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Enlightened Seduction

by Zan

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Lets have a drink tonight I will pick you up at seven... I can't. My boyfriend wouldn't like it.

Of course! I understand... Lets make it eight then

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
(pointing) Is that your girlfriend over there? That is my favorite girlfriend

Uh how many girlfriends do you have?

Including you?

Im not your girlfriend.

No but you could be my favorite

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
So, um what do you do?
I give women pleasure

if they desire it

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Can you feel that in the air? You and I are going to get together
You know I cant

I know maybe not now, but soon...

it is absolutely pure... and absolutely going to happen...

I can see it in your eyes

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Dont worry, Ill give you a ride home That guy over there is a friend of mine. He said hell give me a ride home

Are you sure hes safe? Is he a nice guy like me?

Oh yeah. He's good friends with my boyfriend

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Are you in love with your boyfriend? Of course. He is very special.

Well, you look like the kind of girl who could use two boyfriends

Two boyfriends? I don't think so...

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Sure. One boyfriend for movies and popcorn and cuddling and stuff...

And the other one to drink champagne from your belly button

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
So you coming to my party tonight at my house?

I don't think so... Well, maybe. Who's all going to be there?

Well, so far its just you and me

(laughing) I have a boyfriend.

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Great! I have a girlfriend. So your boyfriend won't mind. Just two friends getting together...

You have a girlfriend? So, what's your girlfriend's name?

What day is it today? Friday

Well, then my girlfriends name is Maria

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Why did you sleep with me the very first night you met me? I don't know why. I would never do that with any other guy.

What made you want to? What made you throw away your natural resistance?

I dunno... You were just different...

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
I need to get to know someone first... to feel comfortable... You know - and I know - that we have been connected forever... I am different from other guys and you know it... Lovers? We are not lovers. We haven't even made love to each other yet...

We are lovers

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Ah, that is where you are wrong... We are lovers... in the truest sense of the word

We haven't made love to each other yet?

What do you think weve been doing this whole time?

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
You know what I am all about. Im probably the most honest guy you have ever met. Most guys will hide their natural impulses because they really like you and want to give you a good impression.

The difference between me and them is that I don't hide my desires.

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
I never play with emotions I desire you, it's true. I very much want you to stay. So youre a player

But if you go, I understand. Either way, you have my highest respect.
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
I don't want to be just another one of your girls

I understand Listen, I like you a lot. Youre my type of girl

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
I want to see you now and in the future. I can only promise you two things One, I will never lie to you or play with your emotions And two, I will take you higher than you have ever been...
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
You know what? You're kind of cute. I'm think Im going to call you.
You dont have my number.

Hmm, thats going to make it very difficult, now isnt it?

Ok, its 555-5555

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Uh-oh, what the heck is her name again?

Great! Now, uh, how do you, uh, spell your name?

My name? Uh, M-A-R-Y

Right, of course. Just wanted to make sure!

Im going to phone you tomorrow night. Wait by the phone, Mary!

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Hello, sweetie. Did you miss me? Hardly.

You know, Im starting to like you I think I want to see you. Tell me your number and I'll remember it.

No! I told you last time I have a boyfriend.

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
(smile, wink) Really? That's very interesting

You knowI have two bottles of champagne at home one to drink and one to pour all over your body...

(laughing) Omigod! No thanks!

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
You never give up, do you? Of course not! Wouldn't be the same if I did, would it?

(laughing) No, I suppose not...

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
You have the second nicest eyes Ive ever seen What the hell kind of an opening line is that?

That wasnt a line Its simply true a statement of fact

Take it as a compliment, if you wish

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction

Every true lover knows that the secret to his power over women lies in the power they have over him

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
He is a friend to women. He is delighted by the way they flow through life and the way they occupy the world. Their essence enamors and enchants him, and in return he can't help but celebrate them
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
He is a romantic; he believes in love, and his love is complete, absolute. He is a slave to his love of women. There is no room for misogyny, no hint of presumption, no toxicity of manipulation
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
He knows that women can sense immediately when they are in the presence of a man who likes women, who thinks they are beautiful, who makes them feel lovely, who delights in them. He genuinely likes women, and men that like women, are liked by women
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
He feels no need to validate himself to other men by bragging about his exploits. He never kisses and tells. Ever. His encounters with women are never about bolstering his own self-esteem or adding another notch to his bedpost. It is all about respect
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
It is never about taking something for himself, but always about sharing something with her. For he knows that all experiences in life are amplified once they are shared

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
His biggest fear is to be perceived as just another man; he is not like other men, nor does he aspire to be.

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
If he thought for a moment that she regretted her encounter with him in any way, or somehow felt sad or hurt because of him, it would break his heart. He can't bear the thought that a woman would ever feel she was manipulated by him.
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
And yet he doesn't mask his desires as a man. He never portrays indifference or apathy in an attempt to sneak under the radar. Instead he embraces his sexuality, presents it to her without presumption, is delighted if she responds favorably but deeply respectful if she does not.
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
He enters every one of his romantic adventures with newness and excitement, like his first love all over again. He knows that the impact he makes on her, and that she makes on him, will resonate with both of them for years.
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
And will he be hurt? Will he feel the pangs of loss when it ends? Of course. But he loves it all just the same.

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
He lives his life believing that every interaction in life is, in essence, a seduction. And so he assumes a woman is always interested. It might be a false assumption, of course, but it is a pleasant assumption, and so it is the way he has chosen to live his life.
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
He never defends himself when accused of being a player. He knows the truth: that he never plays with a woman's emotions. He is at peace with himself.

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
And so he makes no attempt at apology or justification for the way he is; he desires neither empathy nor absolution, nor even, for that matter, understanding. He has no need to defend himself because women are his biggest defenders.
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction
Instead he believes his intentions are pure and mutually desired. He is genuine and honest, maybe the most honest man she has ever met. And women have demonstrated over and over to him that honesty is the best aphrodisiac.
2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction

Yes, he has been created by women, formed by them, and inspired by them.

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

Enlightened Seduction

He shares in their secrets...

2006 Alabaster Communications Inc

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