Lesson 4

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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Anna Achterhoff Lesson # ___4___ Subject/Grade: Math /Second Date and Time of Lesson: Tuesday November 12th 2013 Learning Objective: Students will be able to correctly estimate the length of an object using units of either inches or

Alignment with Standards:

CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.A.3- Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel information in TWS Section 3) Discuss why your learning objectives are appropriate in terms of development; prerequisite knowledge, skills, or cross curricular integration, and/or other student needs. Refer back to TWS 1. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each objective should be aligned with an assessment. Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Assessment for Objective 1 Assessment for Objective 2 Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7) How will you use the assessment data to inform future instruction?

Objective 1 Objective 2 (if applicable)

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
How will you adapt for varying rates of learning (early finishers/slower paced learners), learning styles, and any relevant diversity issues? What accommodations will be made for students with special needs? Accommodations are based on data in TWS 1.

Materials: List all materials needed to implement your lesson; e.g., selected reading(s), video, PowerPoint, etc. Procedures: Include motivation techniques, grouping, instructional strategies (steps in the lesson), probing questions*,
and lesson closure. Refer to rubrics for specific items that should be included in every lesson plan. *Procedures must include probing questions that will be asked during the lesson. Probing questions focus student attention on important elements of the lesson and help them think more deeply about the concepts.

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning these specific activities. In your explanation include the following prompts: How each activity (instructional strategy) supports the lesson objective(s). How the activities stem from student characteristics, needs, and/or contextual factors identified in TWS 1. What technology you will use to implement the activities, how the technology will be used, and who will use the technology. If you do not plan to use any form of technology, provide a clear rationale for its omission.

Cite all references for materials/resources used in preparing the lesson. Citations should be in APA, 6th edition format.

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