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1. In case of accdenta cosng of an arcrafts eft statc pressure port (ran, brds), the
a) Over reads the attude n case of a sde-sp to the rght and dspays the correct
nformaton durng symmetrc fght.
b) Keeps on provdng reabe readng n a stuatons.
c) Under reads the attude.
d) Over reads the altitude in case of a sideslip to the left and displays the
correct information during symmetric flight.
2. If an arcraft s equpped wth one atmeter whch s compensated for poston error
and another atmeter whch s not, and a other factors beng equa?
a) At hgh speed the non-compensated atmeter w ndcate a ower attude.
b) There w be no dfference between them f the ar data computer (ADC) s functonng
c) ATC w get an erroneous attude report SSR.
d) At high speed, the non-compensated altimeter ill indicate a higher altitude.
3. An Ar Data Computer (ADC)?
a) Measures poston error n the statc system and transmts ths nformaton to ATC to
provde correct attude reportng.
!) Transforms air data measurements into electric impulses driving servo
motors in instruments.
c) Is an auxary system that provdes attude nformaton n the event that the statc
source s bocked.
d) Converts ar data measurements gven by ATC from the ground n order to provde
correct attude and speed nformaton.
4. In An Ar Data Computer (ADC), aeropane attude s cacuated from?
a) The dfference between absoute and dynamc pressure at the fuseage.
b) Measurement of outsde ar temperature (OAT).
c) Measurement of eapsed tme for a rado sgna transmtted to the ground surface and
d) "easurement of a!solute !arometric pressure from a static source on the
5. In a non-pressurzed arcraft, f one or severa statc pressure ports are damaged, there
s an utmate emergency means for restorng a practcay correct statc pressure
a) #rea$ing the rate-of clim! indicator glass indo.
b) Sghty openng a wndow to restore the ambent pressure n the cabn.
c) Descendng as much as possbe n order to fy at a pressure as cose to 1013.25 hPa
as possbe.
d) Cacuatng the ambent statc pressure, aowng for the attude and ONH and
ad|ustng the nstruments
6. The atmeter consst of one or severa anerod capsues ocated n a seaed casng.
The pressures n the anerod capsue () and casng () are respectvey?
a) () Statc pressure () Tota pressure
!) %i) &acuum %or very lo pressure) %ii) Static pressure
c) () Statc pressure at tme t () statc pressure at tme t-t
d) () Tota pressure () Statc pressure.
7. From the ISA tabe at page 35, the atmospherc pressure at FL 70 n a "standard + 10"
atmosphere s?
a) '().(* hPa
b) 942.13 hPa.
c) 1013.25 hPa.
d) 644.41 hPa
8. The ONH s by defnton the vaue of the?
a) Atmeter settng so that the needes ndcate zero when the arcraft s on ground at the
ocaton for whch t s provded.
b) Atmospherc pressure at the eve of the ground over fown by the arcraft.
c) Altimeter setting so that the needles of the altimeter indicate the altitude of
the location for hich it is given.
d) Atmospherc pressure at the sea eve of the ocaton for whch t s gven.
9. Durng a cmb after take-off form a contamnated runway, f the tota pressure probe
of the arspeed ndcator s bocked, the pot that ndcated arspeed?
a) Decreases abrupty towards zero.
!) Increases steadily
c) Increases abrupty towards VNE.
d) Decreases steady.
10. Wth a ptot probe bocked due to ce bud up, the arcraft arspeed ndcator w
ndcate n descent a?
a) Increasng speed.
b) Fuctuatng speed
c) +ecreasing speed.
d) Constant speed.
11. After an arcraft has passed through a vocanc coud whch has bocked the tota
pressure probe net of the arspeed ndcator, the pot begns a stabzed descent and
fnds that the ndcated arspeed?
a) Increases steady.
b) Decreases abrupty towards zero.
c) +ecreases steadily
d) Increases abrupty towards VNE.
12. The statc pressure error of the statc vent on whch the atmeter s connected vares
substantay wth the?
a) Statc temperature.
!) "ach num!er of the aircraft.
c) Deformaton of the anerod capsue.
d) Arcraft attude.
13. The pressure attude s the attude correspondng?
a) In standard atmosphere, to the reference pressure Ps.
b) In ambent atmosphere, to the pressure Ps prevang at ths pont.
c) In standard atmosphere, to the pressure Ps prevailing at this point.
d) In ambent atmosphere, to the reference pressure Ps.
14. The response tme of a vertca speed detector may be ncreased by addng a?
a) Correction !ased on an accelerometer sensor.
b) B-metac strp.
c) Return sprng.
d) Second cabrated port.
15. The densty attude s?
a) The altitude of the standard atmosphere on hich the density is e,ual to the
actual density of the atmosphere.
b) The temperature attude corrected for the dfference between the rea temperature
and standard temperature.
c) The pressure attude corrected for the reatve densty prevang at ths pont.
d) The pressure attude corrected for the densty of ar at ths pont.
A-T %#A.O"/T.IC A-TI"/T/.S)
1. The hysteress error of an atmeter vares substantay wth the?
a) Time passed at a given altitude.
b) Mach number of the arcraft
c) Arcraft attude.
d) Statc temperature.
2. When fyng from a sector of warm ar nto one of coder ar, the atmeter w?
a) Under read.
b) Be |ust as correct as before.
c) Show the actua heght above ground.
d) Over read.
3. At sea eve, on a typca servo atmeter, the toerance n feet from ndcated must not
a) +/-60 feet.
b) +/-75 feet.
c) 01-23 feet.
d) +/-70 feet.
4. The attude ndcated on board an arcraft fyng n an atmosphere where a the
atmosphere ayers beow the arcraft are cod s?
a) Equa to the standard attude.
b) Lower than the rea attude.
c) The same as the rea attude.
d) 4igher than the real altitude.
5. The purpose of the vbratng devce of an atmeter s to?
a) Aow dampng of the measurement n the unt.
b) Reduce the hysteress effect.
c) .educe the effect of friction in the lin$ages.
d) Inform the crew of a faure of the nstrument
6. The vertca speed ndcator of an arcraft fyng at a true arspeed of 100 kt, n a
descent wth a sope of 3 degrees, ndcates?
a) -300 ft/mn
b) -150 ft/mn.
c) -250 ft/mn.
d) -*33 ft1min
7. The attude ndcated on board an arcraft fyng n an atmosphere where a
atmosphere ayers beow the arcraft are warm s?
a) Equa to the standard attude.
!) 4igher than the real altitude.
c) The same as the rea attude.
d) Lower than the rea attude.
8. The prmary factor whch makes the servo-asssted atmeter more accurate then the
smpe pressure atmeter s the use of?
a) A sub-scae ogarthmc functon.
!) An induction pic$-off device.
c) More effectve temperature compensatng eaf sprngs.
d) Combnaton of counters/ponters.
9. What w happen to the atmeter readng n a rght sdesp, f an arcraft has a statc
vent at each sde of the fuseage, but the eft one s bocked?
a) Over read
!) 5nder read.
c) No change.
d) Depends on attude.
10. From what s true attude derved?
a) Pressure altitude.
b) Densty attude.
c) Temperature attude.
d) Dfference between tota pressure and statc pressure.
11. What s ONH?
a) Ambent pressure at the arfed.
b) Sea eve pressure based on ambent pressure at the arfed.
c) See level pressure.
d) Sea eve pressure n the ISA.
12. What s ONH?
a) Am!ient pressure at msl.
b) The pressure to be set on the atmeter subscae to obtan an ndcaton of zero on the
c) The pressure to be set on the atmeter subscae to obtan a readng of the pressure
attude of the runway.
d) The pressure to be set on the atmeter subscae to obtan densty attude when on the
13. What s the true attude of an arcraft f ts atmeter ndcated 16000 ft when the
ambent temperature was -30 C?
a) )*633 ft.
b) 15400 ft.
c) 16200 ft.
d) 16400 ft.
14. What w happen to the ndcated attude f an arcraft n eve fght passes nto a
warmer ar mass?
a) Over ndcate.
!) 5nder indicate.
c) Not change.
d) Reman constant ony f above the tropopause.
15. What s densty attude?
a) Pressure altitude corrected for am!ient temperature.
b) True attude.
c) Pressure attude corrected for densty changes.
d) True attude corrected for densty changes.
16. What w happen f an arcraft has two atmeters, one of whch s compensated for
poston error, whst the other s not?
a) One w over read at hgh arspeeds.
b) One w under read at hgh arspeeds.
c) One ill under read close to the ground.
d) The ADC w compensate automatcay, so both wth read correcty.
17. Why are vbrators sometmes ftted n atmeters?
a) Overcome friction.
b) Overcome nerta.
c) Overcome hysterss.
d) Reduce ag.
18. What w happen to atmeter ndcaton f an arcraft n eve fght enters a cod front?
a) Over indication.
b) Under ndcaton.
c) No change.
d) No change above the tropopause.
.A+IO A-TI"/T/.S
1. Durng the approach, a crew reads on the rado atmeter the vaue of 650 ft. ths s an
ndcaton of the true.
a) 4eight of the loest heels ith regard to the ground at any time.
b) Heght of the arcraft wth regard to the ground at any tme.
c) Heght of the arcraft wth regard to the runway.
d) Attude of the arcraft.
2. For most rado atmeters, when a system error occurs durng approach the?
a) 4eight indication is removed.
b) DH amp fashes red and the audo sgna sounds.
c) DH amp fashes red.
d) Audo warnng sgna sounds.
3. A rado atmeter can be defned as a?
a) Ground rado ad used to measure the true heght of the arcraft.
b) Ground rado ad used to measure the true attude of the arcraft.
c) Self-contained on-!oard aid used to measure the true height of the aircraft.
d) Sef-contaned on-board ad used to measure the true attude of the arcraft.
4. The data supped by a rado atmeter?
a) Indicates the distance !eteen the ground and the aircraft.
b) Concerns ony the decson heght.
c) Is used ony by the rado atmeter ndcator.
d) Is used by the automatc pot n the attude hod mode.
5. the ow-attude rado atmeters used n precson approaches:
a) Operate n the 1540-1660 MHz range.
b) Are of the pused type.
c) Are of the frequency moduaton type.
d) Have an operatng range of 0 to 5000 ft.
e) Have a precson of +/- 2 feet between 0 and 500 ft.
The combnaton of the correct statements s?
a. 2, *.
b. 3, 4.
c. 2, 3, 4.
d. 2, 3, 4.
e. 1, 2, 5.
6. In ow attude rado atmeters, the readng s zero when man andng gear whees are
on the ground. For ths, t s necessary to?
a) Change the dspay scae n short fna, n order to have a precse readout.
b) Compensate resdua attude due to antennas heght above the ground and coaxa
cabes ength.
c) Account for signal processing time in the unit and apply a correction factor
to the readings.
d) Pace the antennas on the bottom of the aeropane.
7. The operatng frequency range of a attude rado atmeter s?
a) 2700 MHz to 2900 MHz.
b) 5 GHz
c) 7633 "48 to 7733 "48.
d) 5400 MHz or 9400 MHz.
8. Modern ow attude rado atmeters emt waves n the foowng frequency band?
a) HF (Hgh Frequency).
b) UHF (Utra Hgh frequency).
c) S49 %Super 4igh 9re,uency).
d) VLF (Very Low Frequency).
9. The operaton of the rado atmeter of a modern arcraft s based on?
a) Puse moduaton of the carrer wave.
b) A combnaton of frequency moduaton and puse moduaton,
c) 9re,uency modulation of the carrier ave.
d) Amptude moduaton of the carrer wave.
10. In ow attude rado atmeters heght measurement (above ground) s based upon?
a) A tranguar amptude moduaton wave, for whch moduaton phase shft between
transmtted and receved waves after ground refecton s measured.
!) A fre,uency modulation ave, for hich the fre,uency variation !eteen the
transmitted ave and the received ave after ground reflection is measured.
c) A puse transmsson, for whch tme between transmsson and recepton s measured
on a crcuar scannng screen.
d) A wave transmsson, for whch the frequency shft by DOPPLER effect after ground
refecton s measured.
11. the arcraft rado equpment whch emts on a frequency of 4400 MHz s the?
a) Weathe radar.
b) Prmary radar.
c) .adio altimeter.
d) Hgh attude rado atmeter.
12. a rado atmeter s?
a) Arcraft based and ndcates true attude.
b) Arcraft based and ndcates pressure attude.
c) Aircraft !ased and indicates true height.
d) Ground based and empoy mcrowaves.
13. Rado atmeters are based on the prncpe of?
a) 9re,uency modulated carrier ave.
b) Puse moduated carrer wave.
c) Amptude moduated carrer wave.
d) Contnuous wave.
14. For the andng confguraton a rado atmeter ndcates?
a) For the andng confguraton a rado atmeter ndcates?
b) Heght of the fght deck above the ground.
c) 4eight of the main heel a!ove the ground.
d) Attude.
15. Low attude rado atmeters operate on the .... Waveband?
a) HF.
b) VHF.
c) 549.
d) SHF.
&SI %&/.TICA- SP//+ I:+ICATO.S)
1. If the ptot ppe becomes party bocked?
a) The VSI ndcaton w be too ow when cmbng.
b) The VSI w be too ow when descendng.
c) The &SI ill not !e affected.
d) The VSI w be too ow when descendng and too hgh when cmbng.
2. If the statc ppe becomes party bocked?
a) The VSI ndcaton w be too hgh when descendng.
b) The VSI ndcaton w be too hgh when acceeratng.
c) The &SI indication ill !e too lo hen clim!ing or descending.
d) The VSI ndcaton w be unaffected.
3. VSI ag s reduced by?
a) To dashpots responding to acceleration.
b) Two return sprngs.
c) B-metac strps.
d) Eectronc systems.
4. If the choke n the VSI becomes party bocked?
a) The VSI ndcaton w be too hgh when cmbng.
b) The VSI ndcaton w be too ow when descendng.
c) The VSI ndcaton w be too hgh at a tmes.
d) The &SI indication ill !e too high hen clim!ing or descending.
5. The correct acton to be taken when the statc vent bocks on an unpressursed arcraft
s to?
a) Break the VSI gass.
!) 5se the stand!y static source.
c) Cacuate ROC usng mathematcay.
d) Open a wndow the equase pressures.
6. If the casng of a VSI n a pressursed arcraft deveops a eak?
a) VSI ndcatons w be too ow when cmbng or descendng.
b) VSI ndcatons w be too hgh when cmbng or descendng.
c) VSI ndcatons w be too ow when cmbng and too hgh when descendng.
d) &SI indications ill !e too high hen clim!ing and too lo hen descending.
7. A VSI?
a) Produces an output proportona to ambent pressure.
b) Measures the dfference between tota pressure and statc pressure.
c) "easures the difference !eteen the pressure inside and outside a capsule.
d) Measures ony dynamc pressure.
8. A VSI ndcates ncreasng ROD by?
a) &SI needle moving donards.
b) VSI neede movng upwards.
c) VSI neede statonary.
d) The VSI ndcates ony vertca speeds, not acceeratons.
9. As an arcraft moves cose to the ground durng a andng the VSI mght?
a) #ecome inaccurate due to ground effect.
b) Become naccurate due to turbuence.
c) Stck due to oss of ptot source.
d) Become naccurate due to arcraft atttude changes.
10. What shoud the VSI ndcate when an arcraft on a 3 degree gdesope s fyng at 100
Kts TAS?
a) 224 fpm descent.
b) 324 fpm descent.
c) 424 fpm descent.
d) *67 fpm descent.
11. If the statc ppe becomes party bocked?
a) The VSI ndcaton w be too hgh wth descendng.
b) The VSI ndcaton w be too hgh when acceeratng at constant descendng.
c) The VSI ndcaton w be too ow at a tmes.
d) The &SI indication ill !e too lo hen descending.
12. If the ptot ppe becomes party bocked?
a) The VSI ndcaton w over read when descendng.
!) The &SI ill !e unaffected.
c) The VSI w over under read at a tmes.
d) The VSI w read zero at a tmes.
13. The response rate of a VSI can be mproved by fttng a?
a) Accelerometer system.
b) Choke system.
c) B-metac compensator.
d) Return sprng.
14. If the port statc vent of a arge arcraft s bocked, what w happen to the VSI
ndcatons when t s sde sppng to the eft n a descent?
a) Over indicate.
!) 5nder indicate.
c) #e unaffected.
d) Fuctuate.
1. What does the "barbers poe" used on some ASIs ndcate?
a) MMO.
b) VNE.
c) TAS.
d) Temperature and &"O.
2. What speed is V
a. That which may only be exceeded with caution and in still air.
b. That which may never be exceeded
c. That which may be exceeded n!y in emer"encies
d. The maxim#m at which $#!!y cntr! de$!ectin is pssib!e with#t verstressin"
the aircra$t str#ct#re
3. %rm what is V
a. T'(.
b. EAS.
c. )'(.
d. *'(.
4. What wi!! be the e$$ect is the drain h!e and pitt tappin" in a prbe are b!c+ed,
whi!st the static s#rce remains pen?
a. The ASI will respond to changes in pressure altitude only.
b. The '(- wi!! nt respnd
c. The '(- wi!! #nder read at a!! speeds
d. The '(- wi!! ver read when acce!erant, dec!arin", c!imbin" r descendin"
5. What d the #pper and !wer !imits $ the !imits $ the ye!!w arc n an '(-
a. V
and V
b. V
and V
c. V
and V
d. V
and V
6. -$ the pitt s#rce and drain becme b!c+ed by ice when in cr#se $!i"ht, hw wi!!
the '(- respnd when descendin"?
a. It will under read.
b. -t wi!! ver read.
c. -t wi!! read 0er in a!! cnditin.
d. -t wi!! remain $ixed at the readin" at which it became b!c+ed.
7. 't mst in the -('?
b. -'( 1 T'(
c. -'( 1 .'(
d. )'( 1 T'(
/. -n an '(- system, what des the pitt prbe meas#re?
a. Total pressure.
b. 2ynamic press#re.
c. (tatic press#re.
d. 'mbient press#re.
3. What des the b!#e !ine n a twin en"ine pistn aircra$t '(- indicate?
a. V
b. V
c. V
d. V
56. What are indicated by the !wer and #pper ends $ the white are n an '(-?
a. V
and V
b. V
and V
c. V
and V
d. V
and V
55. V
is the?
a. $aximum speed at which the aircra%t is permitted to %ly with its %laps
b. &axim#m speed at which the $!aps can be extended r retracted.
c. The minim#m speed $r $!aps #p $!i"ht.
d. The maxim#m speed $r $!aps #p $!i"ht.
52. What wi!! be the e$$ect n the '(- the pitt t#be $ an #npress#rised aircra$t is
$ract#red and the pitt drain is b!c+ed.
a. -t wi!! ver read.
b. It will under read.
c. -t wi!! "ive a cnstant readin".
d. -t wi!! read 0er at wi!! speeds.
53. 't any "iven wei"ht r a!tit#de, an aircra$t wi!! a!ways !i$t 7 $$ at the same?
a. CAS.
b. T'(.
c. 8r#nd speed.
d. .'(.
54. )'( is?
a. .'( crrected $r psitin errr and cmpressibi!ity errr.
b. IAS corrected %or position error and instrument error.
c. T'( crrected $r instr#ment errr and ram e$$ect.
d. -'( crrected $r density errr and psitin errr.
55. When descendin" $rm %9466 and attendin" t maintain maxim#m "r#ndspeed,
airspeed wi!! be !imited by?
a. V
then V
b. V
then V
c. $
then V
d. V
then &
1. Consderng the maxmum operatona Mach number (MMO) and the maxmum
operatona speed (VMO), the captan of a pressurzed arcraft begns hs descent from
a hgh fght eve. In order to meet hs schedued tme of arrva, he decdes to use the
maxmum ground speed at any tme of the descent. He w be mted?
a) By the MMO.
b) By the VMO n st ar.
c) Initially !y the ""O, then !y the &"O !elo a certain flight level.
d) Intay by the VMO, then by the MMO beow a certan fght eve.
2. In a standard atmosphere and at the sea eve, the cabrated arspeed (CAS) s?
a) Lower than the true arspeed (TAS).
!) /,ual to the true airspeed %TAS).
c) Independent of the true arspeed (TAS).
d) Hgher than the true arspeed (TAS).
3. Wth a constant weght, rrespectve of the arfed attude, an arcraft aways takes off
at the same?
a) Cali!rated airspeed.
b) Ground speed.
c) True arspeed.
d) Equvaent arspeed.
4. The cabrated arspeed (CAS) s obtaned by appyng to the ndcated arspeed (IAS)?
a) A compressbty and densty correcton.
!) An instrument and position1pressure error correction.
c) An antenna and compressbty correcton.
d) An nstrument and densty correcton.
5. The veocty maxmum operatng (VMO) s a speed expressed n?
a) True arspeed (TAS).
b) Computed arspeed (COAS).
c) Cali!rated airspeed %CAS).
d) Equvaent arspeed (EAS).
6. the mts of the whte scae of an arspeed ndcator are?
a) VSI for the ower mt and VFE for the upper mt.
b) VSO for the ower mt and VLE for the upper mt.
c) VSI for the ower mt and VLE for the upper mt.
d) &SO for the loer limit and &9/ for the upper limit.
7. The mts of the green scae of an arspeed ndcator are?
a) VS1 for the ower mt and VNE for the upper mt.
b) VS1 for the ower mt and VLO for the upper mt.
c) &S) for the loer limit and &:O for the upper limit.
d) VS0 for the ower mt and VNO for the upper mt.
8. The mts of the yeow scae of an arspeed ndcator are?
a) VLO for the ower mt and VNE for the upper mt.
b) VLE for the ower mt and VNE for the upper mt.
c) VFE for the ower mt and VNE for the upper mt.
d) &:/ for the loer limit and &:/ for the upper limit.
9. Durng a straght and unform cmb, the pot mantans a constant cabrated arspeed
a) The "ach num!er increases and the true airspeed %TAS) increases.
b) The Mach number ncreases and the true arspeed (TAS) s constant.
c) The Mach number s constant and the true arspeed (TAS) s constant.
d) The Mach number s constant and the true arspeed (TAS) decreases.
10. VLE s the maxmum?
a) Speed authorzed n fght.
!) 9light speed ith landing gear don.
c) Speed at whch the andng gear can be operated wth fu safety
d) Speed wth faps extended n a gven poston.
11. VLO s the maxmum?
a) Speed at hich the landing gear can !e operated ith full safety.
b) Fght speed wth andng gear down.
c) Speed wth faps extended n a gven poston.
d) Crusng speed not to be exceeded except n st ar wth cauton.
12. VNE s the maxmum speed?
a) At whch the fght contros can be fuy defected.|
b) Wth faps extended n andng poston
c) ;hich must never !e e<ceeded.
d) Not to be exceeded except n st ar and wth cauton.
13. VNO s the maxmum speed?
a) Whch must never be exceeded.
b) At whch the fght contros can be fuy defected.
c) Wth faps extended n andng poston.
d) :ot to !e e<ceeded e<cept in still air and ith caution.
14. For a constant Cabrated Arspeed (CAS) and a eve fght, a fa n ambent
temperature w resut n a?
a) Lower True Arspeed (TAS) due to a decrease n ar densty.
!) -oer True Airspeed %TAS) due to an increase in air density.
c) Hgher True Arspeed (TAS) due to a decrease n ar densty.
d) Hgher True Arspeed (TAS) due to an ncrease n ar densty.
15. When a cmbng at a constant Mach number beow the tropopause, n ISA condtons,
the Cabrated Arspeed (CAS) w?
a) +ecrease.
b) Increase at a near rate.
c) Reman constant.
d) Increase at an exponenta rate.
1. How w mach meter ndcaton respond f an arcraft s fyng at constant CAS at FL
270 when t experences a reducton n OAT?
a) :o change.
b) Increase.
c) Decrease.
d) Increase or decrease dependng on TAT.
2. What s the LSS at 30000 ft f ambent temperature s -40 C?
a) 579 Kts.
b) 660 Kts.
c) 584 Kts.
d) *=7 >ts.
3. Whch of the foowng best defnes Mach number?
a) The ratio at TAS?-SS.
b) The rato of LSS:TAS
c) The rato of CAS:LSS
d) The rato of ambent densty to that at ms n the ISA.
4. A mach meter comprses of?
a) A com!ination of ASI and altimeter.
b) A combnaton of VSI and atmeter.
c) An ASI wth ts scae marked n mach numbers.
d) An atmeter wth ts scae marked n mach numbers.
5. what us tge KSS at 40000 ft n the ISA?
a) 542 Kts.
b) 660 Kts.
c) *'2 >ts.
d) 550 Kts.
6. How mach meter ndcaton vary n a constant CAS cmb?
a) Increase.
b) Decrease.
c) Increase then reman constant.
d) Reman constant.
7. what s the LSS at ms ISA?
a) 600 Kts.
b) 550 Kts.
c) 750 Kts.
d) @@) >ts.
8. Mach meter ndcatons?
a) Vary wth arspeed and temperature
!) &ary only ith airspeed.
c) Vary ony wth temperature.
d) Vary wth densty and attude.
9. How w mach meter ndcaton respond f an arcraft passes through a cod front when
fyng at constant CAS and attude?
a) ncrease
b) Decrease.
c) .emain constant.
d) Increase or decrease dependng. On attude.
10. How w the mach meter respond n a constant CAS cmb f the statc source becomes
a) ncrease
!) +ecrease.
c) Reman constant
d) Increase or decrease dependng on arspeed.
11. How w the mach meter respond n a constant TAS cmb f the statc source becomes
a) Increase.
!) +ecrease
c) Reman constant.
d) Increase or decrease dependng on arspeed.
12. How w mach meter respond n a constant mach number cmb f the statc source
becomes bocked?
a) Increase.
!) +ecrease
c) Reman constant.
d) Increase or decrease dependng on arspeed.
13. The ndcatons on a mach meter are ndependent of?
a) Dynamc pressure.
!) Am!ient temperature.
c) Statc pressure.
d) Tota pressure.
14. What happens to mach meter ndcaton n a constant RAS cmb?
a) Increases.
b) Decreases.
c) Increases then remans constant.
d) Increases uness n an nverson or sotherma ayer.
15. What woud happen f the statc ppe became detached from the back of a mach meter
n a pressursed arcraft at hgh attude?
a) 5nder read.
b) Over read.
c) No effect.
d) Under read or over read dependng on temperature.
1. The budng prncpe of a gyroscope, the best effcency s obtaned through the
concentraton of the mass?
a) Cose to the axs and wth a ow rotaton speed.
!) On the periphery and ith a high rotation speed.
c) Cose to the axs and wth a hgh rotaton speed.
d) On the perphery and wth a ow rotaton speed.
2. A Standby horzon or emergency atttude ndcator?
a) Ony works of there s a compete eectrca faure.
!) Contains its on separate gyro.
c) Is automatcay connected to the prmary vertca gyro f the aternator fas.
d) Is fuy ndependent of externa energy resources n an emergency stuaton.
3. The bass propertes of a gyroscope are?
5. The gyros weght.
2. The rgdty n space.
3. The nerta.
4. The hgh RPM.
5. The precesson
The combnaton of correct statements s?
a. 3, 4.
!. 6, *.
c. 2, 3, 5.
d. 1, 3, 5.
4. The ndcatons of the drectona gyro when used as an on-board nstrument are vad
ony for a short perod of tme. The causes of ths naccuracy are?
5. The earths rotaton.
2. The ongtudna acceeraton.
3. The arcrafts moton over the surface of the earth.
4. The mechanca defects of the gyro.
5. The gyros weght.
6. The gmbas mount of the gyro rngs.
The combnaton of correct statements s?
a. 1, 2, 4.
b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
c. 2, 5, 6.
d. ), 2, 7, @.
5. The characterstcs of the drectona gyro (DG) used n a gyro stabsed compass
system are?
a) One degree of freedom, whose vertca axs, agned wth the rea vertca to the
ocaton s mantaned n ths drecton by an automatc erectng system.
!) To degrees of freedom, hose hori8ontal a<is corresponding to the
reference direction is maintained in the hori8ontal plane !y an automatic
erecting system.
c) Two degrees of freedom, whose axs agned wth the vertca to the ocaton s
mantaned n ths drecton by an erectng system.
d) One degree of freedom, whose horzonta axs s mantaned n the horzonta pane by
an automatc erectng system.
6. A gravty type erector s used n a vertca gyro devce to correct errors on?
a) An artificial hori8on
b) A drectona gyro unt.
c) A turn ndcator.
d) A gyro-magnetc ndcator.
7. When an arcraft has turned 360 degrees wth a constant atttude and bank, the pot
observes the foowng on a cassc artfca horzon?
a) Too much nose-up and bank correct.
b) Too much nose-up and bank too hgh.
c) Attitude and !an$ correct.
d) Too much nose-up and bank too ow.
8. When an arcraft has turned 270 degrees wth a constant atttude and bank, the pot
observes the foowng on a cassc artfca horzon?
a) Too much nose-up and !an$ too high.
b) Too much nose-up and bank too ow.
c) Atttude and bank correct.
d) Too much nose-up and bank correct.
9. Note: n ths queston, the degrees of freedom of a gyro are determned by the number
of gmba rngs t comprses. Among the fght contro nstruments, the artfca
horzon pays an essenta part. It uses a gyroscope wth?
a) To degrees of freedom, hose a<is is oriented and continuously maintained
to local vertical !y an automatic erecting system.
b) Two degrees of freedom, whose horzonta axs correspondng to a reference drecton
s mantaned n a horzonta axs correspondng to a reference drecton s mantaned
n a horzonta pane by an automatc erectng system.
c) One degree of freedom, whose horzonta axs s mantaned n a horzonta pane by an
automatc erectng system.
d) One degree of freedom, whose vertca axs orented n the drecton of the rea vertca
to the ocaton s mantaned n ths drecton by an automatc erectng system.
10. a saved drectona gyro derves ts drectona sgna from?
a) a drect readng magnetc compass.
b) The fght drector.
c) The flu< valve.
d) The ar-data-computer.
11. a turn ndcator s but around a gyroscope wth?
a) ) degree of freedom.
b) 3 degree of freedom.
c) 2 degree of freedom.
d) 0 degree of freedom.
12. the ndcaton on a drectona gyroscope or gyrocompass are sub|ect to errors, due to:
1. Rotaton of Earth.
2. Aeropane moton on Earth.
3. Latera and transversa aeropane bank anges.
4. North change.
5. Mechanca defects.
Choose the combnaton wth true statements ony?
a. 2, 3, 5.
!. ), 6, 2, *.
c. 3, 4, 5.
d. 1, 2, 4, 5.
13. At a ow bank ange, the measurement of rate-of-turn actuay conssts n measurng
a) Anguar veocty of the arcraft.
!) Ba rate of the aircraft.
c) Ptch rate of the arcraft.
d) Ro rate of he arcraft.
14. An arborne nstrument, equpped wth a gyro wth 2 degrees of freedom and a
horzonta spn axs s?
a) An artfca horzon.
b) A turn ndcator.
c) A fuxgate compass.
d) A directional gyro.
15. When, n fght, the neede and ba ndcator s on the eft and the ba on the rght, the
arcraft s?
a) Turnng eft wth too much bank
b) Turnng rght wth not enough bank
c) Turnng rght wth too much bank
d) Turning left ith not enough !an$
1. How many degrees of freedom and what s the spn axs of an atttude ndcator?
a) -ocal earth vertical to degrees of freedom.
b) Arcraft atera axs two degrees of freedom.
c) Arcraft horzonta axs one degree of freedom.
d) Arcraft ongtudna axs three degrees of freedom.
2. What coud be the ndcaton on an atttude ndcator n a rght turn?
a) Clim! due to pendulous vanes.
b) No cmb.
c) Descent due to penduous vanes.
d) Correct ptch and bank at a tmes.
3. What w a cassc artfca horzon ndcate when turnng through 90 degrees at
constant atttude and bank ange?
a) Correct bank ange and atttude.
b) Too much bank and too much nose up atttude.
c) Too tte bank and too tte nose up atttude.
d) Too little !an$ and too much nose up attitude.
4. An AI has?
a) one degrees of freedom and a atera spn axs.
!) To degrees of freedom and a vertical spin a<is.
c) Two degrees of freedom and a horzonta spn axs.
d) One degree of freedom and a vertca spn axs.
5. How w a basc AI respond f an arcraft performs a 270 degree turn at constant bank
ange and ROT?
a) :ose up and !an$
b) Nose down and bank
c) Nose eve and bank
d) Correct bank and ptch.
6. Arcraft atttude s ndcated on?
a) EICAS/ECAM prmary dspay.
c) /9IS P9+.
d) A of the above.
7. when turnng through 90 at constant AOB and ptch atttude, what w a cassc
artfca horzon ndcate?
a) Too much nose up and too little !an$ angle.
b) Too much nose up and too much bank ange.
c) Too tte nose up and too tte bank ange.
d) Too tte nose up and too much bank ange.
8. when turnng through 270 at constant AOB and ptch atttude, what w a cassc
artfca horzon ndcate?
a) Too much nose up and too tte bank ange.
!) Too much nose up and too much !an$ angle.
c) Too tte nose up and too tte bank ange.
d) Too tte nose up and too much bank ange.
9. an artfca horzon has?
a) To degrees of freedom and a vertical spin a<is
b) Two degrees of freedom and a ongtudna spn axs.
c) Two degrees of freedom and a atera spn axs.
d) No degrees of freedom because t s earth ted.
10. The attude nut artfca horzon?
a) Compensates for transport error.
!) Is not fitted to.
c) Compensates for attude error.
d) Compensates for earth rate errors.
11. the gravty sensng unt n an artfca horzon s used to?
a) prevent tilting of the gyro
b) prevent precesson of the gyro.
c) Erect the gyro.
d) Provde sgnas to the autopot.
12. cassc artfca horzon ndcatons turnng through 180 at constant AOB?
a) Nose up and AOB too ow.
b) Nose up and AOB too hgh.
c) :ose up and correct AO#.
d) Ptch atttude and AOB correct.
13. An artfca horzon has.. Degrees of freedom n the .. axs?
a) Two vertca.
!) To hori8ontal.
c) One vertca.
d) One horzonta.
14. Whch or the foowng propertes are possessed by a standby artfca horzon?
1. Independent power suppy.
2. Integra gyro.
3. Remote (externa) gyro.
4. Used ony n emergences.
5. At east one per pot n |AR 25 arcraft.
a. ), 6.
b. 2, 3.
c. 3, 4.
d. 4, 5.
15. If an arcraft turns through 270 at a constant rate of turn and AOB, the ndcatons on
ts cassc artfca horzon w be?
a) Bank eft nose up.
!) #an$ right nose up.
c) Wngs eve nose up.
d) AOB and ptch atttude correct.
T5.: A:+ S-IP
1. The ba n a servceabe sp ndcator s .....and .....ndcate/s the
state of sp?
a) Hed centra Gravty Does not aways.
!) Positioned Acceleration +oes not alays.
c) Hed centra Gravty Aways.
d) Postoned Acceeraton Aways.
2. The turn ndcator s affected by?
1. AOB.
2. Arspeed.
3. Weght.
4. Attude.

a. ), 6.
b. 2, 3.
c. 3, 4.
d. 4, 5.
3. A turn ndcator used n con|uncton wth an atttude ndcator w show?
1. Turn drecton.
2. Rate of turn.
3. Anguar veocty about the true vertca axs.
4. Anguar veocty about the arcraft vertca axs.
5. Anguar veocty about the ongtudna axs.
a. 1, 2.
b. 1, 3.
c. ), 6, 7.
d. 2, 3, 5.
4. ROT ndcatons are?
a) Proportional to TAS.
b) Proportona to CAS.
c) Proportona to mass.
d) Proportona to EAS.
5. A turn ndcator has?
1) A horzonta spn axs.
2) A vertca spn axs.
3) One degree of freedom.
4) Two degrees of freedom.
5) A spn axs ted to the yawng pane of the arcraft.
6) A gravty erectng unt.
a. 1, 3.
b. 1, 5.
c. 2, *.
d. 4, 6.
6. When both the neede and ba of a turn and sp ndcator are dspaced to the rght the
arcraft s?
a) Turnng rght wth nsuffcent bank.
!) Turning right ith too much !an$.
c) Turnng eft wth too much bank.
d) Turnng eft wth nsuffcent bank.
7. When both the neede and ba of a turn and sp ndcator are dspaced to the rght the
arcraft s?
a) Turnng rght wth too much TAS.
!) Turning right ith insufficient TAS.
c) Turnng eft wth too much TAS.
d) Turnng eft wth nsuffcent TAS.
8. When the neede s dspaced rght and the ba dspaced eft, n a turn and sp
ndcator, the arcraft s?
a) Turning right ith insufficient !an$.
b) Turnng eft wth too much bank.
c) Turnng eft wth nsuffcent TAS.
d) Turnng rght wth too much bank.
9. The turn neede ndcates ... n a sghty banked turn?
a) Angular velocity a!out the vertical a<is.
b) Anguar acceeraton about the vertca axs.
c) Anguar veocty about the atera axs.
d) Yaw dspacement.
10. A rate 1 turn at 120 kts requres?
a) 10 AOB.
!) 63C AO#.
c) 30 AOB.
d) 40 AOB.
11. The correct turn and sp ndcatons when turnng rght on the ground are?
a) Neede and ba rght.
b) Neede and ba eft.
c) :eedle right and !all left.
d) Neede eft and ba rght.
12. ROT ndcatons depend on?
1. Arspeed.
2. Mass.
3. AOB.
a) 1, 2.
b) 2, 3.
c) ), 2.
d) 1, 2, 3.
13. For a rate one turn at 150 Kts the AOB must be?
a) 66C.
b) 33.
c) 44.
d) 55.
14. Foowng a eft engne faure the pot of a mut-engne arcraft uses rudder to arrest
the yaw, whst sde sppng down track wth the wngs hed eve by the aerons.
What w the turn and sp ndcator show n ths condton.
a) #oth needle and !all central.
b) Both neede and ba rght.
c) Both neede and ba eft.
d) Neede eft and ba rght.
15. Foowng a eft engne faure the pot of a mut-engne arcraft uses rudder to oppose
yaw and keep the arcraft on headng, whst usng bank to prevent sde sp. What w
the turn and sp ndcator show?
a) Both neede and ba centra
b) Both neede and ba rght.
c) Both neede and ba eft.
d) :eedle central and !all right.
I:S, I.S A:+ 9"S
1. What s the Schuer perod?
a) 48 mnutes.
b) 84 seconds.
c) 48 seconds.
d) (7 minutes.
2. to obtan headng nformaton from a gryo-stabsed patform, the gyros shoud be?
a) ) degrees of freedom and a hori8ontal a<is.
b) 1 degrees of freedom and a vertca axs.
c) 2 degree of freedom and a horzonta axs.
d) 2 degree of freedom and a vertca axs.
3. Whe nerta patform system s operatng on board an arcraft, t s necessary to use a
devce wth the foowng characterstcs,. In order to keep the vertca ne wth the
penduous system?
a) ;ith damping and a period of a!out (7 minutes
b) Wth dampng and a perod of about 84 seconds.
c) Wthout dampng and a perod of about 84 mnutes.
d) Wthout dampng and a perod of about 84 seconds.
4. Headng nformaton gven by a gyro patform s gven by a gyro wth?
a) 3 degrees of freedom n the vertca axs.
!) 2 degrees of freedom in the hori8ontal a<is.
c) 2 degrees of freedom n the vertca axs.
d) 1 degrees of freedom n the horzonta axs.
5. the ALERT ght on an INS contro and dspay unt?
a) illuminates steadily for 6 minutes !efore reaching the ne<t aypoint.
b) Fashes for 2 mnutes before reachng the next waypont.
c) Iumnates f power from the arcraft bus bar has been ost and the system s operatng
on standby battery.
d) Iumnates steady after passng a waypont n manua mode, unt the next eg s
programmed n.
6. At the second state of ntegraton E/W speed s converted nto E/W dstance gone. To
convert ths departure nto change of ongtude t has to?
a) Be dvded by the secant of attude.
!) #e multiplied !y the secant of latitude.
c) Be dvded by the tangent of attude.
d) Be mutped by the Cosne of attude.
7. An INS wth the acceerometers agned N/S and E/W s mted to use at attudes beow
about 82. Ths s because?
a) It oses horzonta reference as dp becomes arge.
b) At hgh speed on East or West tracks the rate of convergency s faster than the
azmuth motor can correct.
c) The functions of secant latitude and tangent altitude used in certain
corrections in the computer start to approach infinity and the computer
cannot handle the rapid changes involved.
d) The correcton for the Coros Effect of the earth rotaton approaches nfnty above 82
8. The errors of INS fa nto three categores?
a) Bounded, unbounded and veocty.
b) Coros, unbounded and nherent.
c) #ounded, un!ounded and inherent.
d) Bounded, unbounded and acceerometer.
9. The vertca reference unt of a three axs data generator s equpped wth a gyro wth?
a) 1 degree of freedom and a horzonta spn axs.
b) 1 degree of freedom and a vertca spn axs.
c) 2 degrees of freedom and a horzonta spn axs.
d) 6 degrees of freedom and a vertical spin a<is.
10. Wth reference to Inerta Navgaton Systems, the functons of the ntegrator are?
1. At the second stage ntegraton to suppress unbounded errors (when n nav mode).
2. At the frst stage of ntegraton to convert acceeratons wth respect to tme, nto
speed, (when n nav mode).
3. at the second stage of ntegraton to convert speed wth respect to tme, nto
dstance gone, (when n nav mode).
4. To agn the patform (when n eve and agn modes).
a. A of the above statements are correct.
b. Ony statements 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
c. Ony statements 1, 2 and 3, are correct.
d. Only statements 6 and 2 are correct.
11. Rng aser gyros use dther motors to?
a) Reduce random wander.
b) Prevent unbounded errors.
c) Leve and agn the gyros.
d) Prevent loc$ in of the laser !eams.
12. The product of the frst ntegraton of the E/W acceeraton sensed by an INS system s?
a) Departure.
!) Speed along the local parallel.
c) Speed aong the oca horzonta.
d) Dstance.
13. Why s an INS patform vrtuay unusabe at very hgh attudes?
a) The vaue of the earth rate affectng the E/W acceerometer s a component dependent
on the sne at. At hgh attudes ths component d neary zero and makes agnment
to true north vrtuay mpossbe.
b) The vaue of the earth rate affectng the E/W acceerometer s a component dependent
on the sne at. At hgh attudes ths component s neary zero and makes agnment to
true magnetc vrtuay mpossbe.
c) The vaue of the earth rate affectng the E/W acceerometer s a component dependent
on the cosne at. At hgh attudes ths component s neary zero and makes agnment
to magnetc north vrtuay mpossbe.
d) The value of the earth rate affecting the /1; accelerometer is a component
dependent on the cosine lat. At high latitudes this component is nearly 8ero
and ma$es alignment to true north virtually impossi!le.
14. A ongtude error n an INS w cause:
a) A faure to agn.
!) Poor alignment degraded accuracy.
c) W be corrected for once the E/W acceerometer has agned to true north.
d) W cause no probems at a.
15. When usng an INS patform coros affects?
a) The N/S acceerometer.
b) The E/W acceerometer.
c) #oth a, and !.
d) Nether a, nor b.

1. Cautonary nformaton on an EHSI s dspayed n?
a) Cyan.
b) Red or Magenta.
c) Bello or Am!er.
d) Whte.
2. The prmary Fght Dspay (PFD) dspays nformaton dedcated to?
a) Weather.
!) Piloting.
c) Engnes and aarms.
d) Systems.
3. Decson heght s?
a) Cacuated by the Fght management Computer.
!) +isplayed on the /A+I, and set !y the pilot using the /9IS control panel.
c) Dspayed on the EADI usng the FMC nputs.
d) Pre-set automatcay by the autopt system.
4. The symbo beow when shown on an EHSI dspay represents?


a) The seected track and track reference.
b) The seected headng and headng reference.
c) The heading orientation, current heading, heading reference and heading
d) The track orentaton, current track, track reference and track ponter.
5. In addton to attude and auto - fght modes, what nformaton s aso typcay
dspayed on an EADI?
a) Engne ndcatons and systems nformaton.
b) Attude, speed and sometmes headng nformaton.
c) Speed, altitude, I-S locali8er and Alide Slope information, and sometimes
heading information.
d) Attude, groundspeed, headng and wnd speed and drecton.
6. Regardng the Eectronc Fght Instruments System (EFIS).
1) The Navgaton Dspay (ND) dspays Fght Drector Bars.
2) The atmeter settng s dspayed on the Prmary Fght Dspay (PFD).
3) The Prmary Fght Dspay (PFD) s the man fyng nstrument.
4) The Fght Mode Annuncator (FMA) s part of the Navgaton Dspay (ND).
The combnaton regroupng a of the correct statements s?
a) 1, 2.
b) 3, 4.
c) 1, 4.
d) 6, 2.
7. Beow whch attude does the rado attude ndcaton on an EADI appear wthn the
crcuar scae as a dgta readout.
a) Above 2500 ft.
!) #elo )333 ft.
c) Beow 2500 ft.
d) Above 1000 ft.
8. Whch of the foowng statements s true?
a) The weather Radar dspay data s avaabe on a modes of the EFSI.
!) In P-A: mode, the ;eather .adar data is inhi!ited on the /4SI.
c) The weather radar data s nhbted on the fu and expanded NAV modes of the EHSI.
d) The Weather Radar data s ony avaabe on the PLAN mode of the EHSI.
9. Rado attude s shown on the EADI and changes from a dgta dspay to a crcuar
a) At 2500 ft.
b) At 1000 ft and beow AGL.
c) #elo )333 ft AA-.
d) At DH.
10. Weather Radar returns show as areas of precptaton n the foowng coours ?
a) Green Magenta, Yeow and Red.
b) Green, Orange, Yeow and Red.
c) Areen, Bello, .ed and "agenta.
d) Green, Yeow, Magenta and Red.
11. The headng reference used on the EHSI s?
a) True.
!) True or "agnetic.
c) Magnetc.
d) Compass.
12. In the dspayed weather modes, the ntenstes of the returns n asendng order of
ntensty are?
a) Yeow, Green, Bue and red.
b) Yeow, Green, Red and Magenta.
c) Areen, Bello, .ed and "agenta.
d) Bue, Green, Yeow and Red.
13. The decson Heght (DH) warnng ght umnates when the arcraft?
a) Passes over the outer marker.
!) +escends !elo a pre D set radio altitude.
c) Descends beow a pre - set barometrc attude.
d) Passes the ILS nner marker.
14. The Head Up Dspay (HUD) s a devce aowng the pot whe st ookng outsde, to
a) A montorng ony CAT II precson approaches.
b) A fyng and fght path contro ad.
c) A synthetic vie of the instrument procedure.
d) A montorng of engne data.
15. Weather radar data can not be dspayed on the EHSI n whch of the foowng
a) VOR.
b) ILS.
c) MAP.
d) P-A:.
1. The purpose of Auto Trm functon n autopot s to?
a) Te the pot when eevator trmmng s requred.
b) Hep Auto Pot to compensate for crosswnd nfuence.
c) Trm throttes to obtan smooth engne power varaton.
d) Control elevator trim ta! in order to relieve elevator load.
2. the purpose of Auto Throtte s?
a) Automatc shut down of one engne at too hgh temperature.
b) To deactvate manua throttes and transfer engne contro to Auto Pot.
c) To synchronze engnes to avod "yawng".
d) To maintain constant engine poer or airplane speed.
3. n order to know n whch mode the auto-throttes areengaged, the crew w check the?
a) ND (Navgaton Dspay).
b) TCC (Thrust Contro Computer).
c) Throttes poston.
d) P9+ %Primary 9light +isplay).
4. Mode "Locazer ARM" actve on Fght Drector means?
a) Locazer ALARM, makng ocazer approach not authorzed.
b) Coupng has occurred and system provdes contro data to capture the centerne.
c) Locazer s armed and coupng w occur when fag warnng dsappears.
d) System is armed for locali8er approach and coupling ill occur upon
capturing centre line.
5. the attude seect system?
a) Dsengages autopot Auto Trm at Seected attude.
!) Is annunciated !y light and1or sound hen airplane is approaching selected
c) Iumnates a ght wth seected attude s attaned.
d) Engages autopot Auto Trm at seected attude.
6. The correcton of the contro surface defecton made by the automatc pot cacuator
n order to stabze the ongtudna atttude w be a the more sgnfcant as the?
5: Dfference between the reference atttude and the nstantaneous atttude s hgh.
2: Rate of change of the dfference between the reference atttude and the nstantaneous
atttude s hgh.
3: Temperature s ow.
4: Pressure attude s hgh.
The combnaton regroupng a the correct statements s?
a) ), 6.
b) 1, 2, 3, 4.
c) 1, 2, 3.
d) 2, 3, 4.
7. the correcton of the contro surface defecton made by the auto-pot cacuator n
order to keep a gven attude w be a the more sgnfcant when the?
5: dfference between the atttude necessary to keep the gven or reference attude and
the nstantaneous atttude s hgh.
2: Varaton speed of the dfference between the atttude necessary to mantan the
attude and the nstantaneous atttude s hgh.
3: Dfference between the attude of reference and the nstantaneous attude s hgh.
4: Varaton speed of the dfference between the reference attude and the nstantaneous
attude s hgh.
The combnaton regroupng the correct statements s?
a) ), 6, 2, and 7.
b) 1 and 2.
c) 3 and 4
d) 1, 2 and 3.
8. An automatc andng s carred out when the automatc pot?
a) And the auto-throttle ensure a correct final approach, at least up to ground
b) Ensures a correct fna approach, at east up to ground ro whe the human pot
contros the power.
c) And the auto-throtte ensure a correct fna approach, at east up to fare-out.
d) And the auto-throtte ensure a correct fna approach, at east up to fare-out whe the
human pot contros the power.
9. A pot has to carry out a snge-pot IFR fght on a ght twn-engned arcraft for cargo
transport. The purpose of the automatc pot s at east to hod the?
a) Headng.
b) Attude.
c) Headng, to hod the attude and to have a rado axs trackng functon.
d) 4eading and to hold the altitude.
10. Among the foowng functons of an autopot, those reated to the arpane gudance
1) Ptch atttude hodng.
2) Horzonta wng hodng.
3) Indcated arspeed or Mach number hodng.
4) Attude hodng.
5) VOR axs hodng.
6) Yaw dampng.
The combnaton regroupng a the correct statement s?
a) 1, 3 , 4 and 5.
!) 2, 7 and *.
c) 1, 2 and 6.
d) 1, 2, 3 and 6.
11. In the automatc trm contro system of an autopot, automatc trmmng s normay
effected about the?
a)Ptch axs ony.
5: Ro and yaw axes ony.
5: Ptch ro and yaw axs.
2: Ptch and ro axs ony.
12. A cosed oop contro system n whch a sma power nput contros a much arger
power output n a strcty proportonate manner s known as?
5: An ampfer.
2: A feedback contro crcut.
3: An autopot.
4: A servomechansm.
13. Mach Trm s a devce to compensate for?
5: Weght reducton resutng from fue consumpton durng the cruse.
2: Backng of the aerodynamc centre at hgh Mach numbers by movng the eevator to
3: The effects of fue transfer between the man tanks and the tank ocated n the
horzonta ta.
4: The effects of temperature varaton durng a cmb or descent at constant Mach.
14. Whch one of the foowng statements s true wth regard to the operaton of a Mach
trm system?
5: t ony operates above a pre-determned Mach number.
2: It operates to counteract the arger than norma forward movements of the wng
centre of pressure at hgh subsonc arspeeds.
3: It ony operates when the autopot s engaged.
4: It operates over the fu arcraft speed range.
15. A andng w be consdered to be performed n the SEMI-AUTOMATIC mode when?
5: The autopot mantans the arpane on the ILS beam unt the decson heght s
reached then s dsengaged automatcay.
2: The auto-throtte mantans a constant speed unt the decson heght s reached then
s dsengaged automatcay.
3: The autopot mantans the arpane on the ILS beam unt the fare.
4: The auto-throtte decreases the thrust when the heght s approxmatey 30 ft.
5: The fare and the ground ro are performed automatcay.
The combnaton regroupng a the correct statements s?
a) 3, 4 and 5.
b) 1 and 4
c) 2, 3 and 5
d) 1 and 2
9-IA4T +I./CTO.
1. On a modern arcraft, the fght drector modes are dspayed on the?
a) Contro pane of the fght drector ony.
!) 5pper strip of the P9+ %Primary 9light +isplay).
c) Upper strp of the ND (Navgaton Dspay).
d) Upper strp of the ECAM (Eectronc Centrazed A/C Management).
2. The essenta components of a fght drector are:
1). A computer.
2). An automatc pot.
3: An autothrotte.
4: Command bars.
The combnaton of correct statements s?
a. 2,4
b. 2,3
c. ),7
d. 1,2
3. The am of the fght drector s to provde nformaton to the pot?
a) Aowng hm to return to a desred path accordng to a 45 ntercept ange.
b) Aowng hm to return to a desred path accordng to a 30 ntercept ange.
c) Alloing him to return to a desired path in an optimal ay.
d) About hs poston wth regard to a rado-eectrc axs.
4. Fght Drector nformaton supped by an FD computer s presented n the form of
command bars on the foowng nstrument?
a) A+I Attitude +isplay Indicator.
b) BDHI Bearng Dstance Headng Indcator.
c) RMI Rado Magnetc Indcator.
d) HIS Horzonta Stuaton Indcator.
5. The "headng hod" mode s seected on the fght drector (FD) wth a course to steer
of 180. Your arcraft hods a headng of 160. The vertca bar of the FD?
a) Cannot be centered.
!) Is centered if the aircraft is on optimum path to Eoin heading )(3C.
c) Is centered f the arcraft has a starboard drft of 20.
d) Is centered f the arcraft has a port drft of 20.
6. The Fght Drector bars are?
a) Aways vsbe n fght.
b) Aways vsbe n automatc fght.
c) Sometimes visi!le in automatic flight.
d) Never vsbe n automatc fght.
7. The command bars of a fght drector are generay represented on an?
a) HIS (Horzonta Stuaton Indcator).
b) RMI (Rado Magnetc Indcator).
c) ILS (Instrument Landng System).
d) A+I %Attitude +irector Indicator).
8) An aeropane s equpped wth a Fght Drector (wth crosshar trend bars), headng
270, n HDG mode (headng hod). A new headng, of 360, s seected the vertca
trend bar?
a) Devates to ts rght stop as ong as the aeropane s more than 10 off the new
seected headng.
!) +eviates to the right and ill !e centered as soon as you roll the aircraft to
the !an$ angle calculated !y the flight director.
c) Devates to the rght and remans n that poston unt the arcraft has reached
headng 360.
d) Dsappears, the new headng seecton has deactvated the HDG mode.
9) The fght drector ndcates the?
a) Optmum path at the moment t s entered to reach a seected rada.
b) Path permttng reachng a seected rada n mnmum tme.
c) Path permttng reachng a seected reda over a mnmum dstance.
d) Optimum instantaneous path to reach selected radial.
10) The poston of a Fght Drector command bars?
a) Indicates the maneuvers to e<ecute, to achieve or maintain a flight situation.
b) Repeats the ADI and HIS nformaton.
c) Enabes the measurement of devaton from a gven poston.
d) Ony dspays nformaton reatng to rado-eectrc devaton.
11) An arcraft s fyng on a headng of 275 and the autopot s n the headng seect
mode. What w the fght drector command bars do f headng s changed to 350?
a) The roll !ar ill move to the right until the A9+S angle of !an$ re,uired to
intercept is achieved. The !ar ill then centrali8e.
b) Ro bar moves hard rght then graduay centrazes as the dfference between actua
headng and seected headng reduces.
c) Ro bar moves eft unt the actua headng matches the seected headng.
d) The ro bar does not move, but the system automatcay regans the seected
12) Fght drector modes are dspayed?
a) On the /9IS primary flight display.
b) On the EFIS nav dspay.
c) On EICAS or ECAM.
d) On the fght drector contro pane.
13) On whch nstrument are the FD bars normay dspayed?
!) /9IS P9+.
d) PPI.
14. Fght w the ADI vertca bar become centrazed wth 180 degrees s seected when
fyng on a headng of 160 degrees?
a) ;hen at the correct attitude to intercept )(3 degrees.
b) When on a headng of 180 degrees.
c) When on a headng of 160 degrees.
d) When wthn 20 degree of 180 degrees.
15. If headng s set to 180 degrees when the arcraft s stabe on 160 degrees, what w
happen to the vertca bar on the fght drector?
a) Move eft.
!) "ove right.
c) Move down.
d) Reman centra.
/ICAS1/CA" )
1. In a basc ECAM system?
a) The left screen sho information in chec$list and memo form, hile the right
screen shos relevant diagrams.
b) The rght screen shows nformaton n checkst or memo form, whst the eft screen
shows the reevant dagrams.
c) The eft screen s normay bank wth the rght showng prmary engne data.
d) The rght screen s normay bank wth the eft showng prmary engne data.
2. The basc ECAM system has?
a) Three automatic modes and one manual mode.
b) Four automatc modes and one manua mode.
c) Three manua modes and one automatc mode.
d) No manua modes.
3. A message encosed wthn a box?
a) Is used n EICAS to show a system whch s unservceabe.
b) Is used n ECAM to show a system whch s unservceabe.
c) Is used n ECAM to show a system whch athough servceabe, s rendered non-
operatona due to the faure of a dfferent system.
d) Is used in /CA" to sho a system hich although servicea!le, is rendered
non-operational due to the failure of a different system.
4. ECAM provdes?
a) Information in chec$list or memo format on the left or upper display and a
synoptic diagram on the right or loer display.
b) Informaton n checkst or memo format on the rght or ower dspay and a synoptc
dagram on the eft or upper dspay.
c) :o information a!out the engines.
d) Informaton about the engnes ony on the rght or ower dspays.
5. If a screen fas n a basc (non-EFIS equpped) ECAM system?
a) The nformaton that woud normay appear on that screen s dspayed n compacted
format on the other screen.
b) The nformaton that woud normay be dspayed on that screen s provded on
conventona anaogue dspays.
c) The information that ould normally !e displayed on that screen is lost.
d) The engne prmary data s dspayed on the emergency engne data LED dspay.
6. If a screen fas n an advanced (EFIS equpped) ECAM system?
a) The nformaton that woud normay appear on that screen s dspayed n compacted
format on the other screen.
!) The information that ould normally !e displayed on that screen is provided
on conventional analogue displays.
c) The nformaton that woud normay be dspayed on that screen s ost.
d) The engne prmary data s dspayed on the emergency engne data LED dspay.
7. If a screen fas n a basc (non EFIS equpped) EICAS system?
a) The information that ould normally appear on that screen is displayed in
compacted format on the other screen
b) The nformaton that woud normay be dspayed on the screen s automatcay
transferred to one of the EFIS screens.
c) The nformaton that woud normay be dspayed on that screen s ost.
d) The engne prmary data s dspayed on the emergency engne data LED dspay.
8. If a screen fas n an advanced (EFIS equpped) EICAS system?
a) The nformaton that woud normay appear on that screen s dspayed n compacted
format on the other screen
!) The information that ould normally !e displayed on the screen is
automatically transferred to one of the /9IS screens.
c) The nformaton that woud normay be dspayed on that screen s ost.
d) The engne prmary data s dspayed on the emergency engne data LED dspay.
9. If an emergency occurs n an arcraft empoyng advanced ECAM?
a) The nature of the pro!lem is indicated in red at the !ottom left of the upper
display, together ith corrective instructions in !lue.
b) The nature of the probem s ndcate n amber at the bottom eft of the upper dspay,
together wth correctve nstructons n whte.
c) The nature of the probem s ndcated n red at the top eft of the upper dspay.
d) The nature of the probem s ndcated n red on the ower dspay.
10. If an emergency occurs n an arcraft empoyng advanced EICAS?
a) The nature of the probem s ndcated n red at the bottom eft of the upper dspay,
together wth correctve nstructons n bue.
b) The nature of the probem s ndcate n amber at the bottom eft of the upper dspay,
together wth correctve nstructons n whte.
c) The nature of the pro!lem is indicated in red at the top left of the upper
d) The nature o the probem s ndcated n red on the ower dspay.
11. In EICAS?
a) Engne prmary data such as N1, EGT and EPR are dspayed constanty on the ower
screen, the upper screen remanng bank n norma fght.
b) Engne prmary and secondary data pus fap, sat and fyng contro postons contro
postons are dspayed constanty on the upper screen, the ower screen remanng
bank throughout norma fght.
c) Engne prmary and secondary data pus fap, sat and fyng contro postons are
dspayed constanty on the ower screen, the upper screen remanng bank
throughout norma fght.
d) /ngine primary data such as :), /AT and /P. are displayed constantly on
the upper screen, the loer screen remaining !lan$ in normal flight.
12. The EICAS dspay modes are?
a) Operational, status and maintenance.
b) Norma, faure, status, manua.
c) Operatona, status, manua, emergency.
d) Norma, manua, status.
13. A red message on an upper EICAS dspay?
a) Is a warnng of a stuaton for whch mmedate correctve acton s requred? It may or
may not be accompaned by an aura warnng, dependng on the serousness of the
!) Is a arning of a situation for hich immediate corrective action is re,uired.
It ill !e accompanied !y an appropriate aural arning.
c) Advses the crew of a stuaton that does not requre mmedate correctve acton, but
mght do so n the near future. It w aways be accompaned. By an aura warnng.
d) Advses the crew of a stuaton that does not requre mmedate correctve acton, but
mght do so n the near future. It may or may not be accompaned by an aura
warnng, dependng upon the serousness of the stuaton.
14. An amber message on an upper EICAS dspay?
a) a) Is a warnng of a stuaton for whch mmedate correctve acton s requred? It may
or may not be accompaned by an aura warnng, dependng on the serousness of the
b) Is a warnng of a stuaton for whch mmedate correctve acton s requred. It w be
accompaned by an approprate aura warnng.
c) Advses the crew of a stuaton that does not requre mmedate correctve acton, but
mght do so n the near future. It w aways be accompaned. By an aura warnng.
d) Advises the cre of a situation that does not re,uire immediate corrective
action, !ut might do so in the near future. It may or may not !e
accompanied !y an aural arning, depending upon the seriousness of the
15. A green bug on an EICAS EPR guage ndcates?
a) The current EPR vaue.
b) The fact that the current EPR vaue s the correct one for that stage of fght.
c) The target /P. value.
d) The maxmum safe EPR vaue.
1) The temperature measured by the CHT (Cynder Head temperature) probe s the?
a) Temperature ithin the hottest cylinder, depending on its position in the
engine !loc$.
b) Average temperature wthn the whoe set of cynders.
c) Temperature of the exhaust gases.
d) Temperature of the carburetor to be montored when the outsde ar temperature s
between -5 C and 10C.
2) The sgna supped by a transmtter ftted wth a 3-phase AC generator, connected to
RPM ndcator, s a DC votage varyng wth the RPM?
a) The ndcator s a pan votmeter wth a rev/mn scae measurng an AC votage, the
frequency of whch vares wth the RPM.
b) The ndcator converts the sgna nto square puses wth s then counted as an AC
votage varyng wth the RPM.
c) The ndcator rectfes the sgna va a dode brdge and s provded wth a votmeter a
three-phase votage, the frequency of whch vares wth the RPM.
d) The indicator is provided ith a motor, hich drives a magnetic tachometer.
3) The engne supped by a transmtter ftted wth a magnetc sensor, connected to an
RPM ndcator s a three-phase votage frequency vares wth the RPM?
a) The ndcator s provded wth a motor whch drves a magnetc tachometer a DC
votage varyng wth the RPM.
b) The ndcator s smpe votmeter wth a rev/mn scae measurng an AC votage varyng
wth the RPM?
c) The ndcator rectfes the sgna va a dode brdge and s provded wth a votmeter
measurng an AC votage, the frequency of whch vares wth the RPM.
d) The indicator converts the signal into s,uare pluses hich are then counted.
4) A vbraton ndcator receves a sgna from dfferent sensors (acceerometers). It
ndcates the?
a) Vbraton perod expressed n seconds.
!) &i!ration amplitude at a given fre,uency.
c) Acceeraton measured by the sensors, expressed n g.
d) Vbraton frequency expressed n Hz.
5) The transmtter of RPM ndcator may consst of:
5: A magnetc sensor suppyng an nduced AC votage.
2: A DC generator suppyng a DC votage.
3: A snge-phase AC generator suppyng an AC votage.
4: A three-phase AC generator suppyng a three-phase votage.
The combnaton of correct statements s?
a) 1, 2, 3.
!) ), 6, 2, 7.
c) 2, 3, 4.
d) 1, 4.
6) The Engne pressure Rato (EPR) s computed by?
a) +ividing tur!ine discharge pressure !y compressor inlet pressure.
b) Dvdng compressor dscharge pressure by turbne dscharge pressure.
c) Mutpyng compressor net pressure by turbne dscharge pressure.
d) Mutpyng compressor dscharge pressure by turbne net pressure.
7) The prncpe of detecton of a vbraton montorng system s based on the use of?
a) 6 accelerometers.
b) 2 hgh and ow frequency ampfers.
c) 2 hgh and ow frequency fters.
d) A frequency converter.
8) The green sector of the arc of a temperature gauge corresponds to?
a) An exceptona operatng range.
b) A forbdden operatng range.
c) A speca operatng range.
d) A normal operating range.
9) A synchroscope s used on arcraft to?
a) Reduce the vbraton of each engne.
b) Reduce the rpm of each engne.
c) Acheve optmum contro of on-board votages.
d) Set several engines to the same speed.
10. A thermocoupe type thermometer conssts of?
a) A snge-wre meta wndng.
!) To metal conductors of different type connected at one point.
c) Two meta conductors of the same type connected at two ponts.
d) A Wheatstone brdge connected to a votage ndcator.
11). The yeow sector of the temperature gauge corresponds to?
a) A frequent operatng range.
b) A forbdden operatng range.
c) An e<ceptional operating range.
d) A norma operatng range.
12). In an engne vbraton montorng system for a turbo|et any vbraton produced by the
engne s?
a) Drecty proportona to engne speed.
b) Fed drecty to the cockpt ndcator wthout ampfcaton or fterng.
c) Amplified and filtered !efore !eing fed to the coc$pit indicator.
d) Inversey proportona to engne speed.
13). Dfferent pressure sensors are used accordng to the ntensty of the pressure
measured (ow, medum or hgh). Cassfy the foowng sensors by order of ncreasng
pressure for whch they are sutabe?
1) Beows type.
2) Bourdon tube type.
3) Anerod capsue type.
a) 2, 1, 3.
!) 2, ), 6.
c) 1, 2, 3.
d) 3, 2, 1.
14). The RPM ndcator (or tachometer) of a pston engne can ncude a sma red arc
wthn the arc normay used (green arc). In the RPM range correspondng t ths sma red
arc the?
a) Ratng s the mnmum usabe n cruse propeer effcency.
b) Is mnmum at ths ratng.
c) Propeller generates vi!ration, continuous rating is for!idden.
d) Ratng s the maxmum possbe n contnuous mode.
15). In order to measure temperature the cynder head temperature (CHT) gauge utze a?
a) Thermocouple consisting of to dissimilar metals.
b) Wheatstone brdge crcut.
c) Ratometer crcut.
d) Bourdon tube.
T/"P/.AT5./ I:+ICATO.
1) Tota Ar Temperature s .. Than ... by an amount whch s proportona to ..?
a) Hgher Statc ar temperature CAS.
!) 4igher Static Air temperature TAS.
c) Lower Dynamc ar temperatureCAS.
d) Hgher Statc ar temperature LSS.
2) Tota ar temperature s ..?
a) SAT plus $inetic heating effect.
b) SAT pus the heatng effect caused by shock waves at hgh mach numbers.
c) SAT pus skn frcton heatng effect.
d) Dynamc heatng effect.
3) What s the ram recovery factor for a Rosemount temperature probe?
a) 0.5.
!) ).3.
c) 1.5.
d) 2.0.
4) The formua for TAT s?
a) TAT F SAT %) 0 %3.6 < > < "G).
b) TAT = SAT/ (1+0.2 x K x M)
c) TAT = SAT/(1-0.2 M).
d) TAT = SAT (1-KM)
5) The ponter that agns wth the red ne n an EGT gauge?
a) Is movabe to ndcate when temperatures have exceeded the red ne mt.
!) Is painted on the glass.
c) Is moved ony pror to fght.
d) Is moved to set ower mts when requred by ambent condtons.
6) What types of thermometer are used n modern arcraft?
5: Resstve.
2: Mercury.
3: Capactve.
4: Inductve.
5: Thermocoupe
a) 1, 2, 4.
b) 1, 3, 4.
c) 2, 4, 5.
d) ), 6, *.
7) TAT s?
a) SAT pus ram rse due to skn frcton.
!) SAT plus ram rise due to adia!atic compression.
c) SAT pus ram rse due to shock wave formaton.
d) SAT pus gauge error.
8) The advantages of a thermocoupe temperature gaugng system are?
5: Sef powered.
2: No movng parts n sensors.
3: Low votages.
4: Not susceptbe to resstance osses.
5: Sutabe for hgh temperatures.
a) 1, 2, 3, 4.
!) ), 6, 2, *.
c) 2, 3, 4, 5.
d) A of the above.
9) A thermocoupe crcut can be graduated to read temperature f?
a) The hot |uncton s kept at a constant temperature.
!) The cold Eunction is $ept at a constant temperature.
c) The cod |uncton s kept at ambent temperature.
d) The cod |uncton s kept at the same temperature as the hot |uncton.
10) What s used to sense temperature n a |et engne turbne and how are they
a) Thermsters n seres.
!) Thermocouples in parallel.
c) Thermocoupes n seres.
d) Rosemount probes n parae.
11) An arcraft s fyng at Mach 1 at 36000 ft n the ISA. What TAT w a Rosemount probe
a) -)2& C.
b) 53; ).
c) <56; ).
d) 56; ).
12) The formua for tota at temperature s?
a) TAT = SAT + 0.2 M
!) TAT F SAT1%)03.6 "G)
c) TAT = SAT (1-0.2KrM).
d) TAT = SAT/(1-KrM)
13) A TAT probe measures usng the reatonshp?
a) TAT F SAT 0 heating to compressi!ility.
b) TAT = SAT + knetc heatng.
c) TAT = SAT + frcton heatng.
d) TAT = SAT + convecton heatng.
14) a thermocoupe system empoys?
a) Two dssmar metas |oned at one end and a wheatstone brdge at the other.
b) Two dssmar meta |oned at one end and a rato meter at the other.
c) To dissimilar metals Eoined at !oth ends and a moving coil instrument.
d) Two dssmar metas separated by a deectrc substance at one end and a capactve
gauge at the other.
15) The resstve temperature sensng system s based on the fact that?
a) Eectrca resstance of metas s constant.
!) /lectrical resistance of metals increases ith increasing temperature.
c) Eectrca resstance of metas decreases wth ncreasng temperature.
d) Eectrca resstance causes temperature to change.
1. The dsadvantages of a foat type fue gaugng system ncude naccuraces due to?
1) Changes n arcraft atttude.
2) Acceeraton.
3) Ambent pressure changes.
4) Ambent temperature changes.
a) 1, 2, 3.
!) ), 6, 7.
c) 2, 3, 4.
d) 1, 3, 4.
2) A capactve fue gaugng system measures?
a) Changes n capactance of the fue
!) Changes in capacitance due to variations in the proportion of sensors
immersed in fuel.
c) Changes n capactance of fue due to densty changes.
d) Changes n deectrc constant of fue.
3) What type of sensor If used to measure pressure output of a fue booster pump?
a) Bourden tube.
b) Capactor.
c) Aneroid capsule.
d) #ellos.
4) A capactve fue gaugng system can cacuate the mass of fue by sung the fact that?
a) 9uel dielectric constant is proportional to H and tice that of air.
b) Fue deectrc constant s equa to 1/p and proportona to that of ar.
c) Fue deectrc constant s equa to p and proportona to that of ar.
d) Fue deectrc constant s proportona to 1/p and equa to that of ar.
5) The fundamenta prncpe of a capactve fue gaugng system s?
a) Changes in capacitive reactance.
b) Changes n reactve capactance.
c) Constant reactve capactance.
d) Varatons n deectrc constant of fue.
6) A voumetrc fue fow meter dffers from mass fow meter nwhat ony the atter
compensates for?
a) Changes in density.
b) Changes n fue deectrc constant.
c) Changes n mass of fue.
d) Changes n fue pressure.
7) An arcraft wth a compensated capactve fue gaugng system s refueed to a fue
oad of 45000 kg. If the temperature of the fue then fas from 15 C to -40C n fght,
how w the ndcatons vary? (gnore fue usage n fght)
a) :o change.
b) Increase.
c) Decrease.
d) Depends upon densty and type of fue.
8) A fue fow meter measures?
a) The mass fow of fue.
b) The voumetrc fow of fue.
c) The densty of fue.
d) The mass flo or volumetric flo of fuel depending on type of system.
9) The dsadvantages of foat type fue gaugng system ncude?
1) Errors due to acceeraton.
2) Errors due to changes n arcraft atttude.
3) It requres an AC power suppy.
4) It requres a DC power suppy.
5) Errors due to therma expanson and contracton of fue.
6) Errors due to refueng wth dfferent fue grades.
a) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.
!) ), 6, *, @.
c) 1, 2, 3, 4.
d) 1, 2, 4, 5.
10) A mass fow meter s better than a voumetrc fow meter because t s abe to?
a) Compensate for density changes.
b) Compensate for pressure changes.
c) Compensate for changes n fue caorfc vaue.
d) Compensate for changes n fue vscosty.
11) Fue mass fow rate s more mportant then voumetrc fow rate because?
a) Fue costs are cacuated by mass.
!) Calorific value is proportional to mass.
c) Caorfc vaue s proportona to voume.
d) Fue ar rato s based on mass.
12) Modern turbo|et or turboprop arcraft are key to empoy?
a) Voumetrc fue fow gauges.
!) "ass fuel flo meters.
c) Spectrometrc fue fow meters.
d) Capactve fue fow meters.
13) Modern turbo|et and turboprop arcraft are key to empoy?
a) Capactve mass fue fow meters.
b) Ventur type fue fow meters.
c) Varabe orfce fue fow meters.
d) Tur!ine impeller type fuel flo meters.
14) If the tanks of an arcraft empoyng a capactve fue gaugng system contan ony
water, the gauge w?
a) A mass equa to the same mass of water.
b) Read the exact mass of water contaned n the tank.
c) A mass equa to zero.
d) A mass of ater different from 8ero !ut inaccurate.
15) The advantages of a foat type fue gaugng system ncude?
5: Automatcay compensates for densty changes.
2: It s smpe and cheap.
3: Compensates for therma expanson and contracton.
4: Compensates for atttude changes.
a) 1, 2, 3, 4.
!) 6.
c) 2, 3, 4.
d) 2, 4.
16) A foat type fue gaugng system?
a) Is sensitive to variations in system voltage if it employs galvanometer.
b) Is senstve to varatons n system votage f t empoys a ratometer.
c) Depends upon changes n system votage.
d) Is ndependent of varatons n system votage.
17) A padde-whee paced n the fue crcut of a gas turbne engne ntay measures?
a) Mass fow by tay of the mpuses.
!) &olumetric flo !y tally of the impulses.
c) Voumetrc fow by measure of a votage proportona to the rotatona speed.
d) Mass fow by measure of a votage proportona to the rotatona speed.
1) A Drect readng magnetc compass w be affected by?
a) Soft ron.
b) Hard ron.
c) Aumnum.
d) Soft iron effect hard iron, and hard iron.
2) The purpose of the torque motor n a gyro stabsed magnetc compass s to?
a) Precess the directional gyro.
b) Ad|ust the sesyn stator.
c) Cabrate the ponter.
d) Convert fux vave eectrca output nto ponter movement.
3) When andng on a northery headng a drect readng magnetc compass w ndcate?
a) A westery turn.
b) An eastery turn.
c) :o turn.
d) Rapdy ncreasng oscatons.
4) Magnetc headng can be cacuated from true headng usng?
a) A compass and a map indicating isogonal lines.
b) A compass and cabraton card.
c) A cacuator and a devaton card
d) A compass and a devaton card.
5) A drect readng compass w not be affected by?
a) Ferrous metas.
b) Transformers.
c) Magnetc feds.
d) :on-ferrous metals.
6) The purpose of a compass swng s to?
a) Agn the ubber nes wth true north.
b) Confrm the accuracy of the schuer tunng.
c) Align compass north ith magnetic north.
d) Agn compass north wth true north.
7) When andng n a southery drecton a drect readng magnetc compass w ndcate?
a) Eastery turn.
b) Westery turn.
c) :o turn.
d) Rapdy ncreasng oscatons.
8) permanent magnetsm n arcraft s caused by?
a) The hammering of rivets during construction.
b) Large changes n attude.
c) Large changes n ongtude.
d) Strong electrical fields and lightening stri$es.
9) A magnetc compass must be swung?
a) After long term changes in latitude.
b) After ong term changes n ongtude.
c) Short term changes n ongtude.
d) Change of base arfed.
10) The greatest cause of errors n a drect readng magnetc compass s?
a) Turning.
b) Lattude changes.
c) Paraax.
d) Change n magnetc devaton.
11) The senstvty of a magnetc compass can be affected by?
a) The H component of the earth magnetc fed.
b) The Z component of the Earths magnetc fed.
c) #oth of the a!ove.
d) None of the above.
12) When crusng on a westery headng a drect readng magnetc compass w ndcate?
a) Northery turn.
b) Southery turn.
c) :o turn.
d) Rapdy ncreasng oscatons.
13) When takng-off on cam day on headng of 45 n the northern hemsphere, the
compass w ndcate... If the fed s on an agonc ne?
a) 45.
b) More than 45.
c) -ess than 7*C.
d) 45 ony f the wngs are eve.
14) The fux gate of a gyro magnetc compass transmts data to?
a) The error detector.
b) The ampfer.
c) The erectng system.,
d) The annuncator.
15) Magnetc headng can be found from true headng usng?
a) A compass and a map showng socna nes.
!) A compass and a map shoing isogonal lines.
c) A compass and compass cabraton chart.
d) A compass and devaton card.
;A.:I:A A:+ ./CO.+I:A SBST/"
1) The FDR n a |AR certfcated arcraft must be ocated n?
a) The front.
!) The !ac$
c) The undercarrage bay.
d) The outer wngs.
2) In an arcraft certfcated under |AR snce 1 Apr 1998 the CVR must record for?
a) 23 minutes
b) 2 hours.
c) 8 hours.
d) 72 hours.
3) A basc sta warnng system montors?
a) A of A.
b) CAS.
c) Mach number.
d) Sat and fap Poston.
4) In an arcraft of more then 5700 Kg mass certfcated under |AR after Apr 1998, the
FDR must record for?
a) 30 mnutes.
b) 60 mnutes.
c) 10 hours.
d) 6* hours.
5) Between what heghts n GPWS actve?
a) Zero and 500 ft.
b) Zero and 2500 ft.
c) 50 ft and 500 ft.
d) *3 ft and 67*3 ft.
6) A CVR records?
a) .adio conversations.
b) Cabn crew conversatons.
c) Crew conversatons on ntercom.
d) Pubc address announcements and cockpt dscussons.
7) GPWS must provde?
a) Vsua warnngs.
b) Aura and vsua warnngs.
c) Aural arnings hich may !e supplemented !y visual arnings.
d) Vsua and aura warnngs, whch may be suppemented by tacte warnngs.
8) A sta warnng system n a arge |AR certfcated arcraft must ncude?
a) Stck shaker and stck pusher.
b) Montorng of speed brake poston and ange of attack, a warnng modue, and vsua
or aura warnng system.
c) "onitoring of landing gear s,uat sitch and A of A, a arning module and an
aural arning.
d) Montorng of A of A and TAS, pus aura and vsua warnngs.
9) An attude warnng system?
a) Automatcay dsengages autotrm at 500 ft.
b) Automatcay engages autotrm at 500 ft.
c) Provdes vsua aerts when approachng a seected attude.
d) Activates a arning light and !ell hen approaching a selected altitude.
10) A combned FDR and CVR recoreds?
5: Cockpt voce dscussons.
2: Cabn voce dscussons.
3: Rado dscussons.
4: A pubc address messages from the cockpt.
a) 1, 2, 3.
b) 1, 2, 4.
c) 2, 3, 4.
d) ), 2, 7.
11) An attude aert system?
a) Alerts the pilot if the aircraft deviates from selected altitude.
b) Aerts the pot when decson heght s reached.
c) Aerts the pot when the seected heght s reached.
d) Aerts the pot when the actua attude s equa to the reference attude.
12) The FDR starts recordng when?
a) #efore the aircraft starts to move under its on poer.
b) When the brakes are reeased.
c) When the andng gear squat swtch detects ft-off.
d) When the undercarrage retract button s pressed.
13) For certfcaton of heavy arcraft after 1 Apr 1998 the FDR and CVR must record for
..and ...respectvey.
a) 10 hours 1 hours.
b) 10 hours 2 hours.
c) 25 hours 1 hour.
d) 6* hours 6 hours.
14) GPWS modes ncude?
5: Sta.
2: Incorrect fap poston.
3: Hgh attude descents.
4: Hgh ROC.
5: Excessve gdesope devatons.
6: Loss of attude after take-off and go-around.
7: Excessve snk rate.
a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
b) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
c) 6, *, @, '.
d) 4, 5, 6, 7.
15) GPWS can ndcate?
5: Excessve bank ange.
2: Excessve terran cosure rate.
3: Excessve snk rate after ft-off
4: Excessve gde sope devatons.
5: Too cose to ground when not n andng confguraton.
6: Excessve rate of descent.
7: Attude ca-outs.
a) A of the above.
b) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.
c) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
d) 1, 4, 5, 6, 7.
1) The TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System) s a proxmty aarm system whch
detects a "traffc" when the confctng traffc s equpped wth a?
a) Servicea!le SS. transponder.
b) Servceabe weather radar.
c) SELCAL system.
d) DNE system.
2) Concernng the TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System).
a) Resouton Advsory (RA) must not be foowed wthout obtanng cearance from ATC.
!) :o protection is availa!le against aircraft not e,uipped ith a servicea!le
SS. transponder.
c) In one of the system modes, the warnng, "TOO LOW TERRAIN" s generated.
d) In one of the system modes, the warnng, "PULL UP" s generated.
3) The TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System) gves avodance resoutons?
a) In horzonta and vertca panes.
b) Based on speed contro ony.
c) In the vertical plane only.
d) In the horzonta pane.
4) In the event of a confct, the TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System) w gve
nformaton such as?
a) Turn eft/turn rght.
b) Too ow terran.
c) Gde sope,
d) Clim!1descent.
5) The prncpe of the TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System) s based on the use of?
a) F.M.S. (Fght Management System).
b) Ar traffc contro radar systems.
c) Transponders fitted in the aircraft.
d) Arborne weather radar system.
6) The use of the TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System) for avodng an arcraft n
fght s now genera. TCAS uses for ts operaton?
a) Both the repes form the transponders of other arcraft and the ground-based radar
!) The replies from the transponders of other aircraft.
c) The echoes from the ground ar traffc contro radar system.
d) Echoes of coson avodance radar system especay nstaed on board.
7) A "TCAS II" (Traffc Coson Avodance System) provdes?
a) The ntruder reatve poston and possby an ndcaton of a coson avodance
manoeuvre wthn both the vertca and horzonta panes.
b) The ntruder reatve poston and possby an ndcaton of a coson avodance
manoeuvre wthn the horzonta pane ony.
c) The intruder relative position and possi!ly an indication of a collision
avoidance manoeuvre ithin the vertical plane only.
d) A smpe ntrudng arpane proxmty warnng.
8) The TCAS II data dspay devces can be n the form of:
5: A specfc dedcated screen.
2: A screen combned wth the weather radar.
3: A varometer represented on a qud crysta screen whch aows the dspay of Traffc
Advsory (TA) and Resouton Advsory (TA).
4: An EFIS (Eectronc Fght Instrument System) screen.
The combnaton regroupng a the correct statements s?
a) 1, 2 and 3.
b) 3 and 4.
c) 1 and 3
d) ), 6, 2 and 7.
9) A "Cose traffc advsory" s dspayed on the dspay devce of the TCAS 2 (Traffc
Coson Avodance System) by?
a) A bue or whte fu ozenge.
b) A red fu square.
c) A !lue or hite empty lo8enge.
d) An orange fu crce.
10) A "resouton advsory" (RA) s represented on the dspay system of the TCAS 2 (Traffc
Coson Avodance System) by a?
a) Bue or whte empty ozenge.
b) Red fu crce.
c) .ed full s,uare.
d) Bue or whte fu ozenge.
11) an "ntrudng traffc advsory" s represented on the dspay system of the TCAS 2
(Traffc Coson Avodance System) by dspayng?
a) A red fu square.
b) A yello full circle.
c) A bue or whte empty ozenge.
d) A bue or whte fu ozenge.
12) On a TCAS2 (Traffc Coson Avodance System), a correctve "resouton advsory"
(RA) s a "resouton advsory"?
a) As$ing the pilot to modify effectively the vertical speed of his aircraft.
b) Whch does not requre any acton from the pot but on the contrary asks hm no to
modfy hs current vertca speed rate.
c) Askng the pot to modfy the headng of hs arcraft.
d) Askng the pot to modfy the speed of hs arcraft.
13) When the ntrudng arcraft s equpped wth a servceabe mode C transponder, the
TCAS II (Traffc Coson Avodance System) generates a?
a) "Traffc advsory", vertca and horzonta "resouton advsory".
!) ITraffic advisoryJ, and vertical Iresolution advisoryJ.
c) "Traffc advsory", and horzonta "resouton advsory".
d) "Traffc advsory", ony.
14) When the ntrudng arcraft s equpped wth transponder wthout attude reportng
capabty, the TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System) ssues a?
a) "Traffc advsory", and horzonta "resouton advsory".
b) "Traffc advsory", vertca and horzonta "resouton advsory"?
c) ITraffic advisoryJ, only.
d) "Traffc advsory" and vertca" "resouton advsory".

15). The TCAS (Traffc Coson Avodance System) Computer receves nformaton:
1. About the pressure attude through the mode S transponder.
2. From the rado atmeter.
3. Specfc to the arpane confguraton.
4. From the nerta unts.
The combnaton regroupng a the correct statements s?
a. 1,2,4.
b. 1,2.
c. ),6,2.
d. 1,2,3,4.


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