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Growing the Adult Within: Self-Control as Responsible Personal Freedom

To the extent you choose not to control yourself, someone else, sooner or later, will. Jack There is only one political sin: independence; and only one political virtue: obedience. To put it differently, there is only one offense a ainst authority: self!control; and only one obeisance to it: submission to control by authority. "hy is self!control, autonomy, such a threat to authority# $ecause the person who controls himself, who is his own master, has no need for an authority to be his master. This, then, renders authority unemployed. Thomas %&as& You can either be treated as an adult, responsible for your behavior; or, you can be treated as a childmadmancriminalsick, physically or mentallyall of which means, you are not held responsible for your behavior, for controlling yourselftherefore, others can and WILL control you instead of you doing it for yourself; and they will usually claim to do it for the !ublic "ood#, or for your own safety#but do it they will$ %sk yourself& W'Y should %(Y)(*government or criminal +there is no difference,-claim they can control youfor %(Y reason other than that you have physically aggressed against someone, W'Y should you (). /* 01** to be 1*2!)(2I/L* for your actions, W'Y should anyone claim to order you around as long as you are not physically hurting another person or his property, Is there any 342. 5%42* for %(Y)(* to assume 5)(.1)L )6*1 Y)4, .he only non7reason a person assumes they can and should control you is that they 8ustify using 9I"'. rather than reasoning 1I"'.$ It does (). matter what end or goal you 8ustify initiating violence to obtain, it is W1)(", it is I99)1%L, it is 9I"'. not 9)1%L 1I"'.$ 'ow will you answer the above :uestions, Your answers will tell me to what degree you live a life of 1esponsible !ersonal 0reedom and allow others to do the same$

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