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Data Structures 11ES202 Home Assignment 2

Submission date: 26 October 2013 Mode of submission: Programs written in Lab Observation book Format: Source code with line numbers, Comments, Indentation Evaluation: viva voce + Program Execution (which should be shown in the laptop)


Create AVL Tree with the following set of identifiers .apply and explain required rotations. 3,2,1,4,5,6,7,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,34,27,18.

2. Implement and test all AVL Tree operations 3. A) What is Hashing .Explain different hashing method with examples? b) Implement a program to resolve collisions in hash table with separate chaining and open addressing techniques 4. What are the properties of Binary Search trees (BST)? Implement and test all BST functions(Create, Insertion ,deletion, MakeEmpty, FindMin, FindMax) 5. A) Create B-Tree of order5 with the following numbers. 3,2,1,4,5,6,7,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,34,27,18. b) Write and implement algorithms to add and multiply polynomials using arrays and linked list 6. A)Explain Zig-Zig ,Zig Zag rotation of Splay tree with neat diagrams b)Construct Expression Tree with your own expression 7. Differentiate external Sorting and Internal Sorting. Explain Different External sorting method. 8. Develop a program to implement and test heap sort technique

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