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Adam Culp
205 - 150 Bay Street South Hamilton, ON L8P 3H6 Home - 905-524-5540 ell - 289-260-3329 !mail " a#am$%ul&1'elearn$moha()%olle*e$%a Profile +y name i, -#am ul&, an# ./m a ,e%on# year 0ele1i,ion Broa#%a,tin* ,tu#ent at +oha() olle*e$ . e2&e%t to *ra#uate in -&ril 2015 an# am learnin* mu%h in my &ro*ram a3out (or)in* (ith 1i#eo %amera, an# ne(, &ro#u%tion, a, (ell a, 1i#eo e#itin* an# #e1elo&in* ,)ill, a, a ,toryteller to e44e%ti1ely #eli1er ne(, ,torie,$ ./m %urrently ,ee)in* (inter em&loyment that (ill allo( me to a&&ly ,ome o4 my ,)ill, in 4iel# ,ituation,$ Qualifications 5amiliar (ith 1ariety o4 e6ui&ment an# ,o4t(are u,e# in ne(, &ro#u%tion, -3le an# (illin* to a#a&t to any (or) ,%he#ule nee#e# Loo)in* 4or(ar# to learnin* ne( ,)ill, an# a&&ly them in un4amiliar ,ituation,

Technical Skills Education Mohawk College Hamilton, 0ele1i,ion Broa#%a,tin*, 1,t year *ra#uate$ 0o *ra#uate 2015$ - -%hie1e# 8ean/, Honour, in 5all Seme,ter 2012, a1era*e 9P- 85$80$ - 7inter Seme,ter 2013 a1era*e 9P-, 81$:0$ our,e (or) in%lu#e# (or)in* in *rou&, to &ro#u%e an# 4ilm ne(,%a,t, on (ee)ly 3a,i,, 4ilmin* an# e#itin* ,hort 4ilm,, 4ilmin* tal) ,ho(-,tyle &ro#u%tion, in ,tu#io, learnin* narrati1e an# te%hni%al %on%e&t, to 4ilm an# e#it e44e%ti1e ne(, ,torie,$ Mohawk College Hamilton, Pre-+e#ia, *ra#uate ;%erti4i%ate<$ 9ra#uate# 2011$ - 9P-,, :6$81 an# 80$88$ - +inor e2&erien%e in many a,&e%t, o4 me#ia, (or)e# (ith #i*ital %amera,, 3oth ,till an# 4ilm, ,tu#ie# 3a,i% au#io an# %inemato*ra&hy theory, e1olution o4 me#ia throu*h hi,tory, role o4 =ournali,m in ,o%iety$ !2&erien%e# (ith 3oth 7in#o(, an# +a% o&eratin* ,y,tem, an# ,e1eral internet 3ro(,er ty&e,$ Hi*hly e2&erien%e# (ith +i%ro,o4t 7or# an# +i%ro,o4t Po(er&oint +il#ly e2&erien%e# (ith e#itin* &ro*ram, 5inal ut 10 an# -1i#$ +il#ly e2&erien%e# (ith #i44erent %a3le, u,e# in ne(,room en1ironment an# their u,e,$ +il#ly e2&erien%e# (ith #i*ital %amera,, tele1i,ion,, an# a,,o%iate# te%hni%al ,&e%i4i%ation,$ !2&erien%e# (ith P2 #i*ital %amera, an# in-,tu#io %amera,$ Stron* mathemati% ,)ill,, a3le to 6ui%)ly &er4orm 3a,i% %al%ulation, mentally$

Adam Culp Work Experience Cad ur! through "ell! Ser#ices, Hamilton, ON - 0em& (or)er, rotatin* #utie, - 7or)e# No1em3er 2011 to >uly 2012, ,u&er1i,e# 3y ,hi4t mana*er, ?u#y an# ?o3erto, re&orte# to ?e3e%%a @e##y - S)ill, a&&lie#A o&eratin* han#-tru%),, mo1in* tray, o4 &ro#u%t, (a,hin* #irty e6ui&ment, o&eratin* an# maintainin* &a%)a*in* ma%hine,, 3o2in* an# &a%)a*in* &ro#u%t $entel %M, Hamilton, ON ;%om&any no lon*er in o&eration< - O44i%e a,,i,tant - !arly-mi# 2008, re&orte# to Lin#a, 1olunteer throu*h hi*h ,%hool - Po,itionA o44i%e a,,i,tant - S)ill, a&&lie#A 5illin* out an# mailin* &a&er(or), 4a2in* &a&er(or), u&#atin* %om&uter #ata3a,e aller >uly 2008 to 5e3ruary 2009, ,u&er1i,e# 3y -#am Be,t an# >ohn 8o%herty S)ill, a&&lie#A u,tomer ,er1i%e, ,u&&lyin* in4ormation, tele&hone manner, u&#atin* %om&uter #ata

&ortinos %undurn, Hamilton, ON - No1em3er 200: to >anuary 2008, throu*h hi*h ,%hool %o-o& &ro*ram - Po,itionA ,to%) %ler) - S)ill, a&&lie#A 4a%in* an# ,hel1in* &ro#u%t throu*hout ,tore, a,,i,tin* %u,tomer,, (or)in* in re4ri*erate# en1ironment 'a!shore Ho ies, Hamilton, ON ;,tore no lon*er in o&eration< - O%to3er 200: to No1em3er 200: un#er ?o,e throu*h hi*h ,%hool %o-o& &ro*ram - Po,itionA ,to%) %ler) - S)ill, a&&lie#A 4a%in* an# ,hel1in* &ro#u%t, %leanin* ,tore an# mer%han#i,e, mailin* &a%)a*e,, (e3,ite maintenan%e$ - S)ill, a&&lie#A O&eratin* %om&uter ,o4t(are, tele&hone manner, han#lin* &er,onal in4ormation o4 %lient, Extra(curricular Experience 7or)e# on +oha() olle*e o&en hou,e,, ,ho(in* ,tu#ent, ,tu#io e6ui&ment an# tellin* them (hat the %our,e entail,$ 7or)e# a, te%hni%al %re( on a3le 14 %o1era*e o4 2013 Santa lau, &ara#e$

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