers always give examples of when taking out the trash is always in place. 2. Master shall admonish and advise students littering especially when students eat and drink in class, the wrapper is placed in glodok bench. 3. Noting that students littering on the pocket book / books offense. 4. Creating a new order granting the contents of the fines of Rp 2,000 per student violates school rules 1.

With these measures the cleanliness of the discipline will be achieved at the same time, especially action number 4 is the best, because students would not dare to commit this offense and the offense would also not dare, because if such violations will be fined, in the end the cleanliness and discipline , adherence to principles tertibpun students will be maintained, but it also can be the name of the school well, as recognized by the school community that our school children the disciplines and comply with regulations.

Often we see students littering . Several times the father's mother advises teachers to students in order to dispose of waste in place , but what's the reality ? students do not comply. Of course we as a school community does not want to see garbage strewn everywhere . The waste can also pollute the environment of the school both in the classroom and outside the classroom but it also can make us uncomfortable learning environment . In order to achieve a clean and comfortable environment for our learning , that action needs to be performed once invited us to maintain a healthy awareness and are addressing the above problems. These actions include: 1 . students are expected to have awareness of his own conscience to keep clean . 2 . officer on duty had to clean the classroom and the surrounding environment . 3 . teachers are required to admonish students littering . 4 . violations noted in the book . 5 . separate sanction for students who violate mainly littering . With these measures are expected to sensitize students to maintain cleanliness . Cleanliness big influence health tehadap therefore hygiene should be maintained

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