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C. A. R. E.What Humans Need to Survive and Thrive C. A. R. E. = C.onscious A.utonomous R.eciprocal E.

xchangean acronym I created out of the word CARE which is the 5th Emotional Systemalways capitali ed to signal that it is one of the se!en critical "asic emotional processes that ha!e "een e!olutionarily "uilt into all mammalian "rains# including those of us humans. $he meaning of the word care as used here comes from one of the latest scientific disciplines studying the animal "rain called Affecti!e %euroscience which has disco!ered and classified the following 7 Emotional Systems in all mammalian "rains# in order of their interdependence "eginning with the most primary one underlying all the others# &. 'EE(I%)* +. ,EAR* -. RA)E* .. /0'$* 1. CARE* 2. 3A%IC4)RIE, 5hereafter# 3A%IC6* 7. 3/A8. CARE is the "eha!ior usually associated with the mother toward her childa tending to a genetically !alua"le# dependent "eing to ensure its sur!i!al. 9e humans"oth females and malesare e!ol!ed to CARE. It ma:es us feel good and happy when we do# and "ad and sad when we don;t. CARE is what :eeps our species going. 9ithout it we would "e extinct along with the other <=> of species that ha!e thus far e!ol!ed and failed to continue themsel!es. $wo of the foremost scientific researchers in this new field of Affecti!e %euroscience are ?aa: 3ans:epp and @ar: 'olms. $hese two often wor: together to examine the effects of compromised CARE that leads to 3A%IC# that if not responded to properly leads to depression# that leads to addicti!e "eha!ior# that leads to what is going on in the 9estern 9elfare 'tates. $hat isA a significant proportion of the population in all age rangessome +B> to =B>CDis struggling with controlling its negati!e "eha!ior. $hat isA su"stance a"use# underEandEo!erEeating# crime# and a host of other selfEandEotherEdestructi!e "eha!iors. $hus# at the core of what the 9est in general is suffering from# is a disruption or compromise of its CARE "eha!ior upon which its sur!i!al depends. 9hen you "rea: the primordial lin: "etween 3arent and Child you ha!e the personal emotional disaster of titanic dimensions :nown as the @ental Illness Epidemic 5@IE6especially depressionthat we now ha!e in the 9elfare 'tates. 0nfortunately for the @asses 5'heeple6 and fortunately for the 3ower Elite 59ol!es6# the @IE is aided and a"etted "y the psychiatry community after pelf and prestige in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry after profits and power. $he psychiatric "i"le# the F'@# is now in its latest 7th edition with some 7BB plus pages of Gustification for political coercion and the medicali ation of morality. Hac: to CARE from carefully culti!ated carelessness. Fo youD Care# I mean. $he particular care I want to discuss is the nonEgenetic :ind# usually associated with friendship and romantic lo!e where indi!iduals choose the relationship. It;s my o"ser!ation that many of us lead li!es of compromised care in this area to the point of selfEandEotherEinflicted damage. 9e are hardE wired to CARE and when we don;t get enough of it in the right way we get su"stitutes for it that almost always ma:e things worse# e!en if at first they seem to get "etter. %eed I count the waysD $he litany of selfEa"use dominates the popular mediaA sucide# drug addiction# "rutal crime# sexual o"sessionyou :now what I meanour failures to create and maintain meaningful relationships in and out of the family.

9hen proper care is not forthcoming# 3an:sepp shows us what he calls 3A%IC4)RIE, follows. 3A%IC is demonstrated must !i!idly and "asically "y the cry of the infant for attenti!e response. $his is the primordial cry for help. @ost humans respond to it instincti!ely# than: goodnesshowe!er# most generally do so only if the caller is considered !alua"le enough to do so. $he research on animals and humans conclusi!ely shows that when the cry for help is not answered# the organism shrin:s into depression as the selfEprotecti!e default setting. $he life unit shuts down to conser!e energy and stay out of harm;s way. $he 'EE(I%) system is foregone* if !irtual su"stitutes for !irtuous relationships are a!aila"le drugs# entertainment# food# etc.then the depression can "e somewhat managed# "ut the person goes into physical and psychic de"t to do so# and the loan of life must "e repaid at some date with increasing interest for the time accrued. In other words# a "rea: down "an:ruptcymust and does occur. Iur @ental Illness Epidemic is to me clearly a result of our a"andoning our need to CARE and "e cared for in real# intimate# human relationships# especially those consciously chosen. $he e!olutionary deri!ed CARE system of the human family has "een replaced "y the psychiatric and pharmacological 9elfare 'tate which plainly can;t do the Go". )o!ernmental solutions only add to the pro"lem which of course is what they intentionally unintentionally are created to do. Jence# my recommendation of C. A. R. E. A C.onscious A.utonomous R.eciprocal E.xchange. $his is the "asis for an e!olutionary mature humanity. It goes "y the name of the ,ree @ar:et and is "ased on the %onEAgression 3rinciple. I call this :ind of consciously enacted# reciprocal careA Responsi"le 3ersonal ,reedom* and I "elie!e it is the means to peace and prosperity for most. It is what I am at my "est. As for my worsewell# we only need to too: at the 9est;s 0nderclass and its 9elfareE9arfare 'tate to em"arrassingly and distressingly# :now what I mean. C. A. R. E. is my credo and it has "een !ariously expressed throughout history as Fu et Fes# Kuid 3ro Kuo# $it for $at# $he Lirtue of 'elfishness 5Ayn Rand6# and Altruistic Egoism 5Jans 'elye6. It can "e summedA I care for you and I hope you will care for me in return. /et;s each freely trade our selfE!alue for the other;s in order to increase "oth. 'impleD 8es. 'o why don;t we do it. Ah# good and leading MuestionC

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