ARH 102 Exam 1 Study Guide Fall 2013

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ARH 102 STUDY GUIDE for EXAM 1 (Chapters 14, 20, 21, 22, 23) Questions on the exam

are not limited to the content of this study guide. Questions are derived not only from the study guide, but also from lectures, and readings. VOCABULARY LIST altarpiece glazing Mannerism chiaroscuro atmospheric perspective trompe loeil Contrapposto Cinquecentro Counter-Reformation history painting Martin Luther

diptych, triptych, polyptych Renaissance sfumato iconography Florence devotional imagery Classical antiquity Proto-Renaissance intaglio Iconoclasm still life Reformation Council of Trent

grisaille linear perspective buon and secco fresco Humanism Book of Hours Quattrocento

vanitas BCE & CE

SLIDE LIST 1. Giotto di Bondone, Lamentation, Fresco, (Figure 14-8, pg. 408) 2. Robert Campin (Master of Flmalle), Mrode Altarpiece (open), Northern (Fig. 201, pg. 534) 3. Jan van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece (open), Northern Renaissance (Figure 20-5, pg. 541) 4. Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition, Northern Renaissance (Figure 20-8, pg. 544) 5. Jan van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini & His Wife, Northern Renaissance, (Figure 20-6, pg. 546) (located at the beginning of Chapter 20)) 6. Limbourg Brothers, January, Trs Riches Heures, International Style, (Figure 2016, pg. 551) 7. Donatello, David, Early Italian Renaissance (Figure 21-12, pg. 568) 8. Masaccio, Holy Trinity, Fresco, Italian Renaissance (Figure 21-21, pg. 575) 9. Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, Italian Renaissance, (Figure 21-29, pg. 581) 10. Leonardo da Vinci, Madonna of the Rocks, High Renaissance, (Figure 22-2, pg. 601) 11. Raphael, Philosophy (School of Athens), High Renaissance, (Figure 22-9, pg. 601) 12. Michelangelo Buonarroti, David, High Renaissance, (Figure 22-13, pg. 607) 13. Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotonda, High Renaissance (Figure 22-28, pg. 622) 14. Titian, Venus of Urbino, High Renaissance, (Figure 22-39, pg. 629) 15. Parmigianino, Madonna with the Long Neck, Mannerism, (Figure 22-44, pg. 633) 16. Albecht Drer, Four Apostles, Northern Renaissance (German), (Figure 23-7, page 652) 17. Hans Holbein the Younger, The French Ambassadors, Northern Renaissance (German), (Figure 23-11, page 656) 18. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Hunters in the Snow, (Northern Renaissance (Netherlandish)) (Figure 23-21, page 663)

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